One Life Ends… | By : SpeedyTomato Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male Views: 47481 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter nor make any money off this story |
Chapter 10
Sliding into the bathroom where Jay was lounging in the hot
tub, Severus watched the young man quietly, a small smile turning up the
corners of his mouth. This would be the
first day, since Lucius invited himself along that one time, that he had time
alone with the young man. Not that he
was complaining, really he wasn’t, he liked spending
time with the two of them. He had fun
with them and all they did together but he was finding that he wanted time
alone with the young man as well. To
that end, he and Lucius had come up with something.
In talking to his old friend, he found out that he too
wanted time here and there alone with the young man so they had decided that
they would work something out so it could happen. Today Lucius was going to go meet with some
beings that he did business with. That
wasn’t a contrived excuse, he needed to do that since he was in the vicinity
and this was the perfect time to do so.
So, today, Severus would have time alone with Jay. In a couple days, Severus was going to go
handle some things that he needed to do while in Paris, thus giving Lucius the time alone with
Jay that he wanted as well.
Standing there, he looked at the relaxed young man, that smile still in place. He had to admit, Lucius has been right, this
vacation was doing him a world of good.
Since coming back from home, he has been having a good time and enjoying
himself in a way he hadn’t for a very long time. Not only that, he liked the company he was
keeping. Lucius was relaxed in a way he
hadn’t seen him in years. Jay, of
course, was great company and was fun to be around. Both of them combined made it a good time for
him. Normally, he wasn’t one to play a
tourist anywhere. If he went somewhere,
there was a purpose in mind and he had things to attend to. This, being a tourist with no purpose other
than entertainment in visiting places, was something he never did but found
that he liked it. Sure, he had been to Paris before, several
times, but hadn’t gone the route they were taking and see all the major areas
that both Muggles and wizards did to enjoy themselves. Nor, honestly, had he ever thought about
doing so, assuming that he wouldn’t like such things. But he was finding that to be a wrong assumption. He was enjoying himself even though he was
surrounded by all kinds of beings when they went out. The only thing that he could come up with was
that it had to do with the company that he was keeping.
Jay, for reasons he couldn’t fathom, made him feel
good. He liked being around the young
man immensely. Though not one that was
known for his sense of humor or to tolerate those that joked around all the
time, he found Jay, who was known for both, amusing to no end. He just seemed to fit somewhere in his life
for some unknown reason and things that would usually annoy him about other
beings, didn’t with Jay. In fact, he
found it amusing. Lucius, from what he
observed, seemed to as well. It also
goaded the stoic blonde to play practical jokes of his own on the young man,
something all but unheard of. From what
he knew of Lucius, the only ‘jokes’ he ever played on people were of the
malicious kind while in school. Something
as mundane but humorous as relieving someone of their clothing while they were
in the shower wasn’t something he would ever have done. It was a curiosity to him as to why this
young man had the effect he did on them but he wasn’t going to question it too
much. After all, questioning it might
reduce the good feelings it brought. No,
that was something he didn’t want to happen so he wasn’t going to go down that
Sliding further into the bathroom, he began to, as quietly
as he could, slip his clothes off, fully planning to join the young man in the
hot, bubbling water. Watching the young
man as he quietly stripped off his clothes, he couldn’t help but feel the same
thing that he did the first time he saw him; he knew Jay from somewhere but
just couldn’t place where that was!
Since being with him on a daily basis, he had seen the glamour slip
slightly from time to time and reveal a thinner face and a couple other brief
glimpses of things but it wasn’t anything that could conclusively tell him who
Jay was or place the features. In fact,
the most it did was deepen the mystery of who he was in his mind. However, unlike at first, who this might be
didn’t bother him much nor was there a pressing need to figure out that
mystery. Honestly, right now, he didn’t
care who Jay had been in a past life because it didn’t matter, he liked being
with the young man that was here. He
also realized that whatever Jay may be hiding, it didn’t change who he
was. You couldn’t fake the things he did
for so long or hide a personality flaw that might be troublesome being with
someone like they were. Whoever Jay was really, and whatever he was hiding,
didn’t matter anymore nor did finding out that mystery. When the time came for it to be revealed, he
would deal with the fallout from it then.
