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Reviews for Ultimate Betrayal

By : KaiDragon
  • From Leentjef on November 07, 2008
    very verygood chapter
    and let sirus and remus know its harry
    keep going and post soon
    bye bye
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  • From on November 07, 2008
    i love it
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  • From alma on November 07, 2008
    good chapter.
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  • From Ladyroo88 on November 07, 2008
    Totally a public sentencing for ron hermonie and the others!!! I like siri and remi i think they should know but there will be some drama about themcalling aiden, aiden. I love it!!! More please!!
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  • From bumblebee on November 06, 2008
    I think Sirius and Remus should find out about Harry soon. They deserve to be happy after all the things that happen to them. And Harry/Aiden will be able to get over faster if he tells them... that's what I think.
    And for Ron, Hermione and others..well up to you, I only want them to be tortured badly! Public sentencing would be more humuliating to them isn't it? Then do it! *evil laughs*
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  • From rosy4president on November 06, 2008
    Ch34: Lol, maybe I've read too many slahs fics, especially MPreg but Harry's Preggy. I would bet everything I own on that one fact, in fact I think it might be written in the last few chapters I have left ot read :) my concern or future hope is with the relationship between Leo, Chris, and Wyatt.
    Honestly, I expect some sort of confrentation between the three, in one of the last chapters you mentioned how chris had been injured and leo dismissed him - so not kool, plus I have no doubt that there IS resentment concerning that man. The mentioning of 'loosing her place in heaven' confused the crap out of me, I did not expect that, I had thought he was being a right bastard about it all... so we'll see. Harry's definetly pregnant and there just has to be a Jerry Springer moment between Leo/Chris/Wyatt... there just has to be!
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  • From Jan on November 04, 2008
    Yay, Neville finally gets to see his Grams ^_^

    Please update chapter 48 soon ^_~


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  • From on November 03, 2008
    Another great chapter!
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  • From alma on November 03, 2008
    good chapter.
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  • From bumblebee on November 02, 2008
    Hope they'll get Neville's grandma in time.

    Update soon!
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  • From Carmeleyes23 on November 02, 2008
    Wow. i knew the minister would do something stupid...just not that stupid.. Great chapter
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  • From julesquires on November 02, 2008
    I'm glad everything's okay. Thank you for the update. I loved the Severus and HArry interaction, and of course seeing Neville again. I think I'm becoming slightly obsessed...I just like to know he's okay!
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  • From Leentjef on November 02, 2008
    waw very very good chapter keep going and post soon
    bye bye
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  • From danawarner on November 02, 2008
    I wonder what Albus would say if he finds out that Voldie took over Hogwarts.
    Especially since Albus insisted on leaving the school without him or Minerva to oversee things.

    Not that he'll ever see it again, just curious how he'd take the news.
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  • From on November 02, 2008
    i love it
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