Harry Potter and The Equitum Solis Surgentes | By : Kimmimaru Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 3061 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any characters or settings by JK Rowling. I make no profit from this story. |
Authors Note: Hi! Chapter fourteen and the plot thickens! :D Hope you're all enjoying it still...I would still like to know what you think, I am working hard to get the chapters out as quickly as possible, but as you can see they're pretty long so it's taking a while. :( Now there is a bit of smut in this one, finally Draco and Harry do the dirty! And we get to follow James for a while...enjoy and be so kind as to review, thanks.
Chapter Fourteen: Betrayal
It was painful and Harry was forced to take deep, steadying breaths to ease it. It was a deep burning sensation that spread slowly through his body as Draco hovered above him shaking and panting with the effort it took not to thrust into that wonderfully warm, tight hole. He swallowed and watched Harry open his eyes, he released his bottom lip from between his teeth. "I-I'm...ok now..." Harry whispered hoarsely.
Draco sighed in relief, it was hard not to give into the scolding hot desire coursing through his veins and just thrust as hard and fast as he could, instead he leaned down and captured Harry's mouth with his own as his hand slid across his ribs.
When Draco began to move Harry had to fight hard to stop himself from crying out as the pain resurfaced, he bit down on his lip and tried to distract himself. Draco ran fingers through his sweaty hair and muttered in his ear, his hips moving at a steady pace. "Shh..." Draco muttered as Harry let out a strangled moan. "It'll...get better soon..."
Harry just nodded, unwilling to speak. Slowly he forced his body to relax and just as slowly the pain began to fade to a dull ache, and Harry closed his eyes briefly. It was the strangest sensation he had ever felt, he could feel Draco inside him. He listened to the blonds breathing, letting his body adjust to this strange new weirdness and Draco shifted slightly...Harry's eyes flew open as he felt a sharp stab of intense pleasure rocket through him, making his toes curl and his back arch. He made an odd noise, he couldn't stop it. Draco chuckled, his voice rough as he leaned down and ran his tongue up Harry's neck before sliding his arms beneath him and pulling him upwards so he was sat in his lap. "Oh god...D-Draco...what was tha-nnnn...?" Draco moved again and Harry threw his head back, arms wrapped around Draco's neck.
Draco felt Harry's fingers tugging at his hair as they crashed their lips together in a desperate kiss, Harry moaned heavily into his mouth, the noise going straight to his groin. "Harry..." He muttered softly. He pushed Harry backwards onto the bed, no longer able to hold himself back. He moved while watching Harry's face avidly, those green eyes were almost black with desire, long fingers grabbed at the sheet beneath him as he arched his body gasping and making the most wonderful noises Draco had ever heard.
The dark room was filled with Harry and Draco's moans, the soft sounds of their kisses, the noise of sweaty flesh moving. Harry tangled his fingers into the sheets beneath him, unsure what to do with his hands as he threw his head back, exposing his throat, the sensations were intense, the most exquisite feeling he had ever had and all thought was useless as Draco ripped desperate cries from his lips with each movement. It didn't take much to drive him over the edge, Draco watched as Harry gasped, his eyes flew open and his lips parted as white hot fire flooded his body. He came with Draco's name spilling from his mouth. Draco followed with soft groan.
They lay on the bed panting slightly as they came down from the high, Harry blinked dazedly up at a huge Gryffindor lion that had been pinned to the ceiling as his body tingled pleasantly. Draco sighed. "That was...different." Harry whispered hoarsely.
"You liked it though..." Draco replied, kissing his way down Harry's throat.
"Mm." Harry agreed, letting his eyes fall half closed. "We should..."
"We should what? Harry if you go back..."
"I have no choice." Harry turned his head and looked at Draco. "I need to be by his side...I need to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone..."
"You know...you don't make a very good Dark Wizard." Draco muttered irritably. "What is it with you and saving people? Is there nothing that makes you think of yourself? There must be at least one selfish bone in your body."
Harry sighed. "You're not the only person to say that to me..." he turned back to gaze up at the ceiling thinking of Sirius, a small frown on his face. "It was my fault Sirius Black died...did you know that?"
"Your fault? I thought Bella killed him...she went on about it often enough."
