Harry Potter and The Equitum Solis Surgentes | By : Kimmimaru Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 3061 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any characters or settings by JK Rowling. I make no profit from this story. |
Chapter five: The Fall
Harry stood still, breathing hard. He stared down at the man he'd just killed, the man who had died by his own wand. In his blind fury he had used an Unforgiveable curse upon another human being...He had done exactly what Voldemort had to so many others.
His name hardly registered as several wands lifted, pointing at him. He lifted his own automatically. The spells ricocheted off the walls, off his own, impossibly strong shield. All noise seemed muted somehow, like a muffling veil had been cast between him and his opponents. Finally loud footsteps and a rough hand on his shoulder made everything return, sound was raised to full, everything speeded up and he stumbled, someone shoved him roughly to the floor. His eyes landed on James, who was pushing his brother and sister into a corner, shielding them from the battle.
Finally everything stopped, there was a loud smashing noise and cries of fury. Hermione stood there, panting slightly, her bushy hair wild around her flushed face. The pot that had stood in the centre of the room was little more than a pile of dust. It still smoked from her curse. The men in the orange robes began disappearing with pops, Harry climbed to his feet, raising his wand but someone grabbed him, dragging him backwards.
"No! Let me go! I have to...I have to go after them...They're getting away!" He struggled but something hit him in the back of the head, he fell...and kept falling.
Malfoy shook his head, he held Harry's unconscious body making sure it didn't hit the floor. Ron stood perfectly still, his gaze glued to the inert form of his sister. Hermione had tears running silently down her face. The children sat in the corner, James's eyes darting around, terror in his face. "Is everyone alright?" Draco asked as he lay Harry's body on the floor. "Your father's safe, he's just stunned."
James slowly began to relax, his small frame shaking so violently he looked like a wind-up toy. "M-Mum..." he began, his eyes moving to the body. He crawled towards it slowly, his hands finding her dress and he began shaking it. "Mum...Mum wake up..." He muttered, tears falling from his eyes. "Mum, please...please don't go!"
"J-James..." Hermione knelt and put a shaking hand on his shoulder. "James..." He tried to shake her off but she dragged him into an embrace. He tried to hold back the torrent of emotions but failed. He ended up burying his head in her shoulder and sobbing desperately.
"Ginny..." Ron finally gasped, falling beside his sister. Her eyes were open and glazed slightly, he could see a small smile that spoke of love and devotion on her lips...frozen there. He couldn't say anything, nothing could express his grief.
Draco stood, lifting Harry's body from the floor. "We need to leave, now. They should get to safety. My manor would be best."
Ron, for once, didn't argue. He picked up his sister gently and looked to Hermione who nodded. She stood, taking the children's hands and they all spun on the spot.
Harry opened his eyes, he felt shaky, the nightmare had been terrible. Slowly he blinked, his glasses were gone and he couldn't make out his surroundings. He heard soft voices, gentle whispering and someone was...crying?
"The children are asleep..." Hermione's voice reached into his sleep befuddled mind.
"Good..." Ron said in a hoarse voice. "I-I have to...tell..." He fell silent.
Harry frowned up at the dark ceiling, it had been a nightmare...hadn't it?
"Wh-when will he wake up?" Hermione said softly.
"Soon." Draco replied.
Slowly the events of the night crashed in around him. Harry sat bolt upright, staring into nothing, his green eyes wide and slightly unfocussed. "Ginny!" He cried, struggling to throw off a blanket someone had put over him.
"Harry...Harry, calm down..." Hermione was trying to push him back into bed, he stared up at her blurry image.
"B-But..." His voice cracked. "I let her die!"
Hermione shook her head, tears splashing down her face as she blinked rapidly, "No...No it's not your fault! Harry...It's no one's..."
"It is my fault!" He cried and covered his face with his hands. "It's all my fault! I was so...so stupid! I-I was...too relaxed. I should have been...more aware...stronger..."
"Harry, no one's blaming you." Ron said softly, his voice rough from his own grief. "No one ever blamed you for anything..."
Harry shook his head. "I let her die." He whispered again.
There was silence, it stretched on into infinity. Ron and Hermione couldn't think of what to say, they knew he would blame himself...he always did. Finally the noise of shifting cloth made Harry look up, he could see Draco's pale face, white blond hair, but it was blurry. The figure moved and held out his hand, Harry squinted and could just make out his glasses resting in the palm. He took them and shoved them on. "You want revenge?" Draco said quietly, his cold grey eyes meeting emerald.
"What do you think?" Harry whispered.
"That was you, wasn't it?" Draco said softly, sitting at Harry's side. "You killed that man...You used the Avada Kedavra..."
Harry's smile was wonky, as if something had broken inside him. "How did you know?" He croaked.
