Weaselling | By : faithwood Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 3110 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
"Come again?" Draco blinked, trying to generate a coherent sentence out of Ron Weasley's decidedly incoherent babble. It wasn't an easy feat as Draco was additionally hindered by the raucous noise coming from the direction of Harry's bedroom. It took all the willpower Draco possessed not to run there to see what was happening. Though unfortunately, he had an idea.
"I said, we were testing a product and things got a little out of hand," Weasley explained, sounding exasperated as though the fact that he had flooed Draco at work and asked him to please come quickly — for the third time this week! — was wearying for him! As if Draco wasn't the one who should have been, and was, furious that Harry somehow always managed to be the victim of a hazardous testing product.
Draco was willing to ask Harry to move in with him. Just to save him, of course. In fact he was determined to ask him. Once he managed to force the words past his lips.
"How does this concern me, Weasley?" Draco said airily, secretly dreading the answer. The noise coming from down the hallway was starting to sound more and more like — well, a very annoyed Harry. Or more accurately, like Harry in that mood.
Draco suppressed a pleasant shudder. That was usually Draco's favourite Harry-mood, but right now, with Weasley around and the sad fact that Draco hadn't caused that mood, it was out of place and upsetting. Clearly something happened to his boyfriend — again — and Draco had been called here to fix it — again.
"Well, Harry helped me test it ..."
Draco closed his eyes. A loud growling sound, which sounded oddly like Draco's name, intensified, this time accompanied with much thumping. "Why don't I believe you, Weasley? Harry never wants to test your products."
"Well," Weasley scratched his head, waving around with a small vial filled with blood-red liquid. "He hadn't volunteered exactly. He just accidentally ate the substance; thinking it was gravy. In his defence, it looked like gravy." Weasley nodded for emphasizes.
Ignoring the ridiculous explanation, Draco concentrated on the more important matter. "Substance?"
Weasley looked smug all of a sudden. "Oh, it's a great invention. You should try it." Weasley frowned. "Well not when I'm around. Anyway, this will be a hit, I just know it. It's an aid of sorts. A stimulant if you will. Gives you a bit of an adrenalin rush. Completely harmless. In smaller doses. Which I'm aware of now." Weasley's gaze shifted in the direction of Harry's room. "This accident was quite helpful actually. Hermione will be very pleased when I tell her it's ready for usage." Weasley's grin turned dreamy.
Draco made a note to Obliviate himself when this situation would be taken care of. This was too much information to say the least. Sighing, he tried to summarize the events succinctly. "Are you telling me you gave Harry a potion that made him horny?"
"I didn't give it to him. And I would say sexually crazed, but yeah." Weasley looked more amused than upset, and Draco fought the sudden urge to strangle him. But that was noting new. The-Auror-moonlighting-as-crazy-inventor had a way of making Draco feel homicidal, especially by being around and existing. Weasley must have sensed Draco's anger, because he added quickly, "Don't worry. He just needs to drink this Calming Draught. And he'll be alright." Weasley's brow furrowed. "Theoretically."
The vial was pushed into Draco's hand as Weasley walked around him, moving quickly towards the exit.
Perplexed, Draco ran after him. "Oh no you don't! Why haven't you given him this?" The moment he said it he noticed that Weasley's cheek had scratches on it and there was an odd discoloration on his neck.
"I tried, didn't I?" Weasley sighed the sigh of a martyr. "I just managed to shut him in his room." Weasley stretched out his hand towards the vial, his blue eyes wide and innocent. "I suppose I could go and try again. Harry will probably attack me and try to snog me, but I think I can deal —"
"Fine!" Draco snapped, chasing the horrible image out of his mind. "Go away!"
"He's wandless if that helps."
"You know what would help?" Draco said icily. "If Harry wasn't living with you!"
Weasley paused, cocking his head. "Poor Harry. He clearly needs saving from mean ol' me. Perhaps it's time you do something about it instead of just puffing out your skinny ferret chest. Merlin knows I'd like less noise around here." Weasley grimaced, at the same time giving Draco a frustrated sort of look, before he stepped out of the flat and left.
