One Life Ends… | By : SpeedyTomato Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male Views: 47481 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter nor make any money off this story |
Chapter 8
The following day Harry decided that he had enough of
sulking around. Sure, it was all still
bothering him and nothing had been resolved about any of it but he realized
that just moping around about the whole thing wasn’t the way to go about
it either. For now, he had to go back to
facing life as he knew it while working out his inner
turmoil over everything. It
wouldn’t do to just lock himself away, that
would only make things worse. To that
end, the following morning he got up and decided to go into town, fully
intending to take care of his responsibilities to the business he owned then
spend the day with his friends as he had done since all of them hooked up. No, that didn’t mean what he was
feeling was going to go away but it did mean he was ready to press on with his
life. He couldn’t let all of this
eat him alive or it would destroy everything he had built for himself since
leaving ‘home’. No, that
would not be happening!
After his usual morning ablutions, he went down to eat what
passed as breakfast for him. While
sitting there, munching on his croissants and perusing the paper, he
couldn’t help but notice the relieved faces on his house elves. He knew they worried about him and were
concerned over the whole thing but he didn’t say anything or try to put
them at ease. He just decided to concern
himself with getting back into the rhythm of his life then moving forward. Soon, the way he saw it, things would go back
to how they had been before his life had been turned upside down. He just had to goad himself into resuming it
was all. After a while, it would all be
fine and this whole mess nothing more than a distant memory that he would look
back on with fondness. Perhaps, he
thought, fate had just tossed him a curveball, something to remind him of the
past but point out just how good he had it now.
If he looked at it that way, it did seem to be easier to deal with. After all, he could now easily envision what
a nightmare going ‘home’ would be like, more clearly than he could
in the past, so this might have been meant to happen.
On top of that, he could also see the reactions of the two
wizards if they knew who he really was.
He very much doubted that either of them would be pleased with the fact
that they had slept with Harry Potter.
Sure, he and Snape had pretty much buried the hatchet over all the bad
blood they had when he was in school, but he didn’t think the snarky
potion’s master would be thrilled to know he had been sleeping with him. Top that off with how the man felt about his
mother and less than thrilled would be a mild reaction. Then there was Malfoy… let’s face
it, they never had nor probably ever would get along. The elder Malfoy would be horrified to learn
just who Jay was then would most likely try to hex him into oblivion before
getting truly angry over the whole thing.
No, the whole thing was best relegated to something like a brief
dalliance that meant nothing. That was
best for all involved.
All of those reasons were enough for Harry to stiffen his
backbone and be determined to move on from the whole thing. This was, after all, his life now, the one in
was something he left behind. He adored
what he had at this current point so he wasn’t about to allow anything to
come in and ruin it for him. No, that
would not be happening! It had been his
choice to hide from the world then to build what he had; it was time to once more enjoy it how he had for so long.
After finishing his usual morning routine, he slipped a tank
top on then waved goodbye to the elves before heading out to check on things
and basically resume his life the way it had been before it had been so thrown
off track.
Sitting around their usual table in the pub, Harry was
playing catch-up with all that had gone on with the Bums since he had become
‘distracted’. For the most
part, the things they talked about were funny or mundane, nothing serious or
dismal. From the sound of it, things
went on much the way they always had with the group doing nothing more than
lazing around the whole time he had been paying attention to others
things. Though he had expected that,
figuring if there was a major disaster of some kind
that had happened to the group he would have heard about it, he was comforted
by the fact that his life was as normal as it had been before the Hogwarts
professors had dropped themselves into it.
That, to him, was a comfort in more ways than he could count. Though his inner world had been in turmoil
over so much, coming back to one that hadn’t changed a bit made him feel
better about the situation. That he liked, more than he would care to admit.
Sipping at his drink, he concentrated on the conversation,
listening to the rendition of some of the funny things that the Bums had witnessed,
he was grinning from ear to ear. Sure,
he was certain that he would have loved to have seen
the events they were talking about but he had to admit that listening to the
retelling of them was something that was more entertaining in its own way. Laughing at the way they were being retold to
him, he just shook his head at the foolishness of the tourists they were
talking about.