Draco shook his head slightly. "Takes a powerful Wizard to cast that kind of spell..."
Hermione's hand had gone to her lips as she gazed at Harry. "Y-You..."
"Yes...I was angry...I..." Harry shook his head, running shaking fingers through his hair.
"But you know what Dumbledore said! You know what it can do..." Hermione was cut off by Ron who was shaking his head.
"Yeah, I know." Harry stood and walked over to the window. "How's...how are they?" He asked, not needing to tell them who he was talking about.
"James has a few cuts and bruises...I-I healed them. They're asleep now...I gave them some d-dreamless sleep..."
"Thank you, Hermione." Harry replied, not turning to face them. "When James goes to Hogwarts...do you reckon Molly would take care of Lily and Al for me?"
"Yeah, she will." Ron replied. "But...why? What are you going to...?" His eyes widened. "No! No...you're going on a suicide mission...aren't you?"
"Maybe...but if I die...I'm going to take them with me!" Harry hissed softly, his fingers tightening on the window sill. "I will make it the last thing I ever do!"
"Harry...This is stupid! You don't have to..."
"What?" Harry turned to face his two best friends. "Live knowing that I got my wife murdered? Live knowing my souls already damaged...just like Voldemorts?" His voice was empty of emotion, Hermione hated the blankness in his eyes. "Do you think I enjoy living with all these deaths?"
"No...No that's not what we're saying...Harry...Please, let us help you!" Hermione begged desperately. "We don't want you to die!"
"Yeah, we were with you all through that time with Voldemort...we've been by your side since school...nothing's going to change that, mate. Let us help!" Ron stood by his wife's side, his eyes pleading silently. "I want revenge too." He said quietly. "I want those bastards dead just as much as you do!"
Harry sighed, it was an awful sound, the sigh of someone pushed to the edge. "Fine." He whispered.
Later that evening, Ron and Hermione returned to the Burrow, to bear the awful news. Harry stayed beside the cold body of his wife, she was laid in the Malfoy Crypt, as a temporary measure. Harry sat at her side, just staring. He wanted to freeze her image in his mind forever, he wanted to keep the image of her pale face, her pale lips and her closed eyes to help drive the flames of fury that were building to an epic pitch within him. He was so absorbed in his own thoughts that he was unaware that he was being watched, Draco stood in the entrance to the cold stone Crypt, simply watching Harry grieve. He could almost hear the cogs turning as the man ran through anything and everything they knew about the men who had murdered his wife. The blond shook his head softly, Harry Potter was on a dark and dangerous path and Malfoy knew, with a sudden certainty that the man was going to ask of him the impossible...
Finally, after days of spending his time with the body of his wife, Harry stood. He released her hand and turned. "Draco..." he said in a rough voice.
The pale faced man closed his eyes and sighed. "I know what you want, Harry, but I...I can't." He whispered.
Harry gritted his teeth, determined to get his way. "Please...I can't think of any other way..."
"You seem to have no idea just what it is you are asking of me, Potter!" Malfoy straightened himself out from where he had been leaning against the door way. Harry registered the sudden use of his last name.
"I understand exactly what I'm asking, Draco." He replied, just as coldly. "I'm a grown man, do you think I'm an idiot?"
"No...I think you're far more intelligent than even you think you are...however, I also believe that you're reckless. I just wish you would use those brains of yours and think this through..."
"I have!" Harry snapped. "I have thought of every possibility...and have come to this conclusion. These men are dangerous...They know magic that even I have never heard of! There's only one way to combat this."
Draco sighed heavily. "You're asking for me to throw everything I have worked so hard for! You're asking me to...to risk returning to what I was all those years ago!"
Harry closed his eyes. "I know...and...I'm sorry. I wouldn't ask unless there was no other option, you know I wouldn't. You'll be putting not just your own soul, but your family's lives at risk...I can understand your hesitance...but there's no one else I can turn to! Please, Draco, I'm begging you...Help me get revenge!"
The flames from the candles flickered, casting odd shadows that danced across both men's faces. They gazed at each other in silence, for a long time the only sound in the room was their own breathing. Then, Draco turned. "Fine. But we will wait until your children are safe..."
Harry sighed heavily. "Thanks, Draco, I'll never forget this."
"No...you won't." Draco replied sadly and swept out of the room. His robes flared around his feet as his footsteps echoed across the marble floors, he was deep in thought, he would have to find somewhere very private to do what Harry had asked...somewhere far away from Ministry eyes...He wondered again whether Harry understood the true implications of what he was going to do...and realised that the man knew better than anyone else what the Dark Arts could do to a person.