Harry shot him a glare. "She was the one who actually killed him, yes." He muttered angrily. "But it was my fault he was in the Department of Mysteries in the first place...I thought he had been taken prisoner by Voldemort, and I went to save him...Ron told me I had a 'bit of a saving people thing'...and he died because he was trying to save me...I was so, so stupid!" He closed his eyes and sighed heavily. "It seems all my mistakes have had drastic and fatal consequences over the years...There was that little girl, Cassy Marks..."
"That was in the Prophet, you'd just been made Head Auror and she was the victim of a mad man..."
Harry shook his head slowly, he took a shuddery breath but refused to open his eyes. "That was the official line, Kingsley was kind enough to keep a lid on details...it was my first mistake in Office...She was eleven...same age as James is now. There was a fight in Diagon Alley and I was called to stop that murderer Ashiki the Grey or something..." He opened his eyes and he could see it all, the confusion, the screams, the shouts of the wounded... "It was a mess. He'd gone on a rampage and he was firing curses everywhere, I thought that if I could just try and reason with him he would stop...but it didn't work. He took Cassy as hostage, held her at wand point and asked me to call off my Auror's I did as he asked but then he asked me...he asked me to drop my wand and kneel at his feet..." Harry clenched his jaw tightly. "He told me to kneel and that's where he'd kill me...my life for the girls...But I hesitated...I didn't...Didn't want to die on my knees...so he...he blew himself up taking her and two of my men with him..." Harry covered his face and sighed heavily, his voice shook as badly as his hands. "That night I couldn't even face Ginny so I stayed in the office until late before going out into Muggle London and I..." he laughed bitterly. "I got so drunk I collapsed in an alley way...ended up being woken by a homeless man who tried to steal my shoes..." Draco watched Harry in silence, he had never known...never even considered that Harry might actually feel guilty for all the death and destruction that had seemed to follow him everywhere he went. "I feel cursed." Harry said softly, little more than a breath of air past his lips. "I am cursed...since the day I was conceived I've been cursed to cause nothing but death to everyone who dares love me...I should have died the night Voldemort gave me this fucking scar."
Draco rolled over so he was looking down into Harry's face. "Now that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, Potter. And they call you the Chosen One, the Boy who Lived...to think that their hero is little more than a whiny prat...Look, you have saved countless lives, Harry! By killing Voldemort you managed to free the whole of Wizarding Britain from him! You saved my father's life, my mother's and...mine. You should have left me to burn in the room of requirement, you should have let me die with Vincent..."
For a long moment the room was silent and Harry could almost hear the roar of the flames, he could almost see them reflected in Draco's grey eyes. "I couldn't save him." he breathed finally.
"Crabbe was useless, little more than a brainless thug. I warned him, I told him that curse was much too strong but he wouldn't listen...neither of them did after my father's disgrace..." Draco pulled a face.
"Weren't they your friends?"
"Friends? Potter, any one would think that you didn't know me at all...they were never my friends. Merely two idiots seeking a mind they could follow, they were little more than muscle."
Harry frowned at the cold tone of Draco's voice. "No wonder they gave up on you, Malfoy...you don't command loyalty..."
"Loyalty is a tricky word. My father taught me that trust is useless, as long as you can put fear into your followers they will do as you bid them..."
"Again, there are so many flaws in that." Harry sat up, looking at Draco curiously. "My friends would die for me." He said slowly. "They would die for me for the very reason that I would never, ever ask them to. They would die for me because they love me."
"Humans are fickle, Harry." Draco leaned forward, pressing his lips to Harry's briefly before pulling away. "They will follow the strongest, they will betray you for the tiniest thing...Crabbe is just one of many of my so called friends who abandoned me after my father's disgrace...they left me to be forced to torture people on Voldemorts orders, they left me to watch as the man took over my house and treated my parents like mere slaves! They were never my friends. Trust will get you nothing but betrayal."
"I would never distrust my friends."
"And that is where you will fall."
"Why? Hermione and the Weasley's were my only family until I had my own..."
"And why is that, Harry? Why are they your only family?"
"Because my parents were murdered." Harry didn't understand where Draco was going with this, he frowned at the blurred image sat opposite him.
"And what caused them to be murdered?"
"Pettigrew..." Harry saw Draco's smile and sighed. "But Ron and Hermione aren't Pettigrew." He insisted. "They would never, ever betray me."
Draco sighed. "You were definitely sorted correctly." He said softly. "One day your trust in these people will be your destruction, just like it was your fathers." He took Harry's face in one hand and tipped his head up so they were looking into each other's eyes. "Never, ever trust anyone, Harry. Humans are weak and foolish, you will only get hurt. Just look at yourself...Ginny Weasley trusted you enough to marry you, didn't she?"