Since the high season was just beginning, he was sure that there would
be all kinds of incidences to talk about amongst themselves before it was over,
just as there was most years. Those that
visited here during that time were known for doing some of the stupidest, most
foolish things, thinking that since they weren’t home, they could get
away with them. Plus, they tended to cut
loose in a way they wouldn’t consider if they were home. For all of them that lived here year round,
it made for some of the most amusing moments they could remember and gave them
all things to talk about for a long while to come.
Leaning back in his seat, Harry felt more relaxed than he
had in a while. He had wondered, while
walking into town, if he could easily slip back into the way things had been
when he took his break from it. Now he
realized that he could and it was far easier to do than he had first
anticipated. Hell, it took nothing for
it to happen as a matter of fact. When
his friends had walked into the pub at their normal time, they had greeted him like they usually did, though it was slightly more hearty
than normal, then things just went on how they always had in the past, that
easy friendship they all shared. The
only thing that was mentioned about his time away was that Mike had said they
all needed a break and fling from time to time.
The others had nodded knowingly, some with a twinkle in their eyes,
probably from some remembrance of an event from their own past, then things went on like they always had. For him, he was comforted by that and went
with the flow.
After about an hour of talking while
they all ate their lunch, the topic shifted towards the fact that they should
get to the beach and claim a spot before it got too busy. They had learned, over the years, that if
they didn’t get there before noon and stake a claim somewhere, that the
tourists, when they started flocking that direction, would take over the whole
thing. As they had been doing this for
years now, they knew when it was time to go and take care of that chore.
Just as they had made up their collective minds to get on that and were paying
the bill, Harry was stopped cold by two wizards that walked into the
place. Eyes widening, all he could do
was stare at them but a big grin spread across his face while he did.
The only time Lucius was able to arrange for a Portkey to France
was at 4 AM British time. Since his
influence in the Ministry with such things was basically non-existent and they
couldn’t deny him a Portkey by law, they had just decided to make the
whole thing as inconvenient as they could possibly manage. Of course, it was pitch
black when they arrived, a few kilometers outside of town, naturally. So, after a long walk into town they managed
to find what was probably the only remaining room in the
whole place. Though the price was
outrageous, they took it and paid for two weeks. Since they didn’t have any idea as to
what Jay’s stance on things might be and didn’t want to be out a
room during the busy season, they felt it was best to prepare ahead of time for
such things. Since both were tired after
the ill-timed travel, they bedded down with instructions for a wake-up call around
11:00 AM. They felt that was their best
time for catching Jay. It had been the
young man’s habit to be in the pub at that time with his friends. Their thought was to surprise him there
before he got involved in things with the Bums.
If they skipped to the beach, considering how busy this place was, it
would be harder to find them, then to have a conversation.
Since neither of the wizards had a full nights rest, and the
sleep they did get was interrupted, combined with the stress that had gone on,
both were a little on the grumpy side of things when they woke. However, the walk through the bustling
streets, combined with the fact that they were both now on a
much needed vacation, put them in a better frame of mind. Not to mention the
anticipation of seeing Jay once more.
Though they didn’t discuss that topic out loud, both wizards were
looking forward to seeing the young man more than they cared to admit.
For Lucius, honestly, he couldn’t remember ever
looking so forward to seeing anyone before in his life. Even with Narcissa, it hadn’t been this
way. When it came to their relationship,
the marriage had been an arranged one by their families to extend the pureblood
line. Though they were friends when it
took place, it wasn’t something all that close. That part of things didn’t come until
later on down the line. Though they grew
to love each other and there was passion between them, it didn’t feel
like this. No, he wouldn’t say he
loved Jay, hell, he didn’t know the young man well enough to describe any
kind of feelings between them, but he would admit there was a passion and want
there for him that he hadn’t felt before for any being. Nor had he even looked forward to seeing a
being before as he did with Jay. Yes,
there was some kind of spark there between them, he would admit to that by this
point, and he was most certainly interested in the young man but, right now,
all he would define that as was the want for something sexual and enjoying his
company, nothing more. Beyond that, he
was willing to let it play out to see where it led. In his mind, he thought this would be nothing
more than a summer fling of a sort, something all of them would enjoy to the
utmost but wouldn’t lead anywhere.
It had been a long time since he had an enjoyable distraction like this
and felt that it was high time something such as it came into his life.