Harry stood by the old church. His eyes on the sky above him, it seemed to be mocking his grief. It was bright blue, cloudless as it stretched for an eternity above his head. He felt something tugging at his hand and he looked down to see James, tears in his eyes as he gazed up at his father. "It's alright, son." Harry murmered, he knelt and wiped the boys tears away with the sleeve of his blazer.
"B-But...Mum's gone..." He whispered. "She's...gone forever."
Harry shook his head slowly. "No, she's not gone. She'll always be with us, James, just like Grandmother and Grandfather Potter are always with us...in here." He pressed his hand firmly over the boys heart. "She loved you..." He looked around at all three of his children. "She loved all of you. Remember that..." His voice cracked slightly and he cleared his throat. He couldn't let his children see him cry, it wouldn't do to let them see how much he was hurting. He had to be strong for them...now more so than ever. "Come on then, it's going to start soon." He stood, his knees cracking slightly as he led his family towards the huge gathering of people. As he drew near people shook his hand, patted him on the shoulder and spoke empty words. He could hear Mrs. Weasley sobbing desperately into her handkerchief, Mr. Weasley was white as he gazed down at the gaping hole in the ground. Everyone was wearing suites, there was no colour except the jarring bright red from the Weasley's hair. Harry pulled his children to his side, putting his shaking hands on James's shoulders. He felt someone's hand on his own and turned to see Ron and Hermione at either side of him. He smiled weakly at them and nodded once.
There was an old man at the grave, he wore black robes. Harry paid him little mind as he gazed into the dark abyss of the deep grave hole. Then, the man began speaking softly to all those gathered and he felt an awful burning in his chest...
"You can shed tears that she is gone
Or you can smile because she has lived
You can close your eyes and pray that she will come back
Or you can open your eyes and see all that she has left
Your heart can be empty because you can't see her
Or you can be full of the love that you shared
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday
You can remember her and only that she is gone
Or you can cherish her memory and let it live on
You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back
Or you can do what she would want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on."
The sobs from Mrs. Weasley became louder and Harry lowered his head, hiding his face. The hands on his shoulders tightened as his friends sought to comfort him...but there was no comfort...not anymore.
James shook slightly, the grip his father had on his shoulders was hard and almost painful, but he was glad it was there. He felt cold fingers in his hand and looked down to see Albus, teeth clenched and tears pouring down his face. He returned the pressure slightly. Lily was frowning in a confused way as she watched the coffin lowered into the ground. "James?" She said suddenly, panic obvious in her voice. "James...what are they doing? Why are they putting Mummy in the ground? Dad...Dad...They can't do that! Mummy said she had a work! Who's going to look after us when you're working? They can't put her in that box! No! No...Mummy!" She lunged forward but harry grabbed her, lifting her off the floor. "Daddy! Why are you letting them do that? Stop! Stop it! Mummy's not going to like it down there! She...she can't see the sky from down there! Daddy! Daddy! Stop them!"
"Lily..." Harry held onto his squirming daughter as people turned to watch. "Lily...hush...calm down. P-Please..." He had to put her down before she fell, he dropped to his knees and hugged her tightly. Hiding his face in her hair. "It's alright, Lily, I'm here...I-It'll be ok...I-I promise." He couldn't fight the tears any more. They spilled down his face, into his daughter's hair as she shook in his arms.
He heard Mrs. Weasley's sobbing subside for a moment, when he raised his head he saw the woman gazing down at him. She knelt and pulled him into a bone crushing hug. "She really did love you, Harry." The woman whispered, making everything even harder to control. Harry shook slightly as he suppressed his emotions. "She'll always love you."
He couldn't speak. It seemed he had lost the use of his voice. The Weasley's had already lost so much...because of him. They had lost a son...had three sons wounded because of his actions. "It's all my fault." He whispered. Molly released him, still gripping his shoulders. "I-I'm sorry..." he gasped.
"Harry! Harry...don't say that! It's not your fault..."
Harry swallowed the lump in his throat and climbed unsteadily to his feet. "No...No it is." He said and took a shaky breath. "But I promise you, Mrs. Weasley, I'll make sure I make up for it...no matter what it takes."
After the funeral Harry took his children back to Grimmauld place, he re-erected the old enchantments on the place, making sure it was once again the near impenetrable fortress it had been. He saw that his children went to bed, giving them some Dreamless sleep to prevent nightmares before kissing them each good night. He walked down one set of stairs and stood outside Sirius's room, he pushed open the door and stepped into the room, gazing around at the ruined wall and the blood spattered posters. He felt empty, emotionally drained. He flopped down onto the bed and lit his wand, training the light on the photograph of his Father and friends. He sat there, knees drawn up to his chest as he watched the silent figures laugh happily, it was dawn by the time he fell asleep, lying on his back his wand falling from his fingers...
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