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Reviews for dear santa

By : darknessmoon89
  • From vampirekisses on December 14, 2008
    I have to say, this made me lol. It's great!
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  • From Ladyroo88 on December 14, 2008
    Hehee! I love it!! Did I mention more GLITTER!!!! *rolls on the floor lauhing* That was too great!!
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  • From THEleprechaun on December 12, 2008
    Yay! Squee!! I love you Kat, you know my twisted little mind so well ^^. Anywho, I thought I should let you know, as your mentor on this site, that your Disclaimer needs work or they'll kick you off. You HAVE to mention the fandom by name, i.e. "I Do not own the Harry Potter books or movies." You have to say who DOES own them, "All rights belong to JK Rowling in her infinite awesomness" and you HAVE to say that you don't make money, "Seen as I do not own these characters, I do not make any profit from using them in my strange little world, or the strange little world's of those I took them out of." Just a heads up hun! Did I mention that I love you and I love this letter to santa? Write one for Dumbledore too, something along the lines of "Dear Santa, I'd like to explain why I sent the Blue Zombie Bunnies after Tom. Now, I have a good reason for doing that, you see, I'm trying to take over the world. Since your beard is ALMOST as long as mine, You can have new zealand." lol. You rock ^^.

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