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Reviews for The Forever Game

By : uqui
  • From savannah19742001 on October 22, 2012
    Wow, now that was an interesting twist. So Dumbles made a mistake about who his mate is and the Dark Lord got to mate with Harry without hinderance. Great Job on a twist to the story.
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  • From bloodshound on October 20, 2012
    heh, i'm guessing V doesn't bottom very often. at least har made a good job of it.
    tsk. *shakes head at luc. you're an IDIOT. if luc thinks he can strike at har's family with impunity, he's going to be flattened. not to mention if james falls, har is next in line anyway and as the DL's mate, yeah, luc is going to be envying dumbles his relatively quick death. Not to mention that his son is dating a potter so he may very well lose him as will with his foolishness. if he had a third of a brain, he'd trust his lord. He left james potter alone for a reason and it's not just that he's har's da. not thinking very politically there luc. in this case it's a matter of keeping your enemies closer. At least he knows where they are neh?
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  • From savannah19742001 on October 19, 2012
    Wow, the plot thickens...Luc is going to cause a lot of trouble
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  • From bloodshound on October 16, 2012
    V's idea of therapy is very interesting. Sort of re writing the memories but with him in them. I think it would only work with someone you trust implicitly though.
    I'm looking forward to the rest of har's collecting of his i owe u.
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  • From mihoshi on October 15, 2012
    I have really fallen in love with your story. The only problem I seem to have is your use of ths word butt. It just sounds in the context of the story, ass would be a much better choice. You could also use hole, entrance, or orifice. Other than that I love the story and I can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From bloodshound on October 14, 2012
    *blinks... theatrical indeed... and somewhat gross. was the whole blood drinking thing really necessary? If it was why did he offer it to voldi first? Also, the DE's didn't actually get to see who har was and wasn't that a side purpose to the whole display? Well, har did say it would be quick... he didn't say it wouldn't be painful. :P
    I don't blame har for needing comfort after that. while it needed to be done, it doesn't mean he had to enjoy it. Hell of a time for ick factor to strike though i'm glad har was able to overcome it.
    heh, snickers, the look on lucs face when draco brings home har's sister would be priceless. Does lily do anything else apart from popping out progeny? Does she have a job apart from being a mum? whatever work she did would have to fit around having kids, they're up to what, thirteen, fourteen now? wow, they're practically repopulating the potter line all by themselves.

    *tilts head in a cutely puzzeled manner? eh? I was supposed to be asleep? I don't remember. my legs have been a bit achy lately so i find myself waiting up while pain meds kick in... or just getting stuck into a really good story and the next time i look around it's three in the morning. >.< I'm trying to get out of that habit but it's so hard when there are so many wonderfully distracting things online. ^^
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  • From bloodshound on October 12, 2012
    you're a horrible tease you know that don't you. here we all are gearing for a nice hopefully protracted (but probably not)dumble death and we're denied! DENIED... oh, sure go and try and distract us with smut... actually that worked... on me at least but anyway. Die dumbles DIE! *repeat x 3 steadily getting louder. ^^
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  • From ANON - Miri Daray on October 10, 2012
    Yay for smut! Can't wait to see how Dumbledore dies... dramatic.. straight up? Can't wait!
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  • From savannah19742001 on October 10, 2012
    Love this chapter and I can't wait to read about the entertainment. I love how Harry and Voldemort interact, it is brilliant. Thank you for a geat chapter.
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  • From teriwright on October 10, 2012
    after every chapter, i just want more, more MORE!!! your writing of voldemort's feelings is lush, engaging, and oh so arousing. where can i find my own Dark Lord?
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  • From bloodshound on October 08, 2012
    so why does har have to do the killing? To complete the ritual, establish himself with the DE's, both? Neither?
    tch, dumbles, seriously, give it up. You're wwwaaaaay to late to try and get a heel face turn out of har. you can blather on but it's a whole different story when a guy can FEEL his beloved mind to mind and know without a doubt that he loves him totally, utterly and completely. V would never do anything that would cause har pain if he can avoid it and get the result. tch, old goat. I look forward to hearing what plans they have for mr false p child Nevie mcbleeds alot, too.
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  • From ANON - Miri Daray on October 08, 2012
    Yay bye bye Dumbles. Very greatly written live the fast updates. :)
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  • From savannah19742001 on October 07, 2012
    Wow, that next chapter is going to be crazy for Harry having to kill Dumbledore. I can't wait to find out what is going to happen with Neville. And I really like hearing about the power exchange between the both of them.
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  • From bloodshound on October 06, 2012
    that's typical of har. He's concerned more for his mate than himself. I know they'll both be relieved when he can leave off lurking in the shadows and take his place properly and openly at his mates side.
    Naughty, naughty, luci. jumped the gun a bit there old son.
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  • From ANON - Miri Daray on October 05, 2012
    You put just the right amount of suspense I cannot wait to read more!!!
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