Unbeknownst to his friend, Severus was thinking along the
same lines as Lucius. The only real
difference between the two was that the potion’s master hadn’t
really ever been involved in any kind of serious relationship. He had, because of events
that were taking place around him, limited himself to casual sexual
types of attachments, nothing that would be considered serious in any way. Nor, really, had he any want for such
things. The way he had always viewed it
was that such relationships would just cause problems in a life he liked to be
ordered. Those kinds of things, from
what he observed, brought chaos to things, not something he
wanted nor was known for handling well.
Even after the fall of the Dark Lord, where he was freed up to pursue
such things without getting someone else involved in the entanglement that
would come from his dual life, he hadn’t bothered to try to look for
anyone. He was of the opinion that such
things weren’t meant for the likes of him. No, it wasn’t, as some thought, his
long felt infatuation with Lily Evans, he felt he had paid off his debt to her
and her son and was released from any kind of bond that had been left, as well
as the fact that he had basically ‘avenged’ her death and righted
the wrong he helped perpetrate. Sure,
like with anyone that had lost their first true love and friend early on in
life for some reason, he would always wonder about the
‘what-if’s’ of the situation but he had moved on, freeing up
that burden from his life. It was just
that he thought that he wasn’t the kind of being that was destined to
settle down with anyone was all. Yes, in
the Wizarding World, gays were accepted and most had no problem with such
beings but, because of who he was, he didn’t think there would be anyone
out there for him nor could want him for himself. Jay was an opportunity, of a sort, for such a
thing. Even if this were just some kind
of passing ‘fling’ for the summer, it would fulfill a want and put
him in a better frame of mind for the start of the school year. He also hoped, since he enjoyed talking to
the young man, that some kind of friendship bond would be formed. That was all he was hoping for out of
But, in the back of his mind, he had to wonder about the
wisdom of doing what they were. For all
either of them knew, the young man had the same thing in mind when they had
embarked on what they did as they had pondered; just a
fling before moving on. He wasn’t
all that sure how Jay would react if they both just showed back up once
more. Jay could easily reject them then
both he and Lucius would be here on vacation, nothing more. That was something he hadn’t thought
much about when he agreed to the scheme.
Now, however, he was. There were
doubts about the wisdom of this. But,
since they were already here and would be for at least two weeks, he felt that
they might as well go through with it.
After all, the worst Jay could do was say was no. Since, over his lifetime, he had experienced
rejection, he saw no reason to not go through with the
whole thing. Even if the worst came to
pass, he would still be able to enjoy a relaxing vacation somewhere he normally
wouldn’t go and not have to deal with the day to day stresses of
life. That had an appeal for him.
When the café that they knew Jay and the rest of the Bums
frequented came into view, both of them felt a tiny bit of elation
building. No, neither was sure how the young
man would react to seeing them once more but both hoped that the reception
would be a good one. To that end,
neither faltered in their steps and made their way in the front door.
Harry and the rest of the Bums were just finishing up their
drinks, ready to hit the beach when the front door opened once more. Since it was about lunchtime and the early
crowds were trickling in about then, it was getting busy so Harry didn’t
even bother to look up to see who had come in this time. It wasn’t until Mike nudged him and
chuckled, saying, “It looks like a couple people have come back to see
you Jay,” that he looked up.
Seeing Lucius and Severus standing there, Harry couldn’t help but
grin. Though he hadn’t expected to
see them and didn’t like dealing with the fallout that had come after
they left, all of that had been shoved aside by the thrill of them being here
once more.
When the two older men saw the group of them, they nodded
their direction then found a smaller table to sit at, shooting Harry a look
that seemed to tell him to come join them.
Knowing there would be even more fallout this time when they
left, Harry was sure this was a bad idea but couldn’t help himself. Staring at the two, grinning, he then said to
his friends, “Go on and hit the beach without me. I might catch up with you later.”
Most of the rest of the group laughed and made comments such
as ‘we won’t count on it’ or ‘have fun’ they then
began to pile out the door, off to stake a claim to a strip of the sand before
it got too crowded. Grabbing his now
empty glass, he stood up, holding it up as a signal for a refill, then headed
over to join the two professors at their table.
After conjuring a chair, he seated himself then looked at the two,
grinning slightly. “I thought you
had both gone back to Britain.”
