Interrogation | By : Dazzlious Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Lucius/Hermione Views: 8101 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from J K Rowling's fantastic books or films, I'm just borrowing and playing with them for a little while and get no monetary reward for doing so. |
A/N: As ever a thank you to Mamacita for being my beta.
Voracious Reader, abbeysmum, angeles — Thank you all so much for reviewing. I’m glad you’re enjoying the story.
Oh, and just a quick warning that there is some bad language in this chapter. Dx
Hermione opened the door and looked briefly around the office before entering. She waved at Harry, who was involved in a discussion with an Auror she didn’t recognise, and headed towards her desk, dropping her bag on it before going to the coat stand to remove her rain mac.
‘All right, ’Mione. How’s things at Death Eater central?’ Ron asked with a wide grin. ‘Did you finally get him to talk?’
He came round the desk and gave his friend a tight hug. ‘It’s been boring as hell without you here. Malfoy’s been a grumpy old git all week.’ He let her go. ‘I’m so glad you’re back,’ he admitted with a grin as he slid behind his own desk.
‘Is Draco around? I need to speak to him before the meeting.’
‘Probably off down in the canteen. He’s been chatting up some bird down there for the last couple of days. He obviously got fed up with waiting for you to come back to work.’
Hermione frowned. ‘There’s nothing going on between me and Draco, Ron.’
‘Not from your point of view, maybe,’ Ron said with a laugh. ‘But he’s really had the arse since you’ve been off with his dad.’
‘He was the one who asked me to go, so I hardly think he’s got a problem with it.’
Ron gave her a look that suggested she was very wrong but didn’t say anything further. Hermione looked at her watch.
‘I think I’ll just go and say hello to Kingsley, then I’ll look for Draco if he isn’t back.’ She walked towards the closed office door and knocked before entering.
‘Hermione, I’d like a word, please.’
Hermione smiled at the blond man and nodded. ‘Draco, I was looking for you. I’ll just go and get my bag. I won’t be a minute.’
‘That won’t be necessary,’ Draco replied abruptly, and turning on his heel he walked off into one of the glassed-in interview rooms. Hermione followed him, shutting the door behind her.
‘Is something the matter?’ she asked Draco, looking at him curiously.
‘Did you get it?’ Draco’s voice was sharp.
‘Yes, of course, although it wasn’t easy. It’s in my bag. That’s why I was going to—’
‘Then he can be returned to the facility now.’ Draco’s words cut across Hermione’s. The comment was not a question.
Hermione looked distressed. ‘No, he can’t. They treated him very badly in there, Draco. He was in a straitjacket and they kept him chained to the bed the whole time.’
‘Perhaps he merited it.’ Draco’s voice was cold.
‘This is your father we’re talking about,’ Hermione said, shocked. ‘He was worried about you.’
Draco snorted. ‘Spent a lot of time talking about me, did you?’
‘No, but it was one of the first things he asked me — if you were okay. He was desperate to know that you’d made it.’
‘And what did you tell him?’
‘That you were doing well. That you’re an Auror and he should be proud of what you’ve accomplished.’
Draco took a step closer and grabbed Hermione’s wrist. ‘Did you do anything with him?’
Hermione stared at the man for a moment. He was gripping her just a fraction too tightly. ‘Let go of my arm, Draco,’ she said quietly.
‘Tell me, Hermione. What did you do with my father? How did you get him to tell you everything?’ He leaned closer to her, almost in her face now.
‘Let go of me, Draco.’ Hermione was upset as she tried to pull away from him. ‘You’re hurting my arm.’
Draco dropped her arm but didn’t move away. He was still in her face.
‘Tell me,’ he hissed. ‘What did you do?’
‘Does it matter?’ Hermione asked with a sigh. ‘I got what you wanted. What does it matter how I got it?’
Draco looked furious. ‘I want to know. What did you do for my father?’ His voice was a quiet hiss.
Hermione frowned. Why was Draco acting so strangely when he had been the one to send her to perform the interrogation in the first place? After all, he was the one who had told her she might have to use incentives to get his father to talk, so why was he now so unhappy that she had done as he requested?
‘Tell me!’ he shouted.
Hermione started. She was confused and close to tears. ‘What do you want me to tell you, Draco? I did as you said. I gave him incentives to talk, just as you told me I’d have to be prepared to do. What else do you want?’
‘Did you fuck him?’ Draco’s voice was icy cold. Hermione didn’t reply. ‘You did — you fucked my father!’ Draco looked disgusted.
‘It was exactly what you told me to do,’ Hermione asserted, then she turned and walked angrily out the door, leaving Draco alone.
‘I’m not going to be able to spend time with you anymore.’ Hermione’s voice was full of emotion as she spoke.
‘What happened?’ Lucius asked, gently pulling her into his arms. Hermione had been upset since she had returned from the Ministry of Magic.