Harry's eyes widened and his face flushed. "I-I..."
Draco smirked. "You weren't very secret about that little rendezvous, Harry...did you think that after all these years I wouldn't wish to keep an eye on the Boy who lived? I'm not stupid, I have been watching you closely since you entered the Ministry, I saw you with Cho that night..."
"It was a mistake." Harry said automatically, feeling the great rush of grief and guilt overwhelm him until it choked him. "I was drunk."
"Again." Draco chuckled. "Oh come now, so you had a lover on the side? Most of us do...even my father has had a few. It's nothing to be ashamed of."
"I loved Ginny!" Harry said fiercely, his eyes narrowing. "I still love her."
"Then why did you meet Cho Chang in that dingy pub? Did you grow tired of Ginny?"
"No...No I...I just...I needed..." Harry yanked himself away and covered his face with his hands. "Ginny knew." He gasped, his body shaking. "She knew...a-and I couldn't l-look at her...I just wanted to forget...to forget everything...Ginny brought back everything! Every night as she lay there...all I could see was her brother's body slumped in the hallway...all I could see was Molly sobbing over his corpse...a-and I couldn't do it...I couldn't forget." Finally he drew his hands away from his face and Draco realised with a sharp jolt that he was crying. "I betrayed Ginny...I betrayed her and...and it nearly killed her..."
"And that is why I will never, ever place my trust in anyone...ever again." Draco whispered, his grey eyes dark.
"This can't be true!" Ron shouted furiously, his hand gripping the parchment as he gazed at the messenger.
"We had it from Gregory Goyle's own mouth, Mr. Weasley...Harry Potter was seen standing at He Who Must Not Be Named's side...he's betrayed us all."
Ron took a sharp breath. "No. I won't believe it. Harry would never..."
"Ron..." Hermione placed her hand on his arm and he fell silent. "How do we know Goyle can be trusted?"
"We have his kid's, Mrs. Weasley."
Hermione sighed. "Thank you for telling us." She said softly and went to see the man out the door.
Ron gazed into the fire and felt his chest constrict. "He wouldn't...I-it's impossible..."
"If he has been meddling in the Dark Art's then we shouldn't be surprised." Arthur said quietly. "They change people...I've seen it happen before."
"When I last saw him he was..." Ron tried to say normal, he tried to force it out but he couldn't even lie to himself. Harry hadn't been right since Ginny's death. "Shit." He fell into a seat and shoved fingers into his hair. "What the hell am I supposed to do?"
"Whatever you're told." Arthur said heavily. "And see if you can't discover more...I believe that you are right in saying that something's odd, but be wary Ronald. Harry will not be the same man you knew..."
Hermione came back in and sat at her husband's side, she rested her head on his shoulder while his arm slipped around her. "He'll be alright...won't he?" She asked softly.
"I don't know anymore." Ron replied. "I...I just don't know."
Albus leaned against the wall, chewing his bottom lip. He hadn't meant to eavesdrop...he had only come down for a glass of water...but he had heard everything. His father had joined Lord Voldy-thing which was proof that everything people had been saying was correct...Harry Potter was a traitor. Harry Potter was a Dark Wizard. He remembered his father's odd absences, he remembered asking James why he wasn't with them at Christmas and he remembered James' pained expression as he'd told him that their father was busy, that he'd be back for dinner...but he never was. Al slipped down the wall and hugged his knees, he gazed despondently at the wall hoping that he could conjure his father to find out the truth, he had to know! But he was stuck at the Burrow and he knew no one would let him out of their sight.
Harry lay in the bath, the room full of steam so water beaded on the pale grey tiles. He sighed and tipped his head back against the rim and closed his eyes. He would have to return to Tom's side and he despised the idea, but what choice did he have? He had sold his soul for his family...to the detriment of the whole Wizarding world. Guilt plagued him and he pressed his palms into his eyes until he could see light burst behind his eyelids. "Ginny..." he whispered softly as if he could bring her back to him, as if speaking her name aloud would ease the pain. He sighed shakily and looked up at the ceiling, squinting through the steamy, fragrant fog.
"Taking a bath without me, Potter? I'm disappointed."
