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Reviews for Ultimate Betrayal

By : KaiDragon
  • From lazycrazykitten on October 05, 2008
    Looking forward to the pairings!
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  • From leeannpitbull on October 05, 2008
    Fabulous as always. Could you maybe off Narcissa and let Sev be with someone who isn't a stuck-up bitch who thinks the world is beneath her? Please?
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  • From bumblebee on October 04, 2008
    So are you going to pair Neville up with Zion? I hope you do, cuz well, I don't want him to be lonely. hehe

    more soon!
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  • From Snakelette on October 04, 2008
    I'll say it again; poor Severus ;) I like this Tamara, and I'm curious to see how you'll make everything work out for Severus. And *yay* Chris/Draco won the poll! I can't wait to see how these two hook up. They can both be such prats *grin*

    I pity the British wizards (well some of them, not all, of course) they don't stand a chance against Avalon and America. Especially with an idiotic and fudging Fudge to lead them; he's not the sharpest quill in the box is he? *snicker*

    Great reading! More please?
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  • From Ladyroo88 on October 04, 2008
    HEHE! I love it!! I can't wait for more!!!
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  • From llyoung on October 04, 2008
    I like the Chris/Draco pairing. But I was wondering if possible and it fit your story idea if Zion could also be paired with someone - I really like this OC of yours.
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  • From RaineDancer on October 04, 2008
    It just keeps getting better i EGERLY await each update. Please keep them coming. Will Aiden bring the twins into the fold? PLEASE say yes they are my most favorite Wesley's followed by Charlie and Bill.
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  • From julesquires on October 04, 2008
    I can't think of anything to put in this review. I still love your story, and I check it everytime I go into adult fan fiction (which is often 3times a day because Uni life allows for free time). I still like the pairings. I can't wait to see their wedding, and I can't wait to see what happens between Avalon and Britain.

    One thing I will comment on is the sudden changes in Harry's submissiveness to more assertive. He has jumped, in the space of a few chapters, from showing dominance and his argumentative side to playful (which admittedly isn't a huge leap) then to completely submissive. The way you set out his character at the start suggested he was going to be as equal as one can be to a king. This chapter saw his more submissive side, which I like, but at the same time seemed slightly strange.

    Still, I look forward to the next update!
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  • From Snakelette on October 04, 2008
    I'm glad Severus is free of his mark. Maybe now he can stand beside Aiden during the ceremony.

    As for the poll; my votes go to Chris/Draco and Zion/Twins. I can
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  • From LadyFoxFire on October 04, 2008
    **scream in terror** Nooooo I have to wait a day or two for an update. How will I survive? Ok yeah I know I'm overdoing it but I really am enjoying this fic.
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  • From bumblebee on October 04, 2008
    My vote: Chris/Neville, Draco/Zion

    Waiting patiently to read the next chapter
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  • From Arishaa on October 04, 2008
    I love how you did Severus! So good! Anyway, as before I vote for Chris/Neville; and I'll add a vote of Draco/Zion (he's the vampire, right?). Look forward to the next chapter! And thankyou so much for updating so swiftly!
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  • From lazycrazykitten on October 04, 2008
    He's free, He's free!!!! Yay! Draco/Zion, Chris/Neville.
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  • From Ladyroo88 on October 04, 2008
    I love it!!! Chris/Draco and Neville/Zion! Sev gets to see his mate!! wyatt and aiden are adorable!!!
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  • From leeannpitbull on October 04, 2008
    Yay!!!! Great chapter!!! I love Sev!!! Oh, and I'm voting again...Draco/Chris and Neville/Zion.
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