Harry Potter and The Equitum Solis Surgentes | By : Kimmimaru Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 3061 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any characters or settings by JK Rowling. I make no profit from this story. |
AN: Warning: Character Death!!! This is where it gets really depressing, I hope you did read the tag of 'Angst' and don't expect anything happy from me, I use stories to vent and they end up like this, lol. Please continue to enjoy and Thank you all so much for your interest and those who have reveiwed, they made me blush! :D Thank you.
Chapter Four: The Rising Sun
Harry gazed into the flames. He could feel something deep inside him threatening to shatter, he felt helpless, as helpless as he had been when he was a baby and he could only watch as Lily was murdered...as he thought of it he could hear her screams in his head...his father's voice ringing through all the intervening years with a forcefulness that not even the dementors inspired.
He could hardly hear his friends, so lost in his own thoughts and half remembered images.
He snapped back to reality with a jolt, his hand going straight for his wand. It was in his fingers, the warmth seeming to spread through his hands and into his heart. He took a shuddery breath and stood. "I'm going." He said firmly. "Follow me and I will make sure I hex you all!" He turned on his heels, robes flaring out around his feet as he strode purposefully towards the entrance hall.
"Harry! Harry...Please...don't!" Hermione tried to get his attention by grabbing his sleeve, he turned and shrugged her off.
"Don't stop me!" He gasped, his wand hand shaking violently.
Hermione backed off a step, her eyes wide. She had never seen Harry look so terrifying, she could see death in those twin green pools and it sent shudders through her. "Please..." She whispered, feeling tears spring to her eyes. "Just wait..."
"I don't have time! They could be torturing them as we speak...or..." The rest was left unsaid. "This isn't like the time with Sirius!" He said. "This time I know for certain they've got my family, I know for certain that they will kill them! Hermione...I'm not a child!"
"I know you're not, Harry." Hermione replied. "But I don't think you should go alone..."
"I will." He replied. "If you come with me you could be..." He fell silent again. "I can't...I can't live with your deaths on my conscience too." He shook his head, swallowing hard.
"Mate...we won't die." Ron said, in an attempt to calm him down.
"You don't know that." Harry replied. "Just stay here...I'll send them here after..." he spun around, sweeping out of the room and into the hall, his firm footsteps echoed through the building as he threw open the doors and began practically running down the gravel driveway. Once he was out of the wards he concentrated as he never had done before on the place where he was born, on the place where his mother and father had died...
Draco sat by the fire, his hands clasped before him as he gazed into space. He was frowning. His father had been afraid of these people, his father, a Death Eater who had been close to Voldemort...His frown deepened.
"We should go after him, Ron." Hermione muttered, she sounded terrified. "Please...he can't go alone..."
"Yeah...I get it." Ron took a shaky breath. "Ginny's my sister...I want to help."
"No, it won't do any of you any good to follow." Everyone looked up at the soft sound of Lucius' voice. "You will all die, Potter has the right of it. If only he dies it will lessen the amount of casualties. It's better for you two to go home..."
"I'm not abandoning Harry!" Ron snarled.
"Stupid Gryffindor's!" Lucius sneered. "Put away that loyalty and really think! If you go and you die as well, Potter will have to live knowing that he was the cause of your deaths! Do you honestly think he would ever forgive himself? Do you think he can live with yet more blood on his hands? You will be making your children orphans..."
Ron paled slightly and Hermione winced. "We understand that but I won't let Harry die alone!" Ron said after a pause, he straightened his back. "Rose and Hugo have a huge family, my mum will take of them..." He grabbed Hermione's hand, squeezing it slightly. "If we die, we do it together."
Lucius shook his head. "Obviously you were sorted correctly."
"Father..." Draco stood and his father went even whiter, his grey eyes widening. "I think this is better, don't you?" He said slowly. "Tell Astoria...and Scorpius, if I don't return that I love them." He swept past his shell shocked father and moved towards the door. He turned, one pale hand on the wood and looked back. "Are you two coming?"
