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Reviews for Weapon

By : uqui
  • From Yasho-Toushin on April 03, 2013
    I started reading this story a while back..and I've gone totally crazy over it..dark-harry is hot..hope you update the next chapter soon..eeee..I can hardly wait..and I fervently hope molly survived this attack..coz otherwise the Dark Lord is going to have a very pissed-off Harry Potter on his hands..
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  • From WolfPup5683 on March 26, 2013
    Wonderful story, i do hope harry can forgive Voldie for it. i'd ask for bella as repayment
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  • From dime on March 24, 2013
    That game was great! XD It doesn't exactly present Draco as an adversary to be taken serious. He looked pretty ridiculous right there. Fun to read, though. *g*
    As I said before, I fear Harry may lose his friends over Voldemort attacking the Burrow. Now I also wonder if he'll start a serious fight with Voldemort over it. That might complicate things a lot.
    - Dime
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  • From ANON - nicole on March 21, 2013
    I know that you update about once every two weeks, but i can't stop myself from checking if there's new chapter out daily!
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  • From Ch3rry on March 09, 2013
    Omg I love you for updating I've been impatiently waiting!!!
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  • From ANON - Sailor Sol on March 08, 2013
    Chapter 87. Well, you certainly aren't disappointing me! I can see where some people would find this slow, but character and plot development is necessary. One wonders what Bella is going to do when she realizes exactly what is going on. If you ever need to talk through a plot moment, my dear, drop me a line: moryen at yahoo dot com!
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  • From ANON - she-who-waits-in-darkness on February 15, 2013
    I started this story around the same time as another one and unfortunately the other had stopped andi have no idea why but, I'm glad yours is still going strong! I will honestly be really sad when you reach the end cause it means I'll have to try and find something else that's half as good as this.
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  • From SailorSol on February 14, 2013
    Okay, Chapter 86. Things seem to be coming along swimmingly. I can't wait for the next installment.
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  • From bloodshound on February 11, 2013
    none so blind as them who don't want to see... besides it seems a but mummy complex with him n gin together. (can't spell the real term to save myself)
    so, who's Wilbur O'Haresh? anyone we care about or the ff version of a red shirt?
    ack,har's shell is sure making hay while the sun shines. his boss would be gagging. i wonder if VL will be pissed or amused. i wonder if shell har will be troublesome when its time to ditch her?
    haa, you'd think war kids would have the smarts to move when they're told too... on the other hand, i suppose they haven't really seen it yet, so there's no urgency... even though har is well in his way to being a trained professional.
    yeah, that's pretty accurate. the populous of the WW, at least the British anyway, are pretty sheep like.
    hmmm, i wonder what induced the D's to take up residence in the forest.

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  • From bloodshound on January 21, 2013
    the basalisk conversation was very interesting, especially as it gave us a good picture of their world view. how would a basalisk carry someone. would they use magic to make them er stick? on their backs or something?

    blinks... never let it be said har doesn't have grandiose plans.
    And is willing to back them with all he's got. that blood oath buys him a lot of certainty.

    poor har, it's no fun being trotted out like a trophy or stuffed toy. still, he only has to hold on for a bit longer.
    heeeee, har voldi's mate AND morality chain... well, enough to help him be more palatable to the plebs anyway.
    considering the hold she thinks she has on har, i doubt gin will see the year out, no matter how devoted she is. sure it's not her fault har isn't what he would have been, but if she was watching instead of wishing, she'd know that. none so blind as she who doesn't want to see.
    i think har really needed that. siri is the only one he knows that's unequivocally got his back and whom he can bounce ideas off with out a crap ton of expectations on the side. good as he is at it, its hard to hold up a front with no chance to relax.
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  • From bloodshound on December 24, 2012
    goodness, snape is going to be busy. not only is he going to be madly brewing but he's also going to be working accreditation right, left n central. whoa, Fawks really stabbed the order in the hand when he sold out snape. a potions master of his level is not an asset you want in the wind, and that's exactly where snape is. neh, will snape stay a shadow pet after the war is over? also, can Fawks still keep track of sev, whether he's alive and what not? he still does have the phoenix brand after all.

