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Reviews for Well, Ain't That Strange?

By : SpeedyTomato
  • From DisneyMagicForLife on January 14, 2021

    That story was really good.

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  • From TexasTurtle on February 21, 2016
    Thank you for writing and sharing your stories.
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  • From slmncpm on February 03, 2016
    this has been an amazing story and i was so glad you shared it with us. you and your beta are amazing. *hands you scones*
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  • From lizkrohn on February 03, 2016
    great story. Do you have a download able version tenchi?
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  • From Calmzone1 on January 03, 2016
    great story, thanks for sharing it
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  • From ANON - staar on December 28, 2015
    thank you so much , the ending fit , so good....happy holidays to you also !!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - psychosmurf on December 26, 2015
    Great ending. Thanks for writing and sharing.
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  • From ANON - autumngold on December 24, 2015
    Thank you for your excellent new chapter! Is it wrong how I love that the Order is falling apart? Any organization that is based on sending a young boy to his death, even if they don't know it, is wrong! It bothers me how much they just take Dumbledore's word as gospel. Outstanding update! May your holidays be blessed and your New Year happy and healthy!
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  • From lizkrohn on December 23, 2015
    Similar but different to another story of yours. I really like the cats but very high maintenance! Why cant HP have a child? there is artificial insemination of a surrogate, they could even use narcissa's eggs and have a child from both harry and sirius. Surely magic would not cause a bond that is unfruitful? nature does not work that way and magic does operate within natures limits.
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  • From BAFan on October 08, 2015
    Re: #32

    In the midst of all this plotting and turmoil, did anyone ever think to let Dumbledore know that the prophecy was invalid? Maybe I missed it, but I just finished re-reading this from the beginning and I don't remember seeing that. 'Cause, you know, that might just have an impact on his thinking and therefore on his plans for Harry. Of course, given the way he's presented here, he might just decide that since Harry isn't needed to kill Voldemort after all, the most expedient way to get rid of the Horcrux is to kill Harry. And after everything that's happened in recent chapters, Snape might just be in a mood to volunteer for the task!

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  • From ANON - autumngold on September 29, 2015
    Thank you for your incredible new chapter! I am so glad that Dumbledore is finally admitting that he has made mistakes. Now I just can't wait until he realizes what they have cost him. It is wonderful that Sirius, Harry and Lucius are now safe at Malfoy Manor. Hopefully that will keep them away from Dumbledore. Excellent update! Can't wait to see if Dumbledore's plans and manipulations fail!
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  • From ANON - Tigge on July 16, 2015
    Hiya! I've been reading your stories for a long time now, and I really enjoy all of them, especially the stories that have harry/sirius in some way. You always come up with very interesting stories and the characters are very believable. =)

    And a small suggestion (since I use neither twitter nor fb) a story with harry/fred/george would be awesome. ;)
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  • From ANON - autumngold on July 15, 2015
    Thank you for the wonderful new chapter to your incredible story! I am so glad that Sirius and Harry have escaped from Dumbledore and the Order's headquarters. Hopefully now they can keep out of Dumbledore's sight. Thank goodness both Sirius and Lucius have lawyers to keep Harry away from Dumbledore and his manipulations. Excellent update! Can't wait to see what will happen next!
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  • From ANON - R.L. Foxx on June 02, 2015
    :) the chapter was everything I was looking forward to and more! I loved the ice breaker for Harry and im looking forward to the major changes that are going to happen :)
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  • From ANON - autumngold on May 26, 2015
    Fantastic new chapter! I am so glad that Sirius, Harry and Lucius have escaped from Dumbledore and the others. It was great that Lucius got in some last scratches on Severus, that was completely perfect. It's just too bad that Minerva couldn't have been punished too for the horrible things she said. Thank you for your outstanding update! Can't wait for more!
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