Ron gaped for a full minute before Hermione stamped on his foot and he jumped. "Y-Yeah..." He muttered, following the pale Slytherin out of the house.
As Draco reached the door he spotted his mother, standing by the drawing room door. Her hand was by her mouth, she looked sick, as if she was about to throw up. "Draco...please, don't do this!"
"I have to." He muttered, lowering his head slightly. "I did not deserve to live through the last war...I have a lot to repent for...Mother...you understand, don't you?"
"B-But...You'll die..." She whispered.
"I may, and if I do, it would be the least I could do to pay for my sins." He absently touched his left forearm as he gazed into the distance. "I need to do this, for myself, for Astoria, and for Scorpius...but also for Father...and you."
"No! No! You can't!" Narcissa had tears pouring down her face. "Don't go..."
He smiled and turned, pushing open the double doors and stepping into the night. He ignored his mother's grief stricken screams as she called his name and followed Ron and Hermione.
Harry opened his eyes and found himself staring up at a house he remembered. A house he had seen many times since the devastating visit when he was seventeen. It was still overgrown and ruined, the top floor blasted away, but he could see a shifting light in one of the intact windows. He took a breath and pushed open the gate, it screeched as he opened it, rust and bits of flaking wood fell off as he stepped into the garden. He paused briefly and looked up, imagining the house when the damage had first been done...Had Sirius Black looked up at the destruction like this? Had he heard Harry's cries? He shook his head and took a step, with each one a cloying dread soaked into him and his thoughts kept straying to his Godfather. He could hear voices, hardly audible over the gentle rustle of the long grass beneath his shoes, he could see the light shifting in the window and he tightened his grip on his own wand.
James sat, huddled in a corner, his arms wrapped tightly around his siblings as he watched the men standing over the prone form of his mother. He clamped one hand firmly over Albus's wet eyes, the other was placed just as firmly over Lily's...he was forced to watch as the strange men began pointing their wands at his mother and cursed her. She was screaming. Screaming so loudly he thought his heart would shatter like those silly opera singers shattered glass on Muggle television. He gritted his teeth ignoring his own tears as they flowed down his cheeks, he was forced to watch, because he couldn't allow his siblings to see. His father was gone, so it was up to him to protect them. He didn't know any magic...he didn't even have his wand on him...he was pretty useless. "M-Mummy?" Lily muttered, cuddling into her brother's side, her small fingers grasping desperately at his coat. "Mummy? Where is she? James...where's Daddy? I-I'm scared..."
"Shh..." James swallowed, trying to make his voice steady. "I-It's alright, Dad'll be here soon...he has to be...he-he's always there...t-to protect us..."
Ginny lay in a pile of cloth on the floor, her red hair falling over her face as she panted. They had taken her wand, disarmed her before she could even get a shot in. They had taken it and snapped it in half. She could hardly see, her eyes half blinded by crimson light from the Cruciatus curses. However, she could hear her children, she was relived they were safe...for now. Harry surely had no idea what had happened, how could he? He was at work, he assumed they were safe at the Burrow... She felt tears sting her eyes. Harry would never know. He would never know why the men had murdered his family...Her children. She had to protect her children! She struggled onto her hands and knees, slowly lifting her face so she gazed up at the first man. He wore a set of bright orange robes, with a golden sun rising from a golden sea sewn into the breast. He sneered and aimed his wand at her. "Please..." She muttered, reaching for him. "Please...do anything to me...anything at all...Kill me! J-Just don't...please don't hurt my children! Please...I-I'm begging you! Have mercy!"
The man kicked her hands away furiously, his wand lifting to point into her tear and blood stained face. "Get off of me, woman!" He sneered. "Filthy blood-traitors and their disgusting brats...you all deserve to die!" He flicked his wand, the spell hitting Ginny in the chest and throwing her back to the floor. "But we must wait...we need to have words with your husband."
"H-Harry." She muttered, her eyes landing on the huddled group of children. James had tears of his own pouring down his face as his eyes met his mothers. "Please..."