Harry lifted his head and saw Malfoy's silhouette through the steam. "I wanted some peace, but it seems I'm not going to get it." He muttered.
Draco smirked and moved further into the room, he was wearing a pair of pale grey trousers, his feet and chest bare. Harry's eyes lingered on the thin scars covering his chest. "Do you like them? You gave them to me, after all..." He drawled as he crouched beside the bath, white blond hair falling into his grey eyes. "First time the Great Harry Potter used Dark Magic...and I must say it was fairly successful...except for the complete lack of intent."
"Intent?" Harry raised an eyebrow as Draco trailed his hand in the water.
"I told you, Dark Magic relies heavily on your intent. If you want to kill, you must mean it. If you want to hurt someone you have to enjoy their screams...It's a simple concept, but one you will have difficulty getting used to."
"Is that a compliment?"
"No. It's a warning..." Draco sighed. "The Dark Lord is going to ask you to do things...he's going to expect you to kneel at his feet like everyone else..."
Harry scoffed loudly, running fingers through his wet hair. "Yeah, that's not happening."
"He'll make you."
"How? He can't use the threat of pain, it doesn't bother me...and he's got my freedom. He has nothing to hold over me."
"For now."
"What's that mean?"
"It means that the Dark lord always gets what he wants." Draco leaned over the edge of the tub, his hot breath smelling of mint as he gazed into Harry's eyes. "Just like me." He smiled and kissed Harry deeply, their tongues touching before slowly moving across each other. When he drew away Harry moaned softly opening his eyes and looking at Draco.
Harry cleared his throat, tearing his eyes away from Draco's before lifting his hands and sweeping his hair from his eyes. "Right...well...we'd better..." He stood, sending water sloshing around in the tub before stepping out, he could feel Draco's eyes on him, his gaze searing him like cold fire. He tried to ignore it and failed miserably, so he turned his back, reaching for a towel.
Draco hissed in a sharp breath and Harry turned, blinking in surprise. "Harry...what is that?"
"What is what?"
"On your back...?"
"Oh...yeah..." Harry's face scrunched up slightly as he wrapped a towel round his waist. "It's a part of the 'contract' between Tom's soul and mine..."
"The Dark Mark...I know." Harry looked away from Draco's eyes. He knew what he had seen, a great big version of the brand seared into every Death Eater's arm; it stretched across his back like a grotesque tattoo, it was black and formidable looking and Harry hated it. "It appeared after the ritual...I can't get rid of it." He said quietly.
Draco nodded, his own fingers gliding over his own mark absently. "Does it...hurt? When he's calling us?"
Harry shook his head. "No...it's just there..."
"I see."
"Come on...let's go." He moved past Draco but found himself halted by a gentle hand on his back. The blond was stood so close he could feel heated breath on the back of his neck as the hand slid down his spine, making him arch like a kitten and moan softly. Long pale fingers took his and pressed his hands into the door as teeth nipped on his ear.
"He can wait for a while..." Draco hissed softly as he moved both of Harry's hands to one of his as their fingers entwined, his other hand slid over Harry's chest and he smiled when he felt the man's breath hitch.
"Draco...we can't..." Harry whispered, lowering his head and allowing Draco to nip the skin at the back of it. "We shouldn't..."
"'Can't. Shouldn't. Won't'...all meaningless words Potter...you want me."
"Draco...this is silly we're not teenagers...I don't want..."
"Oh really? Your body is telling me something different."
Harry gasped and jerked backwards when Draco's fingers wrapped around his slowly hardening penis. He moaned and closed his eyes, giving up as tingles shot down his spine, sending that wonderful flare of fire through his belly. "Then hurry..." He whispered hoarsely.
Draco chuckled roughly, kissing Harry's neck and leaving a bruise in his wake. "As you say..."
Harry's skin was wet, his body shook slightly as he felt Draco's hand tighten around him, he moaned helplessly and pushed back into the man behind him. Insistent, curious hands ran down his sides, gentle lips caressed his neck and shoulders as the towel fell to the tiled floor. He felt fingers at his entrance and bit down on his bottom lip, expecting immanent pain but it was less than what he had been expecting and he let out a soft sigh as one finger became two. He shuddered and moaned, the sound echoing back at him and taunting him. He heard Draco's breathing, his chest against his back as he whispered nonsense into his ear. Draco finally withdrew his hand. When he entered Harry the dark haired man dug his nails into the wooden door with a sharp hiss of air, he pressed his forehead against the door as Draco pushed deep inside him.
