Interrogation | By : Dazzlious Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Lucius/Hermione Views: 8100 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from J K Rowling's fantastic books or films, I'm just borrowing and playing with them for a little while and get no monetary reward for doing so. |
A/N: I'd like to thank my beta, Mamacita for her sterling work on making my punctuation readable, as ever. Dx
‘Well, I don’t know what you think you’re going to get out of him,’ the witch said, looking her counterpart up and down carefully.
The woman was attractive enough but didn’t seem to be anything special, either looks-wise or magic-wise. Of course, she had fought with the great Harry Potter at the final battle, but that didn’t mean anything — lots of people had been in the final battle, and surely all of them would have been happy to have been at the great man’s side.
Hermione gave a brief smile and picked up the clipboard, flicking through the attached notes before turning her brown eyes on the other woman once more.
‘You don’t need to know,’ she replied pleasantly. ‘Is he ready to be transported?’
The woman nodded curtly, her mouth set into a grim line.
‘He is, but I don’t understand why you need to move him.’
‘Once again, you don’t need to know,’ Hermione replied quietly. ‘However, you have no need to worry. He’ll be in good hands and I guarantee he won’t be harmed.’
The woman snorted. ‘Why should I care if he’s harmed — after all the things he did over the years . . . .’
Hermione looked sharply at the woman. ‘I should hope you do care,’ she said, her voice clipped. ‘Otherwise, it makes you no better than he and his associates.’
The woman flushed angrily but didn’t say anything further.
Hermione retrieved a pen from her bag and signed the release form with a flourish.
‘Am I able to Apparate from in there?’ she asked.
The other nodded her head. ‘Special arrangements have been set up for that one room, for a five-minute period only,’ she warned.
‘That will be sufficient,’ Hermione said with a small smile. She looked at the woman again. ‘Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing.’
She reached for the door handle. The woman’s hand reached out to stop her.
‘Are you sure?’ she asked worriedly. ‘He’s a real handful, and if you don’t watch him carefully—’
‘I’m positive,’ Hermione replied. ‘I am aware of his nature, and believe me, I know exactly what to do with him.’
She turned the handle and opened the door outwards. It creaked slightly.
Sitting on the bed was a man. He was tall and thin, with long, stringy blond hair. His face was lowered and his eyes closed as he ignored the entrance of whoever it was who had come to see him this time.
Hermione frowned. ‘What is he wearing?’ she asked the woman.
The woman shrugged. ‘A straitjacket. He gave us so many problems we had no choice. And if you’ve got any sense you’ll leave him in it.’
Hermione looked at the wreck of a man chained to the bed. She tutted loudly. Whatever he might have been and whatever he might or might not have done he certainly didn’t deserve this. He was being treated no better than an animal.
‘Unchain him!’ Her voice was commanding, enough so that the man raised his head to look at her as the other woman moved unhappily towards the bed.
‘Come on, we’ve only got a few minutes,’ Hermione reminded the woman who was fumbling with the locks, clearly not happy to be so close to the prisoner.
His head was raised fully now, ice-grey eyes sparkling in his pale, drawn face, his lips forcing themselves into a rictus of a smile as he looked at his saviour.
‘Miss Granger,’ he croaked, his voice a sharp rasp. ‘Have you come to release me?’
‘No. I’m here to interview you, Mr Malfoy,’ Hermione replied, torn between revulsion for the man before her and sympathy for his condition. It was clear that he hadn’t been very well treated since being taken into custody.
Lucius Malfoy gave a sigh, long and theatrical, his head shaking as he did so.
‘I have nothing to tell you,’ he said as the woman finished unlocking his chains.
She scurried away and headed for the door as Lucius stood. Hermione took a step into the room.
‘We’ll see,’ she replied with a smile as she walked towards him.
She turned her head briefly to the woman. ‘Shut the door and make arrangements for this place to be thoroughly cleaned. I expect it to be immaculate when we return.’
The woman looked unhappy at Hermione’s command but nodded her agreement.
‘Are we going somewhere, then?’ she heard Malfoy say as she slammed the heavy door shut with a clang.