For now, he would just go with the flow and have fun in the here and
now. Lucius, from what he had said, felt
the same way about the situation. That,
he felt, was going to make this summer ‘adventure’ far more fun than he
Thinking about the summer adventure part of that last bit,
Severus frowned as he dropped the clothes he had taken off. The mere thought that all this would come to
an end when the summer did, with him and Lucius returning to Hogwarts in September, bothered him.
No, right now, they hadn’t been together for long but it seemed, at least
to him, that things had ‘clicked’ between them.
It felt ‘right’ when they were together.
Nor did he want to ponder the whole thing ending when summer did. But he was now thinking about that though it
was at least a month away. He didn’t
like that thought, not at all. Already his razor sharp mind was calculating
what could be done but nothing came to mind.
He and Lucius had to return to work.
They just couldn’t up and leave their jobs right now. Not only would it put him at a disadvantage
as to what to do for money, Lucius wasn’t one to have that problem but he
would, they couldn’t just leave the school in a lurch at this period in
time. There would be no way that Albus
could find someone to replace them at this late juncture. Then there was the fact that Jay hadn’t even
mentioned in any way going back to Britain. As far as both he and Lucius knew, the young
man was very happy in France. The way he talked, he had no plans of ever
returning to Britain. He, from what they could tell, had built a
life in France
that he fully intended to keep living.
Sighing internally, he gave a mental shake of his head. Right now wasn’t the time to think about
this. All that would do was color the
rest of their vacation. No, that time
would come towards the end of the whole thing.
Then, and only then, should they think about it. Between now and then, they would have to see
what developed and decide from there what should be done. Right now, they were at the beginning of
things, no way should that determine anything.
Pushing all that aside, he thought that those thoughts
shouldn’t be influencing him right now.
For now, it was time to enjoy the time alone with Jay that he had. After all, that didn’t happen often so it was
going to be a treat. Anything else that
had come to mind would be dealt with later on.
Tossing all his clothes into a pile, he walked over and slid
into the bubbling water beside the young man he was finding himself so
attracted to. Smirking when Jay jumped a
bit, not having heard him, he then said, “I thought you were one to always keep
on your toes about things.”
Looking at his former professor, Harry grinned, stretching a
little then finding a comfortable position to settle in before saying, “Yeah, I
usually am. Old habit. However, I’m not used to having to be on
guard when alone in a tub. Especially since there is no cause for me to be that way.”
Conceding the point the young man made, Snape just
nodded. The hot bubbling water felt good
to settle in, relaxing him slightly. After
finding a position he favored, the potions master said, “Lucius had some
business to attend to so the two of us will be alone most of the day. It was my thought that, perhaps, if you’re willing,
that we stay in rather than go gallivanting all over the city. After the crowds we have encountered since
being here, perhaps a day of peace and quiet, just relaxing is in order. What do you say?” He asked, looking at the young man.
Nodding, Harry said, “You know, I think I like that
idea. Though it’s fun to wander around Paris and see the sights,
I think a day off from that just to spend relaxing is in order. Lounging around all day and doing nothing but
talking, ordering from room service and generally being lazy sounds good to
me. Besides, from what they say, it’s
going to be a hot one out there today.
Might as well stay in where it’s nice and cool.”
Pleased, Snape nodded.
“My thoughts exactly. I was just hoping you would agree.” Settling back, the professor relaxed more now
that the itinerary for the day was settled.
He had hoped that he wouldn’t have to press the issue and was glad he
Sliding over, Harry settled down next to Snape and began to
talk to him about some of the sights and things they had done up to that point
on their excursions. He had found that
he liked hearing the sometimes snarky man’s perspective on things they had done
or seen. It gave him a new way to view
the mundane at times.
Talking to the young man seated beside him in the bubbling
water was something that came easily to the professor, an oddity. Though he had friends and those he could
discuss a myriad of things with, he was never this easy with beings that there
was more of an intimate relationship with.
That was a relationship he always found harder to deal with and wasn’t
comfortable being a part of. But with
Jay, that wasn’t the case and he liked it.
Well, honestly, he more than liked it but wasn’t ready to define it more
than what it was.
While talking, Severus slipped a hand onto the young man’s
back in a friendly, familiar way, letting it rest there. As the conversation continued on, he found
himself moving closer to him until their bodies were touching. Since this all progressed further than just
talking, he hadn’t been alone with Jay to have a sexual encounter of any kind
so, since they were alone for the day, he fully planned to take advantage of
the situation if Jay allowed such a thing.