Determinedly ignoring Weasley's babbling as per usual, Draco groaned, examining the vial in his hands. He didn't recognize the potion, which probably meant that it was a test product as well. Cursing all Weasleys and Harry's attachment to them, Draco moved down the hallway towards Harry's room.
Ominously, all noise had stopped upon Draco's approach and he could hear nothing but the sound of his own shallow breathing. Draco eyed the door, taking out his wand and grabbing it in one hand, clutching the vial in the other.
It was just Harry. A rabid Harry, yes, but still just Harry. How bad could it be?
Draco gulped and considered his options. He should open the door suddenly and burst in with a curse on his lips. He knew how this was done. After all, he had been dating an Auror for a few months now. He knew the tricks.
Readying himself, Draco took a deep breath, swung his foot and slammed it hard in the door.
"Fuck!" Draco gasped as pain erupted in his foot, the wretched door refusing to budge, just shrieking a little as though mocking his efforts.
This wasn't fair. He had seen Harry do this once and it had worked!
Annoyed, Draco waved his wand, casting the strongest unlocking charm he knew. The door flew open so abruptly they've hit the wall with a bang, promptly ricocheting and closing shut again with an audible snap.
Completely irritated, Draco abandoned Harry's Auror tricks and grabbed the handle, slowly pushing the door open.
The room was still quiet, and Draco quickly took in the usual mess additionally enhanced with various pieces of furniture strewn all over the floor. Draco imagined that Harry must have used it to throw them at the door. Though the fact that Harry had been throwing furniture around was worrying, Draco still felt a bit better now that he knew that the door had refused to open for Harry as well.
Draco looked around carefully — Harry was nowhere to be seen.
Thinking for a moment, Draco decided that there was only one logical explanation — Harry was surely hiding behind the door. Moving forward slowly, Draco stopped, and then spun around with his wand high in the air and his cloak billowing around him, as he slammed the door shut.
It took him a second to realize that, no, Harry wasn't hiding behind the door, but that was as far as his thoughts went because in the very next moment Draco found himself pushed roughly; his wand ripped out of his hand and face pressed to the cold surface. Draco's arm was painfully twisted behind his back and hard chest pressed him forward, the pressure making him lose his breath.
"Draco," Harry spoke quietly, the dark, low quality of his voice sending shivers down Draco's spine, the feeling intensifying when he felt Harry's hot breath on his neck.
"Harry." Draco hadn't meant for that to sound like a purr, he had been aiming for an authoritative warning, but that seemed impossible to manage. Not with Harry's body pressed flushed against Draco's, so close Draco could feel that Harry was rock hard. Draco moaned pathetically as Harry circled his hips, grinding and pressing his arousal suggestively against Draco's buttocks, the feel of it scorching even through their clothes, filling Draco with a familiar ache.
"Yes," Harry murmured in response, less of a confirmation of his identity and more of an approval of Draco's corresponding hip movements that were completely out of Draco's control.
Lost in the exquisite feeling, Draco yelped in surprise as Harry grabbed his hair, not pulling hard because Draco hadn't fought the move, but allowed his head to be tugged aside, his neck bared for Harry's kisses. Though when Harry pressed his lips against the tender skin, growling deep in his throat as he did so, Draco decided that this wasn’t kissing, but more of an assault. Not that he planned to complain. He melted backwards into Harry's embrace as teeth grazed his skin, Harry's tongue soothing every bite, making Draco's knees buckle. The hand that gripped his hair released him and moved lower to cup Draco's growing arousal, squeezing rhythmically; the action much too coordinated with Harry's abusing mouth. With a groan of appreciation, Draco thrust forward into Harry's touch, his grasp on reality slipping as he rocked between Harry's cock and his hand.
Of course, it was too good to last.
Without warning, Draco was released and his cloak was rudely ripped from his shoulders as Harry spun him around, making Draco lose his already questionable bearings. Before he even realized what was happening he was thrown onto the bed, landing on the sheets with a startled yelp.
That might have been a good opportunity to run for his wand, but Draco remained where he was, staring at his boyfriend in shock. He hadn't seen Harry liked this before. Draco had seen him with his clothes rumpled and hair wild, had seen him with flushed cheeks and lips stretched over white teeth into a wicked smile, but he hadn't seen Harry so crazed; his eyes burning with lust, pupils dilated impossibly, making the vivid green all but disappear. Harry grinned wider, climbing on the bed and crawling towards Draco with uncharacteristically graceful, catlike moves; like a predator on the prowl, giving Draco a sudden urge to thank Ron Weasley for making sure that Draco was Harry's prey.
