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Reviews for Ultimate Betrayal

By : KaiDragon
  • From GeminiSoul on October 02, 2008
    I love Crossovers. They are fun to read..keep it up. can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From Vitki on October 02, 2008
    OMG! Please update soon!
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  • From on October 02, 2008
    I so love this story and this is another great chapter.
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  • From bumblebee on October 02, 2008
    great chappie!


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  • From ANON - Anon on October 02, 2008
    hey....can i vote again?????.....CHRIS AND DRACO!!! lol Cant wait for the next chapter >=]
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  • From Jan on October 02, 2008
    Hmmm, I got to give it to Wyatt. I don't think I could of forgiven my father if he were to do such a thing to my family... and though it's obvious that he hasn't forgiven entirely he still talks and respects his opinion. I wouldn't.
    I can't wait to see the memories of the prisoners... bet it's going to be fun ^_^

    Please update chapter 22 soon T_T


    or Zion/Twins^_~
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  • From Ladyroo88 on October 02, 2008
    I love it!!! Draco/Chris!! Neville/zion! Poor Wyatt!!! Poor chris!! More please!!
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  • From dracoharry4life on October 02, 2008
    Another good chapter. Draco/Chris!
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  • From Carmeleyes23 on October 02, 2008
    CHRIS/NEVILLE please
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  • From lazycrazykitten on October 02, 2008
    Great chapter!!!
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  • From leeannpitbull on October 02, 2008
    As always, a great chapter! Since it looks like Chris/Draco is going to win, I'd really like to put my one vote (or 10 if you'll let me) in for Neville/Zion. I think that could make a very...interesting pairing.
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  • From on October 01, 2008
    Another great chapter!
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  • From Jan on October 01, 2008
    Poor Leo, but I can't say that I feel sorry for him. He deserves to be treated as such, I never liked the idea of him leaving his family.

    Please update chapter 21 soon ^_^


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  • From kanaro on October 01, 2008
    Great story so far! And I love how quickly you update! Anyway, my vote would have to be Chris/Neville all the way, and maybe a side ordering of Draco/Zion.
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  • From bumblebee on October 01, 2008
    wow! you update soo fast, not that that's not a good thing. It's a very good thing. Keep it up i say! hehe

    Chris/Neville AND Draco/Zion
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