From his end, he didn’t see where it would be a problem but wasn’t going
to count on it until he knew the young man’s feelings on the matter. However, since Jay hadn’t pulled away yet nor
voiced any kind of adverse reaction to anything so far, he hoped for a good
Sitting there, Harry had to grin internally at what Snape
was doing. Sure, he could understand the
apprehension of making a move on him while they were alone but he had assumed
that Severus would be more confident in himself about
such things. However, he wasn’t going to
put him on the spot more than he already was. And hoped to
alleviate some of the apprehension.
Besides, he liked the idea of a bit of one on one sex with Severus and
Lucius both. Up until now, it had always
been the three of them together. This would make for a nice change of pace. Leaning over, Harry glanced at the man then
kissed him softly, hoping that was the only encouragement his old potions
master needed.
From Snape’s end of things, when Jay did that, he felt it
was all the permission he needed to push things further. Obviously, the young man was more than willing
to have an encounter that didn’t involve the third party in the relationship so
he was going to press forward with things.
Slipping his arm around the young man, he pulled him closer, deepening
the kiss. While doing that, his other
hand rested on Jay’s chest and began to stroke it softly, slowly moving
downward. Though he really had no
preference to whether there was hair on his partner’s chest or not, he had to
admit that he appreciated the fact that Jay just had a sprinkling of it across
his breastbone and down his abs. It
seemed to accentuate his well built frame rather than hide it. Sliding his hand down under the bubbling
water, he grasped Jay’s cock, pleased to feel that it was already
semi-hard. Just a few strokes on it and
the young man was as erect as he was, moaning in his
mouth as their lips stayed locked.
Slipping an arm around the slim potions master, Harry held
him close and let his hand wander down to the older man’s crotch as well. Already Snape was hard and throbbing in his
hand so it didn’t take much stroking on his part to get him to where he was
moaning in his mouth, hips thrusting slightly.
Kissing him passionately for a few minutes, Harry then pulled away and
slid out of the hot tub. After giving
the older man a heated look he then used a wandless drying spell on himself and
wandered to the room he was staying in, hoping Snape got the point. Oh yes, he wanted to have a romp with him but
didn’t want to do it on the cold, unforgiving floor of the bathroom. Flopping onto the bed on his back, he laid
there, spread eagle, stroking himself, waiting.
When the young man left, Snape grinned slightly. Oh yes, most assuredly, he got the point of
what he wanted. And, honestly, he hadn’t
relished doing anything on the unforgiving tiles of the bathroom floor or in
the swirling water so this would work out well.
Scrambling out of the tub, he also did a quick drying spell then
followed the young man into his room. While
standing in the doorway to Jay’s room, he watched what he was doing, groaning
softly. Oh yes, a sight such as this was
most assuredly arousing! Nor was he
going to allow it to go on without him being involved in it. Quickly, he stepped into the room and knelt
down on the bed by the young man.
Putting a hand under his head, he pulled Jay up into a searing kiss
before breaking it off quickly then sliding between his already spread
legs. Grabbing his wand, he held it to
Jay’s entrance and muttered a now familiar lubricating charm. Once he was sure it worked, he tossed his
wand over onto the bedside table then slid one hand down between his legs. Teasing the tight pucker with one finger, he
slowly let it slip inside until his hand was flush with his opening. Leaning over Jay, he locked his mouth down on
his, letting his tongue slip inside while working his finger in and out,
twisting it as he did to loosen him up. While
their tongues danced and Jay wrapped himself around his body, hips thrusting
down on his finger, Severus added another one, then a third, twisting and scissoring
them to get the young man loosened up enough to take him without pain.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to the potions
master, he felt that the man below him was ready for the next step. Pulling out of the lip lock and embrace, Severus
shifted around and up on his knees between the young mans spread legs. Holding his now madly throbbing cock to his
opening, he gave a minute thrust of his hip then began to ease himself into
Jay, the tight ring of muscle allowing his turgid flesh to pass through. Groaning as the hot walls surrounded him, the
potions master fought the urge to just slam in and go for it. No, that wouldn’t do at all. Easing in until he was fully seated, he then
looked down at Jay to ensure that he was comfortable and in no pain. Seeing the look of pleasure and bliss on the
younger mans face, Severus gave an internal nod before starting to thrust
slowly. No, his pace wasn’t going to
remain that way but, for now, until he was sure Jay was comfortable with
things, he was going to go slow.