Ron looked up at the house, its windows were dark and forbidding looking. Hermione sighed softly from his side. "I don't think he'd come back here..." She said, sounding a little unsure.
"We still need to check, I mean, all his stuff's here still...you know, clothes and that..." These excuses sounded lame even in his own ears but he hardened himself and strode purposefully to the newly painted door and tapped his wand against it. Harry hadn't bothered warding the door against his friends and it opened easily for them, welcoming them inside. Hermione's eyes moved curiously around the hall way, the gas lamps flickered into life around them and the Portrait of Sirius' mother snorted as she woke from her slumber.
"Who goes there?"
"It's us, Mrs. Black." Hermione said softly.
The woman in the painting leaned forward, her eyes narrowing. "Ah, the Mudblood and traitor..."
"Shut up you old hag." Ron snapped, brandishing his wand threateningly.
"Ron, it's fine...leave it." Hermione said, touching his hand lightly so he relaxed his grip on it. "Come on, we need to see if he's here."
"If you're looking for the Potter boy he's upstairs with Narcissa's son...such a sweet boy...Good blood that one."
Ron froze. "He's here?" He whispered incredulously. "With Malfoy?"
"Yes, I must commend his choice in company, the Malfoy's are a good family." She nodded to emphasise her agreement. "Good blood lines, going back generations. However, Potter's own blood is terribly poor...such a shame his father had such terrible taste in partners..."
"Oh shut up." Hermione sighed and waved her wand so the curtain snapped closed on her ramblings.
Ron met Hermione's gaze and they nodded to each other, their hands squeezing once before they moved to the stairs.
Draco lay in the bed on his back, sweat still beaded his forehead and he ran gentle fingers up and down the curve of Harry's back who was lying on his chest. He could smell soap and flowers on his hair and skin and he sighed, Harry was asleep, breathing deeply against Draco while he gazed up at the ceiling thinking deeply.
It wasn't the noise that made him turn his head to the door, more the sudden chill that shot down his spine. He spotted two people stood in the doorway, one tall and gangly with a shock of bright red hair, his mouth hung open as he looked at the scene before him. The other was a woman with bushy brown hair and a look of stunned disbelief on her face. "Oh...bugger..." Draco sighed heavily, shifting and making Harry mumble.
"Mmm...Ginny...I don't want to get up..."
"Harry..." Draco shook his shoulder.
"Go'way..." Harry muttered, a small frown creasing his brows.
"Potter!" Draco snapped, losing patience.
Harry's eyes snapped open and he sat upright, sleepy green eyes moving from Draco's face to the door...he froze.
Ron sputtered incoherently for a good long time, his blue eyes as big as saucers as he took in the sight of his best friend sitting up, naked beside an equally naked Draco Malfoy. It was Hermione who broke the silence, her voice shaky with shock. "Harry...what...what on earth...?"
Harry blinked rapidly for a few moments before scrambling to his feet, yanking the sheets off the bed and pulling them around himself. He stood still for a second, eyes meeting Ron's and there silence again until Ron swallowed hard, his eyes narrowing. "You...is this how you respect my sister?" He hissed finally.
Harry opened his mouth and closed it again. "I-I...Ron I...I'm sorry...This...it's..."
"I don't...want to hear any excuses." Ron breathed, his hands shaking as he raised his wand, pointing it directly into Harry's face who took a step back, eyeing it warily. "I want to know why." He whispered, ears going red.
"Because I..." Harry closed his eyes. "I wanted to." He said softly, his hand slowly rising. "Ron...I'm sorry..."
Draco's eyes widened as Harry opened his eyes and there was a loud bang. Ron was thrown backwards, Hermione screamed and Harry snatched his wand from beneath his pillow training it on Hermione who gazed at him with wide, confused eyes. Draco scrambled for his own wand, rolling off the other side of the bed and taking cover behind it, he felt unusually vulnerable as he crouched there, completely naked. He cursed his eagerness to shed his trousers, they now lay thrown over the banister in the hallway after he and Harry had tried to get into the bedroom with their lips locked.
"Harry!" Hermione seemed so lost, so confused that she hadn't even raised her own wand. It dangled at her side as tears slid down her cheeks. "Why?"
"I have to, Hermione...you don't understand..."