‘They wanted to send you back to the facility, but I wouldn’t let them. I told them how you had been treated and said it was disgusting.’ She snuggled into Lucius’ arms, pleased to be back with him and away from Draco.
‘Your trial is next week so I told them you could stay here until then. They weren’t happy about it but they finally agreed as long as I don’t spend any time with you. I can bring you meals but that’s all.’ Hermione looked upset.
Lucius kissed her tenderly. ‘That’s better than not seeing you at all, and miles better than being in the other place. And hopefully, it’s only for a week. If I get off, we’ll be free to see each other whenever we want.’
‘I know, but I hate leaving you in here alone. I like being with you.’
‘And I you, my love, but it won’t be for long.’
Hermione thought of Draco and his anger when he had told her she was to keep away from his father.
‘Make love to me, Lucius — please, darling.’
‘Anything you want, my love.’
Lucius was worried. Hermione had seemed upset when she had brought his tray this evening, far more upset than she should have been even with their enforced separation. He too desperately wished he could hold her to him or take her to bed. He had grown used to having her beside him when he slept; now he would wake suddenly with the feeling that something was missing, then realise his love had been taken away from him. He didn’t understand the reason but he guessed that now his confession had been given it was assumed that Hermione would have no further interest in him, and with his fate undecided, Hermione was hardly likely to announce her true feelings in case he was condemned as a Death Eater.
He picked at his meal, not really hungry. He was going over his confession, the one Hermione had given to the Ministry, to make sure he was word-perfect. He couldn’t slip up or it could spell the end of his life. It was vital that he be released so he could resume his relationship with Hermione.
Hermione entered the room the next morning carrying his tray as usual. She looked tired and drawn and seemed nervous, and Lucius wondered if she was worried about him. After all, today was either the beginning or the end of his life.
‘Morning, love,’ he said brightly, trying to break the tense atmosphere.
Hermione dropped the tray on the table and looked at Lucius, who lay naked on the bed.
‘Morning, darling.’
She moved to sit on the bed, bending down to kiss him passionately. To hell with the Ministry. If things went wrong this would be the last time she would see Lucius, and she wanted to make the most of it.
‘Are you supposed to be so intimate?’ Lucius asked in amusement as she slid onto the bed next to him. Her hand caressed his body, finding his erection.
‘No. I’m supposed to leave your tray and go, but I don’t want to. They’ll be here to take you to the Ministry shortly. I need more than that . . . in case . . . .’
She didn’t finish, but she didn’t need to. Lucius knew exactly what she meant. He pulled her down beneath him, his hands moving quickly to unbutton her blouse. The minx wasn’t wearing a bra, neither was she wearing knickers as he found out moments later.
‘I need you, Lucius,’ Hermione whispered. He was already pressing against her, his fingers stroking her clit as his hardness pressed against her warm, tight hole.
‘I love you,’ she cried as he pushed into her, both of them moaning with pleasure as their flesh connected once again, both eager to hold onto the other for as long as possible. Too soon their climaxes hit, leaving them breathless and shaking.
‘I love you too, Hermione,’ Lucius whispered. ‘Always.’
‘I don’t want to lose you,’ she cried as he held her. ‘I can’t bear to be without you, Lucius.’
‘Shhhh, love, it’s going to be fine,’ he promised, wiping away her tears.
Hermione pulled out of his arms. ‘No, it’s not.’ She sounded scared.
Lucius looked worried. ‘What’s the matter, love?’
Hermione pulled on her blouse, buttoning it quickly as she spoke. It was important that Lucius understood exactly what was going on; it could mean the difference between his freedom and his death.
‘Draco was the one who sent me to interrogate you,’ she began. Lucius looked surprised but didn’t say anything.
‘When he asked me to do it he told me it might be necessary for me to offer you an . . . incentive to talk . . . something sexual. I didn’t think that would be necessary; after all, you hated me and were surely dying to find a way to freedom.
‘When I saw how you’d been treated I couldn’t help but feel sorry for you, even knowing what you were, knowing what enemies we were. I admit I was surprised at your erection that morning and overstepped my bounds as a gaoler. I should never have done what I did, especially as it just meant I had no choice then but to negotiate sexually.
‘At first, I was horrified at what I’d done, not because it was awful but because I’d enjoyed it. Against all odds, I’d given my most hated enemy sexual fulfilment and I’d enjoyed doing it . . . and worse still, wanted to do it again.’
Lucius chuckled. ‘I did you a favour, then.’
‘It’s not funny, Lucius. I was mortified to realise I didn’t really hate you.’ Lucius pulled her into his arms, gently stroking her as she continued to talk.
‘So you confessed and we — well, you know what we did. And I contrived to keep you here with me so I could continue to make love to you.’
‘No complaints from me, love. It’s exactly what I wanted too,’ Lucius said gently.