Reaching down, Harry grabbed hold of Severus’ forearms and
held onto him as the older man began to fuck him in long, slow strokes,
groaning, eyes sliding almost all the way shut.
Drawing his legs up, he put them on the potion masters shoulder in hopes
that he could get himself in deeper.
Looking up into the dark eyes that were gazing at his face, Harry
groaned then said, “Harder!” in an uneven voice.
Leaning down, Severus crushed his mouth onto the younger
mans as he began to thrust harder, grinding his cock into Jay’s ass as he
did. With the position they were now in,
he was sure that he was getting in deeper than he had before, something he
liked. Moving his hips faster, he moaned
into Jay’s mouth as the friction against his cock seemed to grow and a wanton
dagger of lust shot down his spine making his whole body flush and tingle from
it. Long, stained fingers gripping into
the bedding, he moaned more as his hips began to thrust of their own accord at
a pace that his body wanted. Body taut,
he felt sweat break out all over, his long dark hair starting to hang in
strings around his face as an inferno seemed to be building inside him. Though he wanted plenty of time with the
young man and to do many things to him, this time around that wasn’t going to
happen. But he soothed himself that they
had the whole of the afternoon to enjoy the carnal pleasures he had planned so
a quick end this time around wouldn’t mean anything.
Pulling one hand off the bed, Severus wrapped it around Jay’s
throbbing cock and began to stroke it in time with his thrusts. Since he had been with the young man several
times by now, he was aware how he liked to be touched and what worked best to
bring him off so he employed that strategy to bring him close while holding off
on his own peak the best he could.
Grunting slightly as he thrust faster, he manipulated Jay’s cock in the
way he knew he liked best, hearing the young man gasp and groan under him as he
Harry felt as though his body was going to implode from the
sensations of what Severus was doing to him.
No, it wasn’t anything fancy or kinky, just straight-up fucking, but it
felt as though he was being manipulated by a master of the sensual arts. Unable to stop himself, he began to thrust up
into the hand that was on his cock, moaning Severus’ name over and over as he
did, Fingers digging into the arms he
had a hold of, he gasped and groaned as his whole body danced with the
sensations from his cock and ass. Eyes
sliding shut, he began to moan Severus’ name over and over as he felt his
climax build to the point that there was no stopping it.
Finally, there was that familiar lightning bolt of electricity that shot down
his spine and felt like it went straight to his cock. Arching up off the bed, he let out a loud
shout of Severus’ name, or a form of it that was rather garbled. Hips thrusting up wildly, he ground his cock
into the fist that had a hold of him then came with an almost scream, spraying
his cum all over Severus’ slim chest.
Feeling Jay’s ass seize and contract around his already
throbbing, needy cock, Severus threw back his head and groaned loudly at
it. Unable to help himself he thrust in
once more as hard as he could, burying himself to the hilt before grinding
slightly. As the sensations from the
totality of it washed over him, the hot knot in his belly exploded and he came,
hard, with a loud groan of Jay’s name.
Every part of his body stiffening up, his hips still thrust slightly as
he empted the contents of his balls in Jay’s ass, the sensations of his orgasm
dancing throughout his body.
After both calmed down slightly and caught their breath,
Severus did a quick cleaning spell over the both of them and they collapsed
together, side by side, on the bed.
Immediately, the potions master drew the younger man into a loose
embrace, holding him to his chest. Stroking
the young man’s back softly, the older man just smiled slightly, saying
Draping an arm over Severus’ chest, Harry rested his head on
one of his shoulders, eyes shut, a small smile on his
face. Chuckling a bit, he said, voice
rough and slightly uneven still, “I assume that you and Lucius worked this all
out and he’ll have a day alone with me soon?”
Smirking slightly, Severus nodded, “But of course. You don’t think that he would let me do
something like this without getting equal time do you?”
Laughing, Harry shook his head, “I assumed. But, then again, I wouldn’t expect less from Slytherins.”
“Indeed,” Severus conceded.
Looking down at the young man curled up to him, he gave his head an
affectionate rub then said, “However, you can’t begrudge us the fact that both
of us wanted some time alone with you.”
“Hey, did you hear me complaining?”
Harry laughed, looking at him. “I
just wanted to make sure I knew what was going on was all.”
Understanding Jay had taken no issue with their plans, Severus nodded then shut his eyes. Perhaps, he thought, a small nap was in order
before they went for the second round.
After all, he wasn’t as young as he once was.
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