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Reviews for Ultimate Betrayal

By : KaiDragon
  • From lazycrazykitten on October 06, 2008
    I believe Chris is right, Damn would definitely be the right word.
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  • From Ladyroo88 on October 06, 2008
    Chris is an idiot!! I can't wait for more!!!
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  • From danawarner on October 05, 2008
    Uh oh Chris.
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  • From bumblebee on October 05, 2008
    Poor chris, not his fault for telling aiden the truth.
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  • From GeminiSoul on October 05, 2008
    OMG..Chris is toast. LOL
    I can't wait to see what happens next.

    OH..I don't like a submissive harry..just so you know
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  • From on October 05, 2008

    but it was another great chapter!
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  • From alma on October 05, 2008
    Poor Chris, He was trying to help in his own way!
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  • From MrGalion on October 05, 2008
    Great job.

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  • From Sworddancer20 on October 05, 2008
    This story has a good plot and rolls well, though I would reccomend that you use a spell/grammer ceck instead f just a spell check. Sometimes when just using a spell check it will mark words that are spelled right but out of context in the sentence as right even though it's the wrong word it's still spelld igh so it won't say anything about it.
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  • From Jan on October 05, 2008
    Oh, but I do feel sorry for Chris, I can't wait to see what's going to happen next! (chuckles)
    I feel like there should be a part where Severus and Tamara are together... maybe even have Tamara steel Sev from Narcissa, I mean I like her and all but she's to stuck up! I feel that he'd do better with someone more down to earth, then one that's been brought up the think she's all high and mighty, and her word is law.

    Please update chapter 27 soon ^_^

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  • From LadyFoxFire on October 05, 2008
    What doll comment? Last I knew they were teasing each other over forgetting about Snape and the prisoners.
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  • From LadyVaughan on October 05, 2008
    Oh I love it. I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what wyatt did to chris. he shouldn't have said anything til wyatt was there to give them the ok. you can't just leave it there! please,please,pretty please. update soon! I have to know what happen's!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you make the butt whipping chris is about to get a little bit painfully? ;)

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  • From Ladyroo88 on October 05, 2008
    oh boy!! can't wait for more!!
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  • From julesquires on October 05, 2008
    Huh...well...I guess I...Still like it, but there wasn't as much excitement in this chapter as there was in all the others. I can't wait to see how Wyatt will react to what Chris said. I guess my answers to my query will be given soon then. It was mean of Chris to say that though. And what's wrong with HArry showing submissiveness in public? Everyone knows he's strong and the only thing that makes him submissive really is Wyatt so I don't see why Chris should complain. But, again, I can't wait to see how this all turns out. And where had Aiden gone? BAck to his house? I thought you couldn't get out of Avalon because it was in lockdown?
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  • From on October 05, 2008
    another great chapter!

    I can not wait for the wedding and coronation!
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