    whoa, snape and snuffles interacted without bloodshed... well, i suppose siri is wholly dedicated to har and the shadows so getting along with snape is a minor thing.

    le sigh, the vamps are plotting again. >.< when do they not. still, i wonder if the shadows will be content to leave them to it in peace, once they learn of the vampies plans? well, ikans death was sort of an accident. har wasn't even aware through out the attack.

    most interesting... lots of review fodder here.
    grins. almost a waste leaving the wretch alive wasn't it. lol, hearing kisha and siri go at is pretty entertaining. Still, siri got out with his bits in tact which is more than most cans say going up against her.
    sigh, i wonder how many veela there'll be at the end. they're not exactly combat orientated.
    hmmm, V's probably going to seriously miss those werewolf troops. still, those branded as his don't have a lot of choice.
    siri is still playing the game then, even if kisha doesn't truly buy it, right now she can't disprove it either. how long with siri be able to keep up the guise, especially if har is supposedly able to tame a rogue shadow once it's within eye reach? wouldn't do to tip their hand to early.
    So, V will be acting from here on out as though he wishes har to be kept alive if possible, so he can keep him as bed room slave and F toy? good, that will give him far more lee way with his plans while having a viable explanation for kisha... speaking of which, what happened to her two off siders? are they around somewhere?

    Also, i'm assuming Bella the vamp has yet to make her way back to the flock, so to speak.
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  • From ANON - Saeilfa on December 20, 2012
    Amazing story. Eagerly awaiting the next chapter =D

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  • From ANON - Miri Daray on November 29, 2012
    Yay a new chapter! I can't wait for the ball to get rolling even more!
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  • From bloodshound on November 28, 2012
    looks around wide eyed and spots you. *glomp pounce. It's YOU and back with one of my very fave fics. ^^ *beams at you and shakes you gently by the shoulders. I've been meaning to e mail you... you know, just to poke you gently and see if you're still alive n such.
    anywho, enough socializing. this chappie has given me one of my very fave things... review fodder.
    heh, so snape got his way after all. when har fights it will be with style. :P
    will we get more from sev soon? V really gave him a working over.
    interesting... so vampy guy AND draco both know and theres nothing to stop the pair collaborating. Even if inconvenient details keep draco's mouth shut atm, theres still nothing to stop him with fangs now that he can talk about it. that's what the bat said yeah? come to me when you can talk about it? that could be a most irritating partnership.
    *blinks... that's ambitious. i can appreciate har not wanting to bring in an outside source, but would that even work? i suppose it depends on the type of light. a larger flame can take a smaller flame and swallow it, causing it to cease and become part of the greater... but while light in general might drown out the effects of a weaker light, it doesn't stop it from being. I look forward to seeing how you swing that if yyou decide to run with it.
    boooo. har has to make nice, nice with gin gin again and he SO loves doing that. >> still, needs to keep his fem meat shield happy, at least for now.

    *blinks... well, does this mean dear cissa is having doubts after all ('bout fekking time!) or is she merely covering all her bases and preparing for the worst should it come to pass?

    ah remi... sighs. he's such an honourable bloke. even when the twat in office is a total meat head. sighs for madam bones. she's a good person, really she is. if she were running the joint, i'm betting she'd be well on her way to clearing out some of the clutter and snipping the dead branches.
    Still, ministries loss... idiot.

    there there, blackpelt, there's worse fates than becoming the pack leaders pa. ^^

    Oh...Wow... sucks hardcore to be gids. there's a promotion i would've joyously handed back and grabbed some other poor pleb to play messenger... V isn't know for his grace on taking bad news well... messengers do tend to get shot now n then. *winces. still, as long as he keeps his head down n does what he's told, he may just survive the job. need so seriously steely nerves though... maybe he can fake the confidence till he makes it... or not.
    better him than me, that's all i can say.
    hope he doesnt keep that nugget to himself to long. i imagine v takes a dim view to those who with hold info.

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  • From ANON - BAFan on November 27, 2012
    Ch. 82. Whew! It's a relief to know that Harry is aware of Draco's breaking the Solmemorate (?) charm. I was so happy to see another update for this story ; hope another chapter will appear soon.
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