The Fallen Lion | By : AnonymousTigress Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male Views: 22482 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 5 |
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter. I do not gain any profit or benefits from writing fan fics of any kind. The only thing I own is any original characters you don’t recognize from Harry Potter. |
Only posting up chapter four and I have 1200+ hits, 18 reviews, and 26 star votes for 5! I must be doing something right.
Mashkai: I’m glad you’re enjoying the story and I do hope you continue reading.akcchamp: Love that you’re reading. JChaosLady: Thank you. I’m trying very hard not to go too far down that angst-ridden hill. As it’s my first time writing this kind of story, I’m trying to take it slow.Jess: Depressed Harry is a hard characterization to do. I was hoping by making him older that I would avoid the whiny or attention seeking teenybopper. Thank you. I’ll try my best to keep the momentum going.CDGaymer: Hehehe Here’s what happens next.,,,,,,read below. JJami_Lee: I’m glad Harry went with Severus, too.starr: Oh, I wouldn’t put my hopes on it not being Ginny. And I assure you the two Slytherins are on the case.BAFan: I think I know what story you’re talking about, but if it’s the one I’m thinking about then in that one he has kids. I also really enjoy the story where Ginny and Harry are divorcing with Draco being his Arguer (Lawyer). That author is awesome. Keep reading to find out what happens.Chapter Four
A Day of Discoveries
Harry picked up a spatula and flipped the pancake over. There were already a bunch of dishes sitting on the kitchen island. Tippy was standing up on a stool watching the youngest master make pancakes. There was a small list sitting on the counter which included food allergies Severus and Draco had. Harry finished the pancakes and stacked them neatly onto a plate. Tippy smiled and clapped her hands happily.“Master Harry is being a master cook. Tippy is happy to have Master Harry in the kitchen to help Tippy,” Tippy said, nearly toppling the stool over when she gave him a hug.Harry looked a little startled at first, but then slowly relaxed in the house elf’s arms. He brought a hand up to pat her nicely on the head. Tippy squeezed him even harder, forcing him to emit a small squeak. The poor house elf immediately let go and hopped down from the stool. She wrung her hands together in a nervous manner.“Tippy is sorry. Tippy is excited to have Master Harry cooking in Tippy’s kitchen.” Frown. “Master Draco is burning water and Tippy is not letting him ‘cook’ again.”Harry’s mouth twitched up into the biggest smile he had shown anyone in a long time. He patted her gently on the head. Thankfully, it made her stop wringing her hands. Her wide ears came up from their wilted position and her eyes sparked with excitement.“Master Harry is being welcome to help Tippy. Tippy is liking Master Harry. Tippy is thinking Master Harry have nice smile,” Tippy praised him.Harry’s cheeks pinked as he turned away to start bringing food out to the table. While the two of them set the table downstairs, Severus and Draco were upstairs getting ready for the new day. Draco groaned with his head thrown back and his legs wrapped around his lover’s middle. Severus had two fingers buried deep in his channel and his other hand pumping his member in a fierce grip. Severus licked at his lover’s ear, giving the lobe a small nip.“I warned you not to steal my shower, Dragon,” he whispered.Draco groaned as the fingers stabbed mercilessly into his sweet spot. He mumbled incoherently. His body was humming with energy. His release was fast approaching and his lover wasn’t letting up. When a third finger slid over his sensitive gland, Draco came with a scream of surprise. Severus expertly stroked him, milking him all the way through his orgasm.When he was finished coming undone, Draco let his legs drop and he leaned back against the shower wall. Draco smiled at his lover with a small chuckle. Severus crowded him against the wall, but kept his lower body back from his still twitching lover. The taller wizard brought a hand up to hold the side of his lover’s face, frowning down at him.“I should steal your shower more often, Severus,” Draco grinned.Severus leaned down and whispered in his ear, “Next time, I’ll turn your hair pink.”Draco gasped as he was unceremoniously shoved out of the shower and locked away from his lover. Draco shook his head while snatching a towel from the bathroom closet. He knew his lover much preferred to share a bath than shower, but sometimes Draco couldn’t help himself. The reward was worth the risk.Unless of course he does follow through with that threat, Draco thought.And he knew Severus always followed through with said threats. Draco toweled himself off and shaved off a little stubble on his face before leaving the bathroom. Once his lover had departed, Severus was free to finish his shower. He loved the blonde and he didn’t mind an occasional shower with his younger lover. Except, on this particular morning, he was pressed for time; he was supposed to be meeting with Albus later.He had been concerned with leaving the unsteady Gryffindor alone with a house elf, especially after last night. Draco had told him (before jumping into his shower) that he had owled Kingsley after waking up. Draco had told Kingsley he was taking a few personal days, but didn’t offer any details to the Head Auror. It would allow for Harry to get used to being around Draco.He quickly washed his hair before climbing out. The shower turned off automatically when there was no one in it. He dried off and dressed casually in pants and a button-up shirt with his sleeves rolled up to the elbow. Slipping his wand into a hidden holster, Severus made his way downstairs to where he found a large breakfast spread out on the table. He noted that his young charge and his lover were absent from the table.