She looked at her watch and left it another full ten minutes before she re-opened the door. The place was empty, the previous inhabitants having Apparated to wherever it was Miss Granger had taken Lucius. She looked at the filthy room and sighed. She would need to get in an army of house-elves to get this cleaned up.
Lucius looked around him, not sure where he was or what was happening. His mind had been playing tricks on him for a few weeks now, and he didn’t want to hope he had finally escaped that stinking prison he had been chained in for Merlin knew how long. Of course, if it was true, that meant he had been rescued by Hermione Granger, and that was hardly likely.
Once, he would have been excited by the prospect of being alone with the lovely Miss Granger, but after his treatment at the hands of his captors he couldn’t even think straight, let alone get excited over a beautiful woman.
He swayed and collapsed on the floor. It was soft, definitely not his cell.
‘Are you okay, Mr Malfoy?’ Hermione’s voice was quiet and concerned. She leant down to help the collapsed man up. He was painfully thin and seemed to have aged a lot in the short time since she had last seen him.
She grabbed at the arms of the jacket where they twisted around one another and hauled, pulling him to his feet then guiding him towards a door set into the wall. She was trying to hold her breath as she did so. He smelled ripe and it was making her eyes water. She needed to get him into a shower as soon as possible.
Pushing open the door with her foot, she led Lucius into the room. He stood tall, waiting to see what was going to happen.
I’m going to release you from this thing,’ Hermione said, ‘and then you’re going to take a shower. We’ll talk when you’re clean.’
She pulled him round, and finding the buckle of the long sleeves she undid the straitjacket in short order, releasing Lucius from its grip.
Lucius didn’t fight as she pulled the filthy item from him; what was the point? He was too weak in his current condition to do any damage, and she would just get angry. Anyway, she was releasing him from the straitjacket and letting him clean himself, which was something he definitely wanted.
The jacket was gone and he stood before her, naked except for a filthy pair of underpants.
Hermione merely glanced at him as she repeated, ‘I want you to take a shower. You’ll find towels and a bathrobe.’
Taking a deep breath and a firm grip on the jacket, she left the room, closing the door behind her and leaving Lucius alone.
He waited for a moment to see if she was going to return, but soon the need to be clean overwhelmed him. With a moan he stripped off the last filthy remnant of clothing and turned on the shower, immersing himself in the hot, stinging flow of water. He found some soap. It didn’t smell of much, but it would do. He lathered himself fully and rinsed off, then lathered his body again just to be sure. There was shampoo as well. Once again, nothing fancy, but to him it was heaven. Three times he washed his hair to remove the grime and the filth, the grease and the dirt, and to wash away all traces of the horrid cell he had been kept in for so long.
At least when he had been imprisoned in Azkaban he had been able to keep himself clean and had decent clothes; it had only been the Dementors that had provided the horror. At the place Hermione had just rescued him from he had been kept in squalor, not allowed to clean himself, almost starved, and then finally trussed up in that blasted jacket and chained to the bed.
Realisation of what Hermione had done for him left him sobbing, his tears mixing with the hot water that was still beating down on him.
A long time later he shut off the water, completely clean now and stable once more. He stepped from the shower cubicle and, looking around, spotted a pile of towels. He grabbed one and tied it around his long hair before taking a few minutes to dry himself off with a second towel. A few minutes later he emerged from the bathroom dressed in a white towelling dressing gown, of better quality than he had expected to receive, still towelling his hair dry. He didn’t bother to check the door of the room, he knew Hermione would never have left it unlocked as she was far too smart for that, and it was just a waste of his little remaining energy.
He looked around the room. It appeared to be a bedroom — at least that was how it was styled. There was a bed, not a four-poster but with a bedstead; a chest of drawers; a wardrobe; and two chairs with a small table between. Was this Hermione’s bedroom? It certainly looked very Muggle. He walked over and opened the wardrobe. It was empty, as was the chest of drawers; apparently not Hermione’s room, then. He sat down on the bed and continued drying his hair. He wondered where he was and why he had been brought here. Hermione had said she wanted to talk to him, but was he still in custody or had he been released?
He sat and waited but no one came.
When the door finally opened, Hermione entered carrying a tray. She looked quickly around the room and saw that Lucius was on the bed. He appeared to be asleep. She walked over to the bed, coughing loudly to attract his attention. She didn’t want to scare the man.