"I...understand..." Ron muttered as he struggled to his feet, using the door to steady himself. He had blood running down the side of his face and he glared at Harry. "See that mark on his back? It's all true. Everything. He's a traitor...and he probably tried to kill Kingsley."
Harry rubbed his eyes, his wand hand perfectly steady. "No. I wouldn't do that..."
"How can we trust you?" Ron shouted suddenly. "You betrayed my sister's memory with Malfoy! Nothing you say will erase that! How could you?"
"Ginny...Ginny's dead Ron." Harry whispered, his green eyes glittering. "She's dead...and I can't be expected to live my life alone."
"I-I...No...of course not...but she's been in her grave for less than a month! I thought you loved her!" A tear ran down his cheek and he was shaking as he glared at his best friend. "You fucking traitor!"
"Ron...I haven't betrayed anyone." Harry whispered, his eyes moving to Hermione who looked white. "Please...just...just trust me! I know what I'm doing! Hermione..." His voice took on a pleading tone and Hermione took a deep, shaky breath.
"Ginny loved you Harry." She said softly, tears still pouring down her cheeks. "She was devastated when you told her you'd cheated on her with Cho."
"You...you fucking WHAT?" Ron made a sharp movement with his wand, Harry deflected the spell without flinching.
"It was...a mistake." He said, still speaking quietly but now there was a tremor in it, and his hand shook almost imperceptibly. "A terrible mistake."
"She came to see me, she made me promise not to tell you Ron...She made me swear and I...I couldn't say no. It was when you two were out investigating those Werewolf attacks...she told me everything...how you'd come home stinking of beer and whisky, how you'd fallen to your knees and grabbed her clothes...how you'd started crying and apologising...how she could smell the perfume on you...everything." Hermione looked devastated.
"I'm sorry." Harry muttered, his wand wavering.
"She told me that you were shaking and apologising over and over...she said that you told her you'd let the Marks girl die...all because of your pride. She told me that you couldn't face her and you'd gone to the bar, Cho had been there and you'd gone home with her..." Her voice was soft, her eyes never left the tip of Harry's wand and still tears flooded her eyes, spilling onto her robes. "That night she cried for hours...I comforted her as best I could but she wouldn't stop blaming herself. She kept telling me how it was her fault, how she was obviously not enough for you...she told me that you hardly touched her and how you were distant, she t-told me that James had asked her if i-it was his fault you n-never came home anymore...H-Harry...You hurt her so badly..."
Harry's own eyes went dark, his wand fell to his side and he fell onto the bed, hanging his head. "I'm sorry." He croaked.
Ron seemed lost for words, he gazed at Harry with wide eyes, his mouth opening and closing randomly so he looked like a fish. Draco peered over the bed and slowly climbed back onto it, he slid to Harry's side and slipped his hand over his shoulders, his lips brushing Harry's ear. "It's alright...we all make mistakes, Harry." He whispered, a small smirk crossing his face as Ron's own twisted with disgust.
Harry opened his eyes, when he looked up he was faced by Ron's wand. "I should kill you." He said in a blank voice and Harry felt a buzz down his spine, he stood up suddenly.
"Then do it." He said. "Kill me."
Ron looked slightly wrong footed, he glanced at Hermione who had covered her face with her hands and was crying silently into them. "What?" He asked as he turned back to Harry.
"Kill me Ron." He repeated, throwing his wand onto the bed. "Kill me! I hurt Ginny! I betrayed her trust...I destroyed our marriage...I hurt my own children! Kill me! I deserve it!" He sounded desperate and Ron took a step back.
"You...want to die?" He whispered hoarsely. Draco sighed and leaned on one hand while he watched the scene.
"Yes." Harry said softly.
"Harry...no..." Hermione whispered.
"It's better this way." Harry insisted. "I need to die! People will be hurt...the whole Wizarding world depends on your actions here, Ron...Kill me!"
"No." Ron shook his head, his eyes narrowing dangerously. "No...Death's too easy for you, Potter."
Harry flinched at the use of his surname. "Ron...please..."
"No...I know what to do with you...Hermione...inform the Ministry. We have two Death Eaters trapped here ready for Azkaban."
"What?" Harry's eyes widened. "No! Ron! You don't understand you have to..."
"Shut it!" Ron snarled furiously. "You deserve it, for breaking my sister's heart!"