James watched the men pace, one man kept tapping his wand nervously against his hand. His eyes darting around, he was on edge, obviously afraid of the Great Harry Potter...the one who had destroyed Voldemort and captured uncountable Dark Wizards. He felt a savage pride well up in his chest as he thought of that, his father was strong! He'd come to save his family and put all these nasty men behind bars! He smirked slightly, still covering his sibling's eyes. He was a little worried about Albus, he was cold and hadn't spoken in a while, but he was unable to look at either of them...in case he lost all hope. Lily trembled by his side, her hands clenching and unclenching on her brother's coat, she didn't understand what was happening, and that, thought James, was probably a good thing.
Harry's feet moved of their own accord, not once, in all his visits to Godric's Hollow had he actually stepped foot inside the house. Was it fear? Was it, perhaps, a dread of hearing the echoes of his parent's last words? He didn't know, but as he walked into the house he could feel a dread in his heart, like a thick blanket had been draped over it. He gritted his teeth, concentrating on what he had to do. The stairs creaked as he walked up them, almost seeing his father's body lying sprawled upon the carpet. He could imagine Voldemort, carefully placing each foot on the floor, hearing the soft creak and Lily's terrified whispers to her year old son. Harry shook himself physically, trying to dislodge the odd thoughts. He turned left to see the massive gap, stars glittered coldly in the heavens and he swallowed his fear moving to his right and towards the room where the light was coming from.
Ginny lay still, staring at the small gas lamp that sat beside the door. She could hardly move, her body ached right to the very core but she kept her eyes open, hoping against hope that her children would live to see the dawn. Then she saw a long shadow appear, it flickered and danced with the flame and she felt her heart beat quicken.
The men turned to the door at the sound of the soft creak of the floorboards. Seven wands lifted and pointed at the intruder. Harry Potter stood in the door way, his own wand raised and aiming at the only man he recognised. Brock stood there, smirking slightly. "Found us then, Potter?" He said softly.
"I did." Harry replied, his green eyes darting to Ginny, lying on the floor and then to his children, all huddled in a corner. There was silence for a long moment.
"Dad!" James shouted, lunging forward, releasing his brother and sister.
"Hold it!" One man grabbed the boy by the hair and dragged him backwards, throwing him roughly into the wall.
"Don't!" Harry shouted, his wand moving to the man who had touched his son. "Don't you dare lay a hand on my family, you bastard!"
"I don't think you're in any position to be giving orders, Potter!" Brock snapped.
James looked up, rubbing his bruised elbow and gaped. His father stood, framed by the doorway, his robes were black, his green eyes were narrowed with fury behind his flashing glasses, his wand arm perfectly steady. He emitted a powerful aura, the air practically crackled with magic, it sent thrills through James's body. He had never seen his father truly angry before...but now...now he could see how Harry Potter had become Head Auror at the age of twenty seven. It was awe inspiring yet terrifying. "I think I have more right to give orders than you! I'm here now! I came...release my family!"
Brock smiled. "Oh no, we do this here...I want them to watch this."
"Watch what? What are you talking about?"
The man chuckled nastily. "Well, Potter, you see we are a group of dissatisfied people..." Brock began pacing slowly, up and down between Harry and his family. "We watched as you killed the Dark Lord, we were forced to bow to the new Ministry and treated like scum because of you! We decided it was time to take the inicitive...to do what the Dark Lord, in the end, could not."
"You want me dead?" Harry asked, not really all that surprised.
"Ah, yes, but that would be much too simple!" Brock exclaimed dramatically. "What we want, Mr. Potter, Is our dignities, our pride, our purpose back!" His dark eyes glittered in the flickering lamp light. He smiled as Harry's wand wavered slightly.
"You...You want..." Harry began slowly.
"To bring him back, yes." Brock grinned. "I'm glad we got there so quickly."
"But it's impossible! The dead cannot come back to life!"
"No, the dead can't." Brock's smile widened.
"What do you mean? I killed him! I made sure he was dead!" Harry felt panic sear his throat and crushed it with effort. "You can't bring him back."
