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Reviews for Visions of an Empath

By : fazed
  • From Snakelette on October 04, 2008
    I love threesome stories :3 Harry is such a lucky guy to have those two Slytherins as his mates *is jealous* Though I do hope that in the end those two will not just share Harry, but be with each other too; be a "real" threesome. And Draco would be great with Hermione and Ron; he needs to be happy :)

    More please?
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  • From wynja on September 09, 2008
    Hi! AAARRRGH! Loved the chap, but I'm SO gonna miss updates 'cause you moved the fic... do you have an alert-list? If you do, please add me?
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  • From Sagenwarrior on September 09, 2008
    i really love this fic and can't wait to see more!
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  • From sanda on September 08, 2008
    good chapter
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  • From Jan on September 08, 2008
    Oh! How many mates are you going to give Draco? I hope it's at least two!

    Please update chapter 14 soon ^_^


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  • From alma on September 07, 2008
    good chapter.
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  • From Astranith on September 07, 2008
    Awsome ^.^ See I reviewed ....write more ..Mwhahahahahaaaaaaa.
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  • From Ladyroo88 on August 30, 2008
    HEHE! oh thats great!!! lucius and severus need some lessons in getting someone to marry them! i can't wait for more!!
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  • From BLACKRAINE on August 25, 2008
    Though I usually enjoy a good threesome Harry/Lucius/Severus pairing. I was truly looking forward to reading this Harry/Lucius pairing. I must admit that I'm disappointed in the way this story is progressing. It would be better to move this to the threesome category because its no longer a Harry/Lucius pairing. It is a very good story though I won't continue to read it because of the category change. I had my heart set on reading this pairing as its one of my favorites. But I digress you are the author and you will do what you want within your plot.
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  • From UnseeliePhairie on August 25, 2008
    Love this story. LOVE it -nods- yep yep. I'm gonna have to keep an eye out for new chapters.
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  • From LydiasTravel on August 24, 2008
    Excellent update! Please continue! I'm all a-twitter wondering just what Severus and Lucius will decide to do with our sweet Harry!
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  • From Selera on August 24, 2008
    YAY!!! *Glomps* Love it keep it up!
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  • From wynja on August 24, 2008
    YAAAY! So happy about the update... and I love this pairing.. ehhhh... trio? Whatever... love them. Completely hot! More soon please?
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  • From Astranith on August 24, 2008
    YaY more Woohoo ^.^ good story
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  • From alma on August 23, 2008
    good chapter!!!! Go Harry!!!!!
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