Draco made an angry tutting noise from behind Harry, drawing all eyes to him. "I honestly thought, for a mere second, that you had more brains than this Weasley...obviously I was wrong." He drawled, his wand rising. "I would recommend you both lower your wands, or we're going to have a rather nasty situation on our hands, aren't we?"
"What? Harry doesn't even have his wand! What are you going to do against two fully trained ministry officials, Malfoy?" Ron sneered.
Draco smiled slowly. "Oh...it's not me you have to worry about, Weasel King."
Before Ron could retort there were loud popping noises as people apparated right into the house. "What...how did they...?" Harry frowned in confusion as robes figures materialised before him. Hermione looked guilty as he met her eyes. "I see..." He said softly.
"Stay right where you are Potter!" One man shouted as twelve wands rose to point at Draco and Harry. "Hands where we can see them!"
Draco was pulled off the bed and thrown to his knees where he hissed as carpet scraped his bare skin. "I will not tolerate this kind of treatment!" He snapped furiously as he shook his captors off.
"Leave him." Harry snapped suddenly and silence fell as all eyes turned to him. "He's innocent. He didn't do anything wrong...I manipulated him."
"What's this?" The leader of the Auror's gazed at Harry with narrowed eyes. "You going to admit to your crimes, Mr. Potter?"
"I am." Harry drew himself upright. "But first I'd like to put some clothes on, even prisoners deserve some dignity."
The man spat at Harry's feet but conceded. Most of the Auror's waited outside while Harry grabbed a set of clean robes and slipped them on quickly. Draco grabbed a shirt and his trousers, slipping them on just as quickly, when they were done Harry grabbed him and kissed him making Draco's eyes widen slightly. "Draco, follow exactly what I say. Pretend to be under my Imperious curse, act as if you're not doing this of your own free will...then, when they release you go to Voldemort and tell him what happened. Tell him I'm imprisioned..." Harry pressed his forehead against Draco's, closing his eyes. "Promise me."
"But Harry, that is insane..."
"It's the only chance I have."
"You'll be Kissed..."
"No...I won't be. They'll want to make an example of me...they'll want a public trial, a public sentence...and then they'll throw me to the dementors."
"You'll go insane."
Harry chuckled. "I won't. Don't worry about me...I can escape. Just promise me you'll do as I say."
"I...well...alright...but you'd better bloody know what you're doing."
Harry's smirk was cold and sent a shudder up Draco's spine, his eyes flashed as he chuckled. "Oh, I know exactly what I'm doing..." He stepped back and strode for the door, as his fingers touched the handle he took a last glance at Draco. "He'll be furious." He said softly and opened the door, stepping out into the hallway.
James gazed around at the dusty room, eyes wide as he took in the large portrait he had just climbed out of. It was of a blond girl with a sweetly vacant expression who gazed back at him with mild curiosity. He moved his eyes around and knew instantly where he was; The Hog's Head bar in Hogsmeade. He gave an awed gasp as he remembered his Uncle Ron telling him of the time they'd met Aberforth, the Great Albus Dumbledore's brother. He lifted his pack and moved quietly towards the stairs, his feet stirring years of dust into small clouds. He knew no one had lived here since Aberforth's death, he now rested at his brother's side at Harry's bequest. James adjusted his backpack and continued down some rickety old stairs and entered the bar, he saw the door and strode towards it, he pushed the door open and stepped out into the cold night air.
Hogsmeade was quiet, it was late and even the Three Broomsticks had closed for the evening. He could see the lights on in the windows as he passed. He had no idea where he was going, he was too young to have been in Hogsmeade, he was going by what he had been told. Before he knew it he found himself stood by a rickety old fence, his eyes travelled slowly up the hill until he saw the Shrieking Shack and he could almost hear his father's voice;
Threstrals are very useful creatures, James, there's nothing to be afraid of. They can find their way to anywhere, brilliant sense of direction, and they're very good at long journeys.
He bit down on his lip, he wasn't sure how he'd find them when he reached the Forbidden forest, but he didn't let that bother him as he ran up the steep hill towards the ancient, silent shack. The place was creepy and he could feel it swaying beneath his feet as he climbed the stairs to one of the upper floors, finding his way using the stories he had heard. He ran a finger through the thick dust and saw deep, terrible looking gouge marks, the remnants of teeth and claws, he shivered and continued on. His Uncles voice echoed through his head;
The shack is supposed to be haunted, but we discovered that it wasn't ghosts making all the racket, it was a Werewolf. Teddy's dad, in fact. We found all this out in our third year, Jamie. When your father first met Sirius Black...he was terrifying to look at, poor bloke, all skin and bones and pasty white skin...kinda looked like a Vampire to me. Anyways, he was an Animagus and he had near ripped my leg off as he'd dragged me through the tunnel...