Hermione nodded. ‘And then you told me the truth. The real truth, not the one you’d told the Ministry.’ She turned to look intently into Lucius’ eyes. ‘I have to admit I was horrified, Lucius. At the things you’d done, at the things you felt, but when you told me about your feelings for me I couldn’t feel horror. I was excited. Excited by the fact that you’d wanted me for so long. It proved to me that we were meant to be together.’
‘And we will be, as soon as I’m free. You know I want you as my wife, Hermione. I’ve never lied about that.’
Hermione nodded again; she had tears in her eyes now.
‘I took your confession to the Ministry, pleased to have done my job even though it hadn’t worked out the way I expected. Draco wanted to talk to me about it—’
‘Did you reassure him? Did you tell him I’d given an innocent confession?’
Hermione sobbed and buried her face in Lucius’ chest.
‘I told him. But he didn’t care. All he was interested in was what I’d had to do to get your confession.’
‘What? But he knew, surely? After all, he told you what you’d have to do.’
‘Yes. But apparently, he didn’t expect me to do it. Your son is angry because I made love to you. He seems to be under the impression that he and I were . . . .’
‘Were you a couple?’ Lucius asked.
‘No! I’ve never got on with him, either, not until we started working together. Somehow, it seems he convinced himself it was only a matter of time before I fell into his arms, and he’s furious that I fell into yours instead. He’s called me some pretty choice names.’
Lucius hugged her tight, kissing the top of her head. ‘I’m sorry for my stupid and insensitive son,’ he apologised.
‘I’m not worried about him,’ Hermione said. ‘There was never any chance of us being a couple, especially now I’m with you. But his anger and vindictiveness have caused us a major problem.’
Hermione looked at Lucius. Now was the time when she had to decide whether to trust him, for good and all. Draco had manoeuvred her into a position where there could only be one outcome . . . unless she trusted Lucius completely.
‘What’s happened?’ Lucius asked quietly.
‘Draco has called me to testify at your hearing. I’ll be called tomorrow.’ She watched as realisation dawned in Lucius’ eyes; she felt her heart break at the pain she was causing her lover.
‘I will be cross-examined under Verituserum about the truth of your confession. You know what that means.’ She looked terrified.
‘Will the court care that you slept with me to get the confession?’ Lucius asked worriedly. He didn’t want Hermione getting into trouble because of him.
‘No. It shouldn’t make any difference. I merely used sex as a bargaining tool. The problem is that I know the truth. Remember, you told me the real story.’
‘Fuck!’ Lucius thumped the bed before pulling the upset Hermione towards him once more and kissing her. ‘I’m sorry, love,’ he said. ‘Perhaps I should have just told the truth in the first place.’
Hermione pulled from his arms and stood. ‘No. You have to be freed so you can be with me. I can’t live without you, Lucius.’
She moved to the table and rummaged through her bag then turned to face her lover. ‘Here.’ She held out her wand.
Lucius looked at it, not sure what she was suggesting. He didn’t move. ‘I can’t escape,’ he said matter-of-factly. ‘I’d be killed on sight if I tried that.’
Hermione shook her head, smiling sadly. ‘It’s not for that. I’m giving it to you so you can Obliviate me.’
Lucius stared at her in horror. What was she suggesting? ‘No way. I’m sorry, love, but there’s no way I’m butchering your memory like that.’
‘Lucius, you have to. If you don’t remove your true confession I’ll end up condemning you, even though I don’t want to. You know I will. Please, love, you have to do this.’
‘How can you trust me so implicitly, Hermione? I could take your wand and kill you, then attack the others when they come to take me away.’
Hermione smiled and stroked his face. ‘I know you won’t do that, Lucius. You love me. I trust you to give me my wand back when you’ve finished with it, but you have to do this.’
‘But if I do that you might forget everything that’s happened.’
‘That would be preferable to condemning you to death because of some stupid conversation I forced you to have.’
‘But you might not remember that we made love . . . how we feel about each other . . . how we want to be together.’
‘I’ve thought of that,’ Hermione replied. She extracted a small blue bottle from the handbag. ‘First, we need to extract the memories and place them in this bottle. I can use them with a Pensieve when you’re free and everything’s blown over.’
‘But will you? How can I convince you to do it if you hate me again?’ Lucius sounded unhappy.
‘I’ve written myself a letter explaining everything that’s happened and everything I feel now. I’ve arranged for it to be sent to me in a month; your trial should be decided one way or another by then. Please, Lucius — I’ve done everything I can think of to ensure that I remember you. I just need you to Obliviate me.’
‘I don’t want to do it.’ Lucius sounded desperately unhappy.
‘I know that, love, and if there was any other way I wouldn’t even suggest it, but you know we have no choice.’