"You cannot kill a soul, Mr. Potter." Brock whispered. "There was a certain branch of the Death Eater's, created specifically to research ways of raising the dead, putting a soul into its original body. They were called The Equitum Solis Surgentes!"
Harry's eyes widened. "What?" He muttered, unable to even think properly.
"Yes, however, the ritual demands a sacrifice..." His eyes moved to Harry's family. "A soul for a soul...a life for a life..."
"No!" Harry shouted, feel terror rip through him. "No...You can't..."
"We can, we have all the ingredients we need right here..." He indicated a large assortment of objects, a large urn in the very centre. Harry gazed at it for a full minute before realising what it contained. "His ashes, Potter. His ashes...to recreate his body."
"This is...an abomination! You can't raise the dead! You'll be destroyed!" Harry's voice took on an odd panicky hint.
"We won't. We will be rewarded!" Brock looked insane as he leered at Harry. "Now...who will you choose as the sacrifice?"
Harry frowned, he felt violently sick all of a sudden. "Wha-What?"
"The sacrifice! Choose which one will die, or they all die!"
"Me." He muttered. "If you have to...use me."
"Oh no, dear boy, that just won't do! We need you...we need you alive so we can use your blood."
Harry gritted his teeth snarling at the men. Several of them had grabbed his kids and were holding wands to their heads, they all gazed at him with terrified faces. Ginny was shifting on the floor, pushing herself up, her brown eyes met Harry's and she smiled. "Me..." She muttered softly. "Choose me...I-I'll die..."
"NO!" Harry's voice cracked. "No...Don't!"
"Harry..." Ginny climbed unsteadily to her feet, she stumbled and fell into his arms. He caught her. "My love...If I don't do this...They'll die...They're just children."
"G-Ginny..." Harry felt pain lance through him. He looked into Ginny's face, tears fell from her eyes and she lifted her hand to his face. Her smile was beautiful. "P-Please...d-don't..."
"It's alright; I'm doing it to protect them."
As he looked down into her face he held her tightly, slipping to the floor onto his knees. "G-Gi-..."
There was a flash of green. A scream. Was that him? He felt numb. It couldn't be real. It was impossible!
"G-Ginny...?" He gasped, gazing down into the slack face of his wife. "Ginny!" He shook her slightly. Terror ripped through him, he could hear muffled noises. Everything seemed slow, as if his brain wasn't processing things properly... "Ginny?" His own voice sounded small, far away.
James went limp. He had heard of that curse. He didn't know exactly what it did, but he had heard his father mention it before...now he knew. He gazed at his mother's corpse, his eyes wide and unfocussed, his mouth hanging open slightly. Someone was shaking him. He didn't care. He was frozen, still not entirely sure what had happened...
"M-Mummy?" Lily crawled forward slowly, her eyes wide. Red hair tangled around her face as she heard an odd noise, like something being strangled. She lifted her gaze to her father, he was bent over, face hidden behind his hair and his shoulders shook violently. "Daddy?"
Only that one, tiny word wormed it's way into Harry Potter's brain. He slowly lifted his head, his eyes meeting a pair of huge brown ones. "Lily..." He muttered, slowly, as if waking from an awful nightmare.
"Daddy...what happened to Mummy? Why won't she wake up? Daddy...I'm scared...I want to go home...please..."
"Lily..." Harry's fingers tightened on his wand, his mind filling with an uncontrollable rage. Slowly he stood.
The men in the strange robes had gathered around the urn, James was confused, not entirely sure what was happening. They were muttering softly, the air in the room had become thick, almost suffocating him...then he heard it. Words, uttered with such terrible hatred his whole body went cold. James had never known that two words could be so terrible. That green flash...like lightening...he trembled, his fingers searching and finding his baby brother's hand. He lifted his eyes and saw Harry stood up, wand in hand as a body fell, an odd, heavy thump made the floor shake but James didn't want to look. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly, hugging Albus to himself, feeling his brothers heartbeat against his own.
Draco saw the flash. His eyes widened and he broke into a run, vaulting the fence and landing neatly on the other side. There could be many explanations for the Avada Kedavra to have been used, but he was only certain of one of them.
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