“Tippy.”The house elf popped into view.“Master Severus is wanting Tippy to bring him something?” Tippy asked.“No, Tippy. This breakfast looks quite nice. I am curious if you know the whereabouts of the younger wizards in the home,” Severus explained.Tippy nodded her head excitedly.“Master Draco is coming down and finding Master Harry’s breakfast. Master Draco is asking Tippy where Master Harry is. Tippy is telling Master Draco Master Harry is leaving to read and Master Harry is not eating breakfast. Master Draco is not liking that.”Harry not eating breakfast didn’t sit well with him, either. The morning had barely started and he could already feel a headache coming on. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Severus gave Tippy some instructions.“Tippy, can you please bring me a Stomach Soothing Potion and a Nutrient Potion?” Severus asked.The house elf disappeared to grab the aforementioned potions. At the same time, Severus heard his lover coming down the stairs.“-wonderful breakfast. You need to eat, too, and I can tell you that Severus will tell you the same thing,” Draco said, finishing as he came into the room.Draco came in with his arm around Harry’s arm rather than pulling him by his wrist. Severus knew that was so he wouldn’t unintentionally be hurting the other wizard. Draco stopped the two of them next to him, allowing Severus to place a hand on the brunette’s other shoulder. Harry turned his gaze from gray-silver to coal black.“Draco is right, Harry. You’ve made more than enough food for the three of us and you need to eat on a regular basis,” Severus told him, gently.Harry nodded. He allowed Draco to pull him over to a seat. Draco sat across from him while Severus sat to their side. Draco noticed Harry’s mouth twitch into a smile when he reached out for a glass of water.“What?” Draco asked.Tippy popped back in with the potions and placed them on the table next to Severus. Harry’s quick glance at the house elf had Draco straightening up in his chair.“Oh, for—Tippy!” Draco looked down at her. “Must you tell everyone about that?”Tippy put her hands on her hips while shooting Draco a stern look. It was unusual behavior for house elves, but not for Tippy.“Master Draco is burning water. Tippy is not telling Master Harry Master Draco is burning down half of Tippy’s kitchen,” Tipp said, before disappearing with a crack.Draco slapped a hand to his face in frustration. He was never going to live that down. Not as long as Tippy was there to remind him. When he looked across the table, he saw the top of Harry’s head. He briefly wondered if the brunette was holding back a laugh.“Potter?”Harry lifted his head. His face was back at its usual blank. Draco held up his finger.“It was one time,” Draco told him.With another twitchy smile, Harry nodded. Severus handed a vial to him and had him take it. Thankfully, this one had a much more pleasant taste. Harry swallowed it down easily, smoothly placing the vial back down. Severus then handed him a plate of a light breakfast.“Try to eat all of it,” Severus instructed.Harry picked up a fork and slowly began eating his breakfast. Both Slytherins could tell he wasn’t accustomed to eating, but they vowed to make sure he continued eating. In their opinion, the Gryffindor was already skinny enough as it was. They ate their breakfast in silence. The food was exquisite. Severus was surprised that this young man, who had stumbled in potions so badly, could construct such a beautiful feast.After breakfast, Severus stood up to leave. Harry was pushing his plate away when the man’s hand landed on his shoulder. Harry calmly lifted his head to look up at his old professor. The professor handed him the second vial which he swallowed down just as smoothly as the first.“That was a nice breakfast. Thank you, Harry. I’m going to Hogwarts to visit the Headmaster. Draco is going to stay with you today. I’ll tell Albus you said hello,” Severus told him.Harry blinked at him before nodding. Severus squeezed his shoulder gently as a way of saying goodbye. He gave his lover a quick kiss before apparating out./……/
Albus was there to greet him at the edge of the wards. The older wizard greeted him with a smile and hug. They fell into step together as they chose to walk around the grounds. As a precautionary, Albus had set a privacy ward around them. It wouldn’t do for any eavesdroppers to hear their conversation.
“How are things progressing?” Albus asked.Severus sighed.“Two steps forward, three steps back. He was settling in okay, but he had a nightmare last night.” He shook his head. “It was horrific, Albus. He tore up his arms with his own fingers and it took a lot to wake him.”The Headmaster listened to the details of last night’s events, including Draco staying the night with Harry. Severus also told him about breakfast and the odd behavior.“I’ve noticed sometimes that his mouth twitches into a small smile. He’s done it a few times. When the Healer thanked him for the puzzle. And when that house elf of ours told him about Draco burning water.”The snow-haired wizard nodded while listening.“It’s as if…” Severus drifted off.“…he’s afraid to be happy. To show he is happy,” Albus finished.Yes. Yes, that made sense. Whenever that little twitch appeared, it was when there was something funny or meaningful said to Harry. This was a large puzzle he was trying to reconstruct and he only had the outer border to go on. Now he needed to find the details to fill it.A sudden thought occurred to him.
