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Reviews for What Now QD?

By : quitedemented
  • From Drarry-Obsessed on January 24, 2014
    That is EXACTLY what goes on in my head twenty four fucking seven. Seriously. It gets bloody tiring...

    Oh. As to your preferences and gender, I'll go with the obvious choice and say male/gay because of course you couldn't be like me, a quite attractive and feminine female with a mile wide streak of butch homosexual male tendencies... certainly not. Ta.
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  • From Vibora on November 21, 2007
    *sob* (on the Sev rant)
    great fic! ...uhh dialogue...umm...well, whatever that was, it was great! xD
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  • From MisstressNicole on November 20, 2007
    You are quite demented and I think you for it. If you do, and I say IF, decide to hand it off I really don't think I'll read it any more. No matter how hard you try or how much you beta it won't have the same style.


    PS I can't believe I read that whole thing. Hell, I can't believe you wrote that whole thing.

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  • From bananasforyou on November 18, 2007
    so awesome!!!
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  • From angelkitty on November 18, 2007
    this was good i really enjoyed it
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  • From madlodger on November 18, 2007
    Hi QD,
    I enjoyed this quite a lot, thank you. Some parts made me laugh and all the dialog was good.
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  • From ZooArmy on November 17, 2007
    I laughed so hard, tears were rolling down my cheeks. I was in a grieve mood before, but now I'm all happy and hyper. Thank you!
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  • From Roozette on November 17, 2007
    Hahahahaha... I am really uncertain what it means to my sanity, but I really enjoyed this slice of madness! And i completely agree with you over Severus in the books. JK really pissed me off when she revealed how truly she made his life suck. I am going off to read your other works now. I find you highly entertaining :)

    As for your gender.... well, who can say and what does it matter. However you remind me of my friend Kevin. Therefore, I think you're a boy, although a little... err... meow kitty kitty, as he would say ;)

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  • From ANON - Anon on November 17, 2007
    When I opened this I was like... "Ok wtf is this" but then I started reading and I actually laughed so hard, I snorted. I never snort. So freaking funny!
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