Lucius nodded sadly, watching as Hermione began to extract wisps of memory which she placed in the bottle. After about ten minutes she left the room briefly to hide it in a safe place. They definitely didn’t need the memories of what she and Lucius had done and talked about being found by the wrong person. A few minutes later she returned to the bedroom and gave Lucius a small smile.
‘A last kiss before you do it?’ she asked, hoping she sounded happier than she felt.
‘Anything for you, my love,’ Lucius replied, pulling her to him as his mouth found hers. He realised they were both crying as they parted, tears of sadness at what they had to do rolling down both their cheeks.
‘I love you so much, Lucius,’ Hermione whispered as he took her wand from her.
‘I love you too, Hermione. I really hope you remember that,’ he replied then pointed the wand at her head.
‘. . . And is it true, Miss Granger, that you were present when Mr Malfoy gave the confession we have heard detailed in this court?’ The man in black robes walked backwards and forwards in front of the witness box.
‘Yes, sir, it’s true. It was my charmed quill that wrote the confession. I have it here if the judge wants to inspect it.’
The judge nodded and Hermione handed the quill to the usher, who carried it across the room. It was soon regurgitating everything it had written during the confession.
‘And do you believe Mr Malfoy’s confession is true?’ the man in black continued.
‘It’s not for me to judge, sir. I merely take the confessions; I don’t know whether the contents are accurate or not.’
Draco scowled at her across the room; that wasn’t the answer he had expected. He was sure his father had told Hermione the truth, not just the pack of lies he was touting as truth, and under Verituserum she shouldn’t have been able to dismiss it. She should have been telling the court his confession was rubbish.
‘Did Mr Malfoy give any other version of his confession at any point during the proceedings?’
Hermione thought for a moment and looked at Lucius, who sat passively in the prisoner’s box. She turned back to the man in black.
‘No, sir. We didn’t talk much apart from when he gave his confession; a little about books, but that’s all.’
Draco leant forward and whispered something to the Ministry official, who raised his eyebrows and gave a small smile.
‘Miss Granger, can you explain how you got your confession from Mr Malfoy?’
Hermione frowned again. ‘Over the course of a few days I asked him to give me information on various aspects of his life and he answered. The charmed quill wrote down his words exactly as he spoke them and once the confession was completed he read what had been written and signed the bottom to agree that it was an accurate rendition of his confession. Once that was done I brought the signed parchment back to the Ministry, where it has been held ever since.’
The man in black nodded. ‘What I meant, Miss Granger was what method you used to extract the confession from Mr Malfoy. Did you, for instance, give him any incentive to answer your questions?’
Hermione turned to look at Draco and shot him a filthy look. The bastard had done this on purpose because he seemed to think she hadn’t answered the previous questions as he wanted. Well, he wasn’t going to win.
She looked at Lucius and smiled, then turned back to the questioner. ‘I was given the job and my instructions by trainee Auror Draco Malfoy, son of Mr Malfoy.’ She saw Draco scowl as his name was mentioned. Tough. If they were going to find out what she had done then they would find out why she had done it in the first place.
‘He suggested that it was unlikely that I would get a confession from his father unless I was prepared to offer him some sort of incentive. He made it clear to me that this incentive would be sexual.’
She looked at the judge before turning back to the man in black.
‘Of course, I had assumed that Mr Malfoy was a Death Eater, and as I am Muggle-born it was very unlikely he would want or request any sexual favour from me. After all, his supposed hatred of Muggles is well known.’
There was a general nodding of heads at this comment. Everyone knew how much Lucius Malfoy hated non-Pure-bloods. It was surprising that he would even talk to a Muggle-born; surely there was no way he would touch one.
‘Therefore I anticipated that he might not even want to talk to me because of my blood status. However, I found he had no interest in that. Indeed, he was more than happy to talk to me, even eager to explain his side of things.’
The many faces in the room looked surprised.
‘And did he require an incentive, Miss Granger?’
Hermione blushed. All eyes turned to her in interest. ‘It could have been considered an incentive,’ she replied carefully. She glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw Draco still looking angry. Lucius was smirking now.
‘And can you tell the court exactly what you did to ensure that Mr Malfoy gave his confession?’ the man in black asked.
Hermione smiled. ‘Do you really want full details? Would it be enough to say that we made love?’
There was a shocked whisper around the courtroom. Lucius was definitely smiling now.
The man in black looked at Hermione. ‘Yes, Miss Granger, I think that will be sufficient.’
‘Of course, the fact that he wanted to make love to me shows that those rumours about him being the Muggle-hating Death Eater aren’t exactly accurate, doesn’t it?’ Hermione said helpfully. ‘And he didn’t hold back,’ she added wickedly as the man in black held up a hand to silence her.
‘That will be all, Miss Granger. No further questions,’ he said coldly.
‘Thank you, sir,’ Hermione replied. She left the stand, smiling at Lucius and Draco as she went.
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