‘Are you awake, Mr Malfoy?’ Her voice was warm.
Lucius grunted in his sleep and turned over.
‘I’ve brought you some food.’
She placed the tray on the small table and moved towards the bed. She needed to wake him. It was vital that he eat; the man looked as if he hadn’t had a decent meal for months, so thin had he grown.
‘Mr Malfoy.’ Her voice was louder as she reached to touch Lucius on the shoulder.
He jerked awake, clearly confused and not knowing where he was for a moment. He pulled away from her as if he had been burnt, looking terrified. Hermione stood up and moved back a step. Gods, what had they done to him in that place?
‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,’ she told him sincerely. ‘I was only trying to wake you.’
Lucius stared at her, unspeaking, trying to get a grip on his bearings. She walked back to the table and picked up the tray, taking it over to the bed where Lucius now looked more settled.
‘I’ve brought you some food.’ She placed the tray on his lap and moved away once more to sit down in a chair while she watched him examine it.
‘I haven’t poisoned it,’ she promised. ‘You’re quite safe to eat it.’
Lucius just looked at the food, making no effort to eat.
‘Please,’ Hermione said sadly. ‘You need to eat; you’re so thin.’
Lucius examined the tray. There was a large bowl of soup and two thick slices of bread, more food than he had seen in a long time. He wasn’t sure he could eat; it had been so long since his last proper meal. With a shaking hand, he lifted the spoon, trying to get some of the soup but the shaking from his unused limbs was too violent, he had been jacketed for too long. The spoon fell from his grasp.
Hermione rushed to the bed, dismayed at his condition, and sat down beside him. She picked up the spoon and placed it in the bowl. Without another word she quietly spooned the soup into his mouth, feeding him. She tried not to get upset when his tears flowed again; she had heard his sobs in the shower and they had affected her more than she had expected, but she realised Lucius was starving and his tears were of gratitude. She broke up the bread and put it into the soup, softening it before giving it to her prisoner. After a few mouthfuls, she gave him a sip of water, then waited until he indicated what he wanted. This continued until finally the meal had been eaten; then the tray was set aside on the bed as Hermione rubbed Lucius’ weak arms.
‘Are you in pain?’ she asked worriedly.
‘No.’ Lucius’ voice was quiet, but no longer rasping and cracking as she had first heard it. ‘My arms are just sore from being in that jacket for so long.’
Hermione continued to massage his arms. ‘How long were you in it?’
Lucius shrugged. ‘How long have I been a captive? Time has no meaning to me any longer. It seems like forever but it might be only days.’
‘The war has been over for nine months,’ Hermione told him. She noted his look of shock. ‘As far as I’ve been able to ascertain you’ve been in that place since the day you were captured. I wasn’t aware until I saw you that you were being kept as you were.’ She finished rubbing his arms and moved off the bed. ‘I apologise for the way you’ve been treated, Mr Malfoy.’
Lucius snorted. ‘Why should you care? After all, I’m just another evil Death Eater.’
‘True, but no one should be treated so badly, regardless of who or what they are.’
She picked up the tray and walked towards the door, then turned.
‘I suggest you sleep. I’m sure you need it. I don’t suppose you got that any more than any of the other things you required in that place. I’ll see you in the morning.’
She opened the door and walked through it, then came back as if she had remembered something.
‘Oh, don’t bother trying to escape. You can’t. There’s no way out of the bathroom except into this room, and the window has been magically sealed and barred. Of course, the door will be locked once I leave and wards placed on it to prevent entry or exit until the morning.’ She smiled pleasantly.
‘But I really do think you need the sleep, Mr Malfoy. It will do you good. Sleep well.’
This time she really did leave.
Lucius woke when the door opened, realising that he had slept for the whole night. He felt refreshed, and for the first time in what he now knew was nine months, he didn’t feel the extreme fatigue he usually started the day with. And he was free. Not to leave, of course, but his arms weren’t locked in that awful bloody jacket and he wasn’t chained to the bed. He could get up and walk around the room if he so wished. He could go to the bathroom and shower, and best of all, he could use the toilet rather than having to foul himself.
