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Reviews for In Servitude of the Dark : My Obiesance

By : xXxLuckyxXx
  • From bloodshound on January 14, 2012
    okay, i'm a happy little person right now. Not only is this continuing nicely (Yay! Sevvies on board! oh, i hope they don't burn Har out trying to get him ready in time.) but the one i mentioned in my earlier review, my fave unfinished of a similar theme? Someone i've immense talent has picked it up and will be continuing it. *sighs blissfully. And the original Author posted the pre quil again. Similar idea, different spin.
    I'm surronded by happily dark Har's with Voldi horcruxs of awesome riding shotty and epicly dark lordish voldie's pairing with him. Life is good.
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  • From ANON - Lifvared on January 14, 2012
    You're are a wonderful writer. This last chapter was everything and nothing of what I was expecting. Een if its a little bit cruel I really liked the part where you made Severus bow to the Dark Lord, it showed (At least to me) that even if Severus is stil a little bit doubtful he still needed the Dark Lord to remind himself of his true alliance. Keep on with the good work, you're truly awesome.
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  • From ANON - Syneline on January 14, 2012
    Hello! I just wanted to say that I really like your story. It kept me from my syllabus' for two days in exam period, an that's saying something^^, I just couldn't stop reading =p !
    I want to congratulate you because your story has an plot, and it's not something that you easily find on this website. You managed to make people interested in you story with something that is not only about sex.
    I like the way you portrayed the dark arts, it's quite refreshing, and I love the sprites, there are so cute.

    Your characters are also very well constructed, Harry luckily has kept his own will, Marvolo well he is Marvolo, Snape is interesting and Sirius is very well done to. I find him more realistic than J.K.Rowling's (I've always thought he should have been more traumatized after 12 years of Askaban)

    If you're interested in my opinion about putting Snape and Sirius together, I think it would be interesting, but please do it progressively. It would be ridiculous as you so rightly said, that they both wake up one morning look at each other and both fall in love, with the "I'm gay" factor on top of it.

    As for the meeting Marvolo/Snape I'm not at all disappointed, so don't worry there^^. And even if you receive criticism, it's your story and you write what you want.

    I'm very curious about Hermione, I'm wondering on which side you'll place her.

    Can't wait to read the rest! Continue like that, it's one of my favorite stories.

    As for your family member with cancer, I really hope she makes it, I hope you have all the comfort you need.

    PS: I hope I've not made to many mistakes, as English is't my first language.

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  • From ANON - John on January 14, 2012
    This is one of the rare stories that has me checking every couple of hours for an update.

    So please give me an update!
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  • From Kitkatislovely95 on January 14, 2012
    Really good chapter. I loved it. I can't wait for more.

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  • From JessicaHayes02 on January 13, 2012
    As always it is coming along nicely, I think HarVolo should absorb the locket crux, then the diadem next, as they are the easier ones to come in contact with. then slowly bring Sirius into the loop with whats going on.
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  • From betelgeuse on January 13, 2012
    I expected more yellings and even curses for this chapter, but your view of the confrontation is more suitable for your characters' personality. And I think making Harry explains all the story on his own was a good choice. Severus is very protective and caring with the boy and he was not likely to yell to him and being the logical man Severus is, given time after the confession it was clear he would have follow Harry whatever was his choice. I'm especially glad he was able to come to peace with Lily's memory and let go the guilt for her death.
    Ohhh... and I absolutely loved when Marvolo greets him as 'his slippery friend': ahahah Lucius, you've been replaced!!!
    Just a little, little question: the Dark Lord address all his Death Eater calling them 'Dark Son' or it's something special about Severus? Because in several fictions it's Albus who calls him 'son', usually when he's the kind and caring father figure who really think of Sev as his own son.
    Well, now that the bomb is not quite exploded, I'm waiting for the next chapter. I really wants to see what will happens with the triwizards tournment now that Barty jr is not going to teach DADA.
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  • From ANON - Minue on January 13, 2012
    Well done. I skipped the Quiddich part... Sirius/Severus... never read that before and to be honest, I have a hard time getting around it... can Severus forgive the man who was the boy who bullied him in school and almost killed him for fun? However, they have an interesting dynamic in your story which makes it possible. I can't say for now. Usually I would not read it, but it seems to fit into the story. About the gay thing... well, I read this because I like to read slash, and because I like to read stories that take place in a society that does not judge people for their sexual orientation. It would be weird if Harry was almost the only gay person around. It's a bit ridiculous if everyone is suddenly gay, I agree. But to be honest, I believe that most people are somewhere in the middle of the Kinsey scale and just go for hetero because it's what is expected in our society. If society would be more open minded, people would go for the person(s) that feels best regardless of gender. Which brings me back to the question if Severus and Sirius really fit together... in your story, maybe. But you have to know that yourself, they are your characters.
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  • From ANON - Vukk1 on January 12, 2012
    I thought it was taken out of his pocket in the top box while watching the game? But I do agree, not knowing what a death eater was/is after the start of his second year is astronomically stupid.
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  • From betelgeuse on January 11, 2012
    OMG!! Amazing.
    It's really cute this Harry all excited like a 4yo for xmas, telling Marvolo every single detail of the match while falling asleep.
    And the attack is simply great.
    I think Severus in the last chapters is a little blind about Harry's power or maybe he's just so afraid of the truth to let the hints slip his notice because really someone with his knowledge of Dark Arts and Dark Lords should have already realized who Harry's source is, but it's easier not want to see something that hurts deeply. I can't wait for the next chapter.
    Oh... and I really liked the quiddich scene, it was like watching the match with Harry eyes more than a boring television record and it's good to see Harry like any normal teenager once in a while.
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  • From JessicaHayes02 on January 11, 2012
    im all for Sirius/Severus.
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  • From bloodshound on January 11, 2012
    In Har's defence, it's not like he'd been encouraged to study.... in fact dumbles seemed to prefer him ignortant. Besides the distraction of nearly being killed and dropped in to danger through the 3 yrs, he's 13 yr old boy. what 13 yrs old boy studies without some form of outside motivation... sure he wouldn't have heard about de's and such cause ppl were trying to FORGET about them. they wouldn't have come up in converstation, especially among children in Gryffondor tower.
    On the Marvy /Sev front GOOD! its about time those to met. I think Har's training will go more smoothly if those two are working in synch.
    Don't make Voldi to Draconian either. i can understand not wanting a hufflepuff voldi but he needs to be 'soft' enough to be able love in some form or another, even if it's a possesive form. *smirks which will put paid to dumbles 'he can't love' theory and plan.
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  • From ANON - qwerty on January 11, 2012
    I don't mind Severus and Sirius being together but I definitely hear you about suddenly turning everyone gay around Harry. If it can fit smoothly into your story and you like the idea, go for it! If it seems forced, I would advise against it. Though I definitely see Severus and Sirius working together as mentor/parent figures to Harry. There's a lot of history and animosity that they would have to get through in order to be set upon the path to eventually becoming lovers. At this stage, i can see them becoming friends at the very least.

    Anyway, sorry for the rambling. In the end, it's your story and do what you feel comfortable writing!

    Good chapter! And yes, I hate Ron too lol. I'll be glad when you have to stop writing him haha.
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  • From ANON - MoonVeil on January 11, 2012
    Ugh, I forgot to add this:

    With the
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  • From ANON - MoonVeil on January 11, 2012
    Ugh, I really regret not having a proper account on this site! I need to get around to doing that >w
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