Sitting the menu he had been perusing down, Lucius relaxed
back in his seat, gazing at the young man that had joined them. “Well Jay, we did. Both of us had as a matter of fact. But, after a conversation yesterday about many
things, we decided that the two of us needed a true vacation from things so we
thought, perhaps, since we had a good time here that we would return.”
Gazing at the young man while trying to decide what he wanted to eat, Severus
then asked, “You don’t have a problem with this do you? After all, we thought that visiting you some
more would be far more enjoyable than going somewhere else.”
Grinning from ear to ear, Harry shook his head. “Nope, no problem
here! I would like the company as
a matter of fact. However, I don’t
see the two of you being beach bums the way I am.”
“This, Jay, is true.
It is a physical impossibility for a Malfoy to tan or even pondering
stretching out on the hot sand to attempt it.
I also cannot see Severus there enjoying such a thing either. Though I can’t say I’ve ever
witnessed such a thing first hand so have no real knowledge of it, I
don’t think Severus would consider doing such a thing as a pastime he would enjoy either. In fact, I have a suspicion that his skin
would go into revolt and catch fire from the indignity of him even attempting
such a thing,” Lucius said, eyes twinkling in a mirthful way.
Setting aside his menu, the potion’s master shot his
friend a muted glare then said, “I don’t consider sun bathing or
baking on the hot sand a pastime I would ever enjoy nor would I attempt to
indulge in such a thing. However, I do
believe since Jay has lived here for a while from what he has said, that the three of us can come up with some things to
occupy our time during our extended stay.”
Giving a mental chuckle at the vision of either Snape or
Malfoy in swim trunks, suntan oil with zinc oxide on their noses lying on the
beach, catching rays, Harry just nodded then said, “Oh, I’m sure
that we can find some things to do.
There are lots of interesting places around to visit, both Muggle and
magical. If we get bored with those, Paris is just a short ways
away. We could always Apparate there and
spend a few days exploring.”
After pausing to give their order to the witch that came to
attend to that and bring Jay a refill, both older wizards relaxed then looked
at the young man seated there with them.
“I do believe that is something both of us would enjoy Jay,”
Lucius said with a nod.
“I believe that going to Paris is something that I would enjoy even if
we don’t get bored with things around there. So much to do and see
around the place. Not to mention,
there are some shops there I would like to visit to pick up a few
things,” Severus added with a nod.
“Yeah, that could be fun,” Harry admitted with a
nod. “I’ve been there
several times but it’s more fun when you’re with someone else. Nothing like exploring the
City of Lights
with friends! There is so much to
do and see.”
“Wine country, too, is always worth a visit, even the
Muggle portion of it. During the summer
months there are always events and things to do,” Lucius added with a
“No one ever said we had to stay in France either. The whole of Europe
is just a Portkey away for us. We could
explore to our hearts content,” Severus said, looking at the both of
Grinning from ear to ear, Harry nodded, “Very true
Severus! There is so much to do and see
that we couldn’t ever get to it in just one summer. But I’m sure that, in doing that, we
won’t ever get bored.” In
his travels, he had been all over Europe as
well as the other continents but that wasn’t the same as going on
excursions with others. From what he had
learned after moving to this place, going places and doing things was far more
enjoyable when you did it with others along.
To him, these suggestions sounded like a great deal of fun and his
summer was shaping up to be something most delightful.
Relaxing back in his chair, Lucius sipped at the drink the
young witch had just brought to their table, looking at Jay over the rim of his
glass. “I was apprehensive, as I
believe Severus was as well, about just dropping back into your life with no
notice. I hope, Jay,
that you don’t feel we’re intruding. If we are, just say something.”
“You aren’t,” Harry told him without even
thinking about it. “In fact, I
believe that I will like having you around.
Most of the Bums go elsewhere at some point during the summer to get
away from the crowds. Sure, I could go
do things on my own but I like being around others, it’s more fun that
way. I think, with both of you around,
we could have a good time.”
Though, outwardly, Severus’ expression remained the
same as it always was, the realism was that he was happy and relieved at
Jay’s reaction to the whole thing.
It appeared, to him, from the young man’s expression and reaction,
that he was as enthused about this whole thing as he
and Lucius were. That pleased him. “I believe, for the three of us, this
is going to be a most interesting summer.”
The other two agreed with this whole heartedly then the
three of them settled back to discuss the endless possibilities of what to do
over the summer.
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