James stopped in a room, there was a large bed with chunks missing from the legs and posts. The dust was so thick it seemed to clog his lungs but there was something very quiet and almost...pleasant about the feel of the place, even when he remembered the story of Severus Snape. His eyes lingered on a pile of crates and he moved forward, bending and shifting them all aside to reveal a hole...
He grinned, feeling pleased with himself as he bent down and began crawling through it. Roots grabbed and tangled in his hair, he panted as he crawled concentrating on the echoes of the past that seemed to reach into him and give him strength, he could almost see his father as a thirteen year old, hurrying down the passage after his friend with Hermione on his heels...he could see Sirius Black inviting Harry to come live with him once they had cleared his name...
Finally he reached fresh air, he knew the tree was dangerous but he also remembered to press the knot to still those waving branches before clambering out and standing fully in Hogwarts grounds. The lights from the castle twinkled and glittered and he took a single guilty look at it before making a run for the cover of the Forest.
James, the forest is dangerous. If you ever go in, make sure you've got Hagrid with you, he'll keep you safe...and remember: Stay on the Path!
James gazed down at his feet, the small path led straight into darkness and he shivered feeling cold suddenly. He glanced back over his shoulder before taking a step forward and something dug into the bottom of his shoe...he frowned and lifted his foot to see something shiny glinting in amongst the old leaf mulch. "Hullo, what's this...?" he muttered, speaking aloud to try and dispel the creeping fear he was feeling. He bent and plucked what appeared to be a smooth stone from the leaves. He ran his fingers over it and felt a tiny shiver down his spine as he saw the symbol on it...
A triangle with a circle in the centre and a line down the middle.
His hands shook and his eyes widened. "The resurrection stone..." He whispered, he looked up and glanced around before returning his eyes to the tiny, innocent looking thing. It had a crack down the centre. His father had told him it was lost, he had said it was better off that way...James bit down on his lip and pocketed it. James lifted his head and began slowly making his way deeper under the trees, he could hear them swaying gently in the breeze he couldn't feel. The further he got the stuffier it became until he was sweating. Suddenly he stopped and looked back the way he'd come, the path was little more than a tiny ribbon in the dark. He shivered, feeling afraid and dropped his rucksack. He knew the Threstrals came when they smelt fresh meat or blood and he drew his wand, eyes narrowing as he searched the forest floor...a soft rustle caught his attention and with a muttered word he heard a squeak and silence. Teddy had taught him to use that spell, it was useful for hunting rats and mice in the Chicken coop of the Burrow when he's stolen his father's wand. He moved to where a clump of leaves was trembling and picked up the small rodent. He hoped it would be enough as he drew out his small silver potions knife. "I'm sorry..." He whispered and cut the creatures throat. Blood tricked over his hands and he winced as the rat died in a twitching writhing mass of fur before finally stilling, it's sides heaved and he suddenly thought he was going to be sick...but he swallowed it back.
He sat down and waited for the Threstrals to smell the blood, he knew he'd see them...he knew and was kind of glad, until he remembered the price. He leaned against the bowl of a massive tree and waited, ears pricked for any sound of movement, any disturbance what so ever. The night drew on and he began to shiver but he dared not move, the rats blood had dried on his robes and hands and was beginning to itch...then there was a rustle...he jerked up and stared at the rustling trees. Slowly he climbed to his feet, fingers clutching his wand in case...
Out of the shadows stepped the ugliest thing James had ever seen. It was like a cross breed between a bat, a horse and a Dragon...but he grinned when he saw it, knowing exactly what it was. "Hullo there...I'm James..." he whispered, stepping closer as the creature moved almost silently over the forest floor towards him. He stroked it's nose, it felt smooth and...weird. Then a long tongue shot from its jaws and it began licking at his hand, he giggled and held out the rat which it took and ate with two sharp snaps. "Good boy...er...girl...er...thing...now, let me ride you." He grabbed his pack and shrugged it one before shakily climbing onto it's back. Once he was settled and had his knees firmly seated behind its wing joints, he leaned down and whispered. "London, Grimmauld Place."
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