Harry was soon looming over him, looking down at Draco with undisguised hunger, his knees and hands placed on either side of Draco's body, successfully trapping him.
"Caught you," Harry bragged, straddling Draco's thighs.
"Um," was Draco pathetic attempt at speech, quickly turned into a gasp, as Harry grabbed his shirt and ripped it apart much too effortlessly. Buttons flew everywhere as Draco's chest was exposed, though Harry hadn't even blinked, but instead stared fervently, licking his lips as though he planned to devour Draco, but wasn't quite sure where to begin. He must have reached a decision though, because warm hands gripped Draco's ribs, pulling him slightly upwards, as Harry bent down to capture a nipple between his teeth. Draco bucked as much as Harry's straddling thighs allowed him, trying not to cry out too loudly, but failing in that endeavour when his nipple was viciously bit. Harry wasn't gentle and Draco squirmed and twisted, but ended up clutching Harry's biceps and pushing his body upwards, into Harry's tormenting but nevertheless wanted touch.
Harry was placing open-mouthed kisses and stinging nips all over Draco's neck, chest and abdomen, where he stuck out his tongue, dipping it into Draco's navel, swirling it with sinuous sounds of pleasure. Draco couldn’t look away, but watched fascinated, as his trousers were unzipped, one of Harry's hands caressing the blond patch of hair that peeked out, the other pushing the material further down. Humming contently, Harry licked the hollow of Draco's hip, before moving his mouth towards the jutting hip bone where he bit down hard, his other hand simultaneously grabbing Draco's cock, confusing Draco, who didn't know whether to scream out of pain or pleasure. He settled on biting his lip and arching into Harry's hand.
It was only after Harry was yanking Draco's trousers and underwear off of him, that Draco began to panic. He doubted very much that Harry would take the time to think about lube in his current state. Draco wasn't completely averse to some pain, and whatever damage sex sans lube would do, it could be healed instantaneously with healing charms. However, knowing Harry, when he'd come to his senses, he'd be devastated he had hurt Draco. And that would only lead to many depressing and pointless conversations. Therefore it was doubly in Draco's interest to prevent that from happening.
Harry had managed to undress Draco and had risen up on his knees, ripping his shirt from his own shoulders and tossing it away. Draco stared, forgetting his worries as Harry grinned at him, fingering the button of his jeans, dark hair falling on flush cheeks, both his coy smile and sultry gaze saying, 'Guess what I'll do to you now?'
Draco's cock twitched and his throat went dry, as Harry slowly unbuttoned his jeans, uncovering more of the familiar dark trail of coarse hair that disappeared beneath the waistband, and smiling in a way Harry Potters weren't supposed to smile, though they really should. Choking slightly at the sight of atypically flirty Harry, Draco still managed to remember his previous concerns.
He slowly reached towards the night cabinet, his gaze still fixed on the bulge in Harry's pants and deft fingers that were working on freeing it. "I'm just going to take out the lube, okay?" Draco smiled, trying to sound soothing and not making any sudden movements. Harry went still and when Draco looked up he saw his eyes narrow. Gulping, Draco twisted his body and slowly moved away towards the cabinet.
Draco's hand was already near the drawer when Harry snarled and grabbed Draco's hips. He yanked him back, except this time, he pulled him closer so Draco's arse ended up on Harry's thighs, his legs hooked on Harry's elbows, embarrassingly making Draco look as though he was quite ready to be ravaged. And well, he was. It would be simple to just let Harry do whatever he desired; Draco was past caring, he couldn't even stop his hips from twitching, as though his body had a mind of its own, and was shamelessly begging Harry to just fuck him already. Draco groaned his appreciation, as Harry's hands crept lower to knead his arse and spread him open.
Infuriatingly, a part of Draco's mind was still struggling against this. He shouldn't let this happen. Harry was all about being careful and asking, "Is this okay?" and "Can I?" and "Does it hurt?" and he'd be horrified at his