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Reviews for Ultimate Betrayal

By : KaiDragon
  • From mumimeanjudy on October 21, 2008
    When I read that Hermione was scared, especially considering her boyfriend's fate, I went back over the last few chapters because I could not remember what that was. Ron was found guilty but his sentence was never decided/revealed and the same is true of Hermione in this chapter. We don't know what their fate is because although they have been found guilty they have not been sentenced. When will that happen?

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  • From Ladyroo88 on October 21, 2008
    I love it!!! Poor aiden how is he keeping it together??? More please!!!!
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  • From ChaosgoddessKali on October 21, 2008
    wow she is worse then Ron I didnt think that was possible, I truly hope she gets tortured but before that i hope she gets shown that she is a nitwit because she sure as hell isnt as smart as she thinks she is. Cant wait for another update you make my day ^_^
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  • From julesquires on October 21, 2008
    Ahaha! Sucks to be her!

    Thanks for the update, you've really made my day. So far I've had a rubbish time (uni has messed absolutely everything up! I mean come on, 3 final assessments 5weeks into term and still no word of where we are going for the placement in two weeks! They're stupid!) Anyway, do you know what just occured to me? We haven't seen Aiden and Wyatt enjoy each other's company much, not without it ending in an argument or them suddenly becoming cold emotionally. I kow there's war coming and I know it's a tough time but I think they need a break in a while. Didn't get to see Neville either this chapter but seeing Hermione getting her sentence was worth it. Can't wait for Dumbledore's. Will Aiden be able to make it past his occulumency shields? Will Dumbledore discover that Harry Potter is actually alive and well? You mentioned last chapter or the one before that something changed in Harry's magic, what was it?

    I can't wait for your next update. We've got, what, 4 people, not including Augusta Longbottom, left to interrogate? Sirius, Remus, Dumbledore and Kingsley? That right? Can't wait to see what's been happening in their heads!
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  • From LadyFoxFire on October 21, 2008
    Is there any chance of sparing Sirius and Remus> And what happened to McGongall? I thought she was next.
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  • From Leentjef on October 20, 2008
    very very very good chapter
    keep going and post soon
    bye bye
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  • From on October 20, 2008
    another great chapter!

    I so hope they let Neville see his grandmother.
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  • From kanaro on October 20, 2008
    I hope what Harry has planned has to do with some retribution...Trey got off far too lightly in my humble opinion. Wyatt too, but at least Harry scolded him a bit.
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  • From dino1 on October 20, 2008
    Wow, I'm surprised that Harry forgave Wyatt so quickly about the business deal. I also hope that they realize that Neville was not really following the headmaster he was just caught and couldn't get away. My goodness if he resisted as much as the twins did, the headmaster would of made sure to make him into his pet weapon without any will.
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  • From Ladyroo88 on October 20, 2008
    I love it!!! Can't wait for more!!!
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  • From alma on October 20, 2008
    I liked how Aiden stated that he will not submit outside of the bedroom cause thy're suppose to be equals. Good chapter.
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  • From julesquires on October 20, 2008
    Very nice chapter! I liked seeing Draco and Severus finally have a chat but damn Narcissa for ruining things for Draco! Poor Neville still, he does seemed rather resigned. Will Zion do anything personally to ease Neville into things? Because they don't interact much, Zion isn't trying to ease any of his mates worries besides giving him the book on it. It's so...cold and labrotory. Unemotionally attached, uncaring, so formalised...if you know what I mean (there's a specific word for it and I can't think of it at the moment but you get what I mean). I hope Wyatt lets Neville see Augusta, it would really reassure him I think. But if Wyatt doesn't grant him that then Zion should makes some attempts instead. Thanks for the update. I'll keep checking for more!
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  • From MrGalion on October 20, 2008
    I await your plentiful updates.
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  • From on October 19, 2008
    another great chapter!
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  • From julesquires on October 19, 2008
    Urgh...the wonder I get confused about how you've managed to update without me noticing! I'm in the UK! It's 25 to midnight here and I've checked your updates every ten minutes since I got back from work at 8. (Yawns)

    Thank you for answering my question...both my questions. I can't wait to see what Narcissa has coming to her. As for this chapter, that man deserved more than just being turned into stone! And I wanted to stamp my foot when Wyatt got angry with Harry. I'm glad Neville's gran is coming to be with him, he really did sound scared in his letter didn't he?! I can't wait for the next chapter. I'll check constantly tomorrow, when I'm not in Uni anyway. Thanks for the update!
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