He sat up as Hermione entered the room. Once again she was carrying a tray. She smiled at him as she came over to the bed and placed the tray on his lap.
‘Did you sleep well?’ she asked.
Lucius nodded. ‘Very, thank you. A comfortable bed certainly helped.’
He gave her a small smile and Hermione’s heart leapt. He was returning to the Lucius Malfoy that she knew of old, not the cowed and broken creature she had liberated the day before.
‘Do you need help with your breakfast?’ she asked.
Lucius looked at the loaded tray and laughed. ‘Only with eating some of it,’ he said wryly. ‘I haven’t been eating all that much over the last nine months.’
‘I can tell, you’re so thin,’ Hermione replied. ‘Just eat as much as you can.’
Lucius picked up the glass of orange juice and drank it in one mouthful. Hermione noticed that his arms were still shaking, but nowhere near as badly as the previous night.
He picked up the spoon and began to eat the porridge. It was a slow process, but he didn’t ask for help and he didn’t spill anywhere near as much as the day before. Hermione moved back to the chair and watched him quietly while he ate.
‘You said I’ve been in captivity for nine months,’ he said looking Hermione.
She nodded.
‘What’s happened during the time I’ve been away?’
Hermione looked thoughtful.
‘Kingsley Shacklebolt is now the Minister for Magic. He’s worked hard to put things right there, and Harry and Ron are working with him. Hogwarts has just reopened with Minerva McGonagall as Headmistress. Life is getting back to normal, although it’s going to take a long while.’
Lucius cut up a sausage. ‘What about Narcissa? And Draco?’ He looked worried.
Hermione looked at him steadily. ‘Narcissa was released without charge the day after the battle. Harry told the inquiry she had helped him at the end. It was clear that she was no Death Eater, so there was no reason for her to be detained.’
She watched Lucius eating for a moment.
‘And Draco?’
‘Harry helped him, too. Although they hadn’t got on throughout school, it was clear that Draco had been forced into the Death Eaters because of your failure at the Department of Mysteries. He was really just a scared boy forced into trying to save his parents. He’s working with Harry and Ron as an Auror . . . he’s doing really well,’ she finished with a smile.
‘Am I the last?’ Lucius asked.
Hermione knew what he meant. She nodded.
‘It took me ages to track you down,’ she said apologetically. ‘I left you in that holding cell expecting to collect you the following day, but when I got back you were gone and all the paperwork seemed to have mysteriously disappeared. I’m afraid you’re not very popular with a lot of people, Mr Malfoy.
‘When I finally found you it took a lot of work to get you released into my custody. At one point I thought I was never going to get you out. But, of course, I never realised just how badly they were treating you in there; there was never any word of that.’
‘And why am I released to your custody, Miss Granger?’ Lucius asked. He had pushed away the tray having consumed almost three-quarters of the contents.
‘Because I’m the one who is going to interrogate you,’ Hermione replied, standing and picking up the tray, ‘Because you’re going to be talking to me.’
‘I’ve already told you I have nothing to say to you,’ Lucius told her.
‘That’s not true,’ Hermione replied simply. ‘And you will tell me everything eventually.’
She walked toward the door with the empty tray.
‘I’ll see if I can find you some clothes. Probably not as grand as the ones you’re used to, but better than nothing, eh?’
She winked and looked at the man, naked except for the thin sheet that covered him, then walked out the door.
He heard the sound of the lock turning and wards being placed, trapping him once more.
Hermione returned briefly with some clothes and clean towels before leaving Lucius alone again. He had taken another long shower and then dressed, enjoying the feeling of once again being himself. He still had no idea what Hermione was expecting him to talk about, and as his strength returned his desire to get away from her was lessening, especially if it meant returning to that other awful place. He would quite happily spend the rest of his life here not talking if she were to be his gaoler.
Although Hermione had been a thorn in his side for as long as he could remember, she had also grown into an attractive and incredibly intelligent woman. He knew she was a nice girl and disliked pain or torture, so he wondered how she expected to get him to talk. It was clear that she was confident he would do so, and obviously, she had been charged by others with the task and so they had thought her suitable, but for the life of him Lucius couldn’t see what she could do that would loosen his tongue.
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