“What can you tell me of Harry’s engagement to Miss Weasley?” Severus asked.The Potions Master was taken aback with what the Headmaster told him.“Harry and Ginny chose to marry shortly before he fought Lord Voldemort. That first year and a half after the war, they were husband and wife.”This was a turn of events. At the few Ministry functions he had attended, the Potions Master never thought that Potter and Weasley appeared to be anything but an engaged couple. They certainly exhibited couple tendencies, but not those of a married couple. This puzzle was starting to blur.“What are you planning to do now?” Albus asked.“Harry’s file mentioned a lot of childhood injuries. Most of them were common injuries, but a few were suspicious. I don’t have enough details. I’ll speak with Poppy and after that I’m going to see if I can find his muggle family,” Severus answered.“The Order hid the Dursley’s away in America. I, myself, am not sure where they are. But the information could be in the Order’s old files here or with the Ministry. I will see if I can find their location for you, Severus,” Albus told him.Severus stopped walking along the path with a small smile gracing his face.“Thank you, Albus. While I wait for your owl, I’ll see if I can figure out what it is that Harry concocted on his own,” Severus said.“He hasn’t spoken yet, has he?”The raven-haired wizard shook his head in the negative. He understood now why Harry wouldn’t smile. But what made the twenty-three year old think that he wasn’t free to be happy?“Albus, would you advise that I – we – make him talk?”The Headmaster squeezed his shoulder.“I can’t tell you how to best help Harry. All I can suggest is you be there for him and when he’s ready to talk…listen.”/……/
Hidden in a dark corner of his bathroom in the bathtub, Harry had a small book open in his lap. He had a pen in his hand, which he was using to write in the book. It was a special book used by few witches and wizards.
Saturday, September 12, 2015I had that nightmare again last night. I can still feel the burns scorching my body and soul. I thought the nightmare was finally going to take me and Death would welcome me. But Malfoy woke me up. Him and Snape. I woke up with a heart beating in my ear. It felt really nice and it made the flames go away.My nightmare made me scratch my arms up. The wounds were real deep, but Snape put something on them that healed them. Malfoy held me while I held his ferret. It’s funny that he has a pet ferret. Its name is Tybalt. I recognize that name from somewhere, but I don’t know where from.I’m here with Snape and Malfoy now. I think Dumbledore asked Snape to take me in. I hate to be a burden, but Snape was right. I don’t want to spend what’s left of my life under sedation. I just don’t know how they feel about me being here.Snape went to Hogwarts today. He visits the Headmaster, I guess. I don’t want to see him. He shouldn’t have to see how far I’ve fallen. I spent the day with Malfoy. He’s not so bad to be around. He showed me around the grounds outside. They have a nice home with no neighbors around. There is a small mixed muggle-wizard town nearby. Draco said he would take me there on Monday. Snape might come, too.I thought my potion had worked. I didn’t use any ingredients I’m allergic to. I used the freshest ingredients I could find. It should have worked. But it didn’t. I was trapped in that nightmare, but this time…I was in the fire. I was the one trapped. I was screaming, but no one came. No one came for me. I was relieved to wake up in St. Mungo’s.I wonder what Snape and Malfoy will say if they find out I haven’t used any magic in the last two years.Water droplets splashed down onto the page. Harry dropped his pen and swiped his hand across his cheeks. His hand fell down to his stomach where he unknowingly rubbed at the same spot Snape had touched last night. His other hand came up to rub at his scar. He heard a small pop and nearly jumped out of his skin when a familiar pair of large eyes stared at him over the rim of the bathtub.“Master Draco is worried he is not finding Master Harry. Tippy is looking for Master Harry.” Her eyes got bigger. “Master Harry is crying? Master Harry is sad?”Harry shook his head softly while hiding the book and pen behind his back. Tippy brought her hands up and hopped up onto the bathtub ledge. She cupped her hands together while looking at him with worried eyes.“Tippy is understanding. Master Harry is wanting time alone. Master Draco is nice wizard, but Master Draco is being a chatterbox.”Harry’s mouth flicked a small smile at the house elf. Her ears lifted up as she clapped her hands quietly.“Tippy is making Master Harry smile! Tippy is liking Master Harry’s smile. Master Harry should smile more.”Harry bowed his head. Why was it that a house elf was so happy simply by him smiling? He startled when he felt a small hand gently touch his head and over his scar. Then he felt his head embraced by two soft arms and a head leaned on top of his.“Master Harry is being family now. Master Severus and Master Draco is nice wizards. They is taking care of Master Harry. They is fixing Master Harry’s broken heart.”This time, Harry didn’t bother hiding his smile as he threw his arms around the small house elf.End of Chapter FourA Day of Discoveries
Author’s Note: I’m hoping to post another chapter real soon so keep an eye out.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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