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Reviews for Visions of an Empath

By : fazed
  • From Astranith on August 22, 2008
    Please write more I really love the story don't leave me hanging three somes are HOT!
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  • From disgruntledfairy on July 22, 2008
    I love this story! I'm going to to see if you've updated more chapters on there. Hope you can update again soon! :)
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  • From alma on July 06, 2008
    Yay! a threesome!
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  • From alma on July 06, 2008
    Good chapter.
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  • From Ladyroo88 on July 06, 2008
    I love bringing hermonie and ron back!! Lucius/sev/harry is always hot!!! Can't wait for more!!
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  • From voldemortsgrl on July 06, 2008
    More please. It this going to turn into a Lucius/Harry/Severus story? I think that would be kind of cool. Or, will it be a Harry/Lucius or a Harry/Severus. Why did Sev had to choose Harry to be his mate? What the hell is wrong with him. That ass hole is ruining everthing for Harry and Lucius. Um...can drakes even share their mate? And what about the fact the everytime Harry touches Severus, he gets a vision? I don't think that is exactly helpful if he is to be Sev's mate. Oh well, this is your story and I cannot wait for hte next chapter to be updated. Please, I beg you. Update soon. I love this story and I want to read more!!!!!
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  • From Selera on July 06, 2008
    Yay! *Hugs the trio then looks at the love trio* Yes yes.. such a beautiful group!
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  • From h2elena on July 06, 2008
    thanks for nothing this was supposed to be a harry/lucius story not a harry/lucius and bloody severus snape story. I'm really upset that you did this what about the ones who asked you to please leave this as a harry/lucius story DONT WE COUNT I AM FED UP WITH AUTHORS DOING THIS TO HARRY/LUCIUS FANS THE ONES WHO VOTED FOR ADDING SNAPE TO THIS STORY I HOPE YOUR ALL SATISFIED YOU HAVE RUINED THIS FOR HARRY/LUCIUS FANS. I AM NEVER GOING TO READ STORIES ON THIS SITE AGAIN ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.AND CAN YOU PLEASE AT LEAST HAVE THE CURTESY TO MOVE THIS TO THE THREESOMES SECTION I DONT EVEN WANT TO LOOK AT IT.
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  • From filiasan on July 04, 2008
    yes, I would like that threesome =D
    plus I don't think one person alone can calm that harry XP
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  • From anaknisatanas on July 04, 2008
    I love this story! Will it just be Harry/Lucius or will it become Severus/Harry/Lucius?
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  • From Ladyroo88 on June 29, 2008
    Wow that was awesome!!! I can't wait for more!!!!
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  • From SassyThing on June 28, 2008
    I really hope you update again soon because I really am enjoying this story. I hope you do eventually make it a Harry/Lucius/Severus pairing but if not thats ok. I just hope things work out and Harry and Lucius can be together again.
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  • From wynja on June 28, 2008
    Can't belive I have waited this long to start reading this... it is wonderful! And YES I also vote for a luc/snape/harry thing, that would be great... but the author knows best so write it the way you belive it should be... I'm going to keep my eyes open for more...
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  • From Shio on June 22, 2008
    I love this story, but I really love it as Luc/Harry. If you are transforming it to Sev/Harry/Luc or anything else, please put a note to the beginning or mail me (tekoneme at gmail com). There aren't too many good Luc/Harry stories around and I wouldn't like to give this up, but I really don't like change of pairings in this point of story.
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  • From sanda on June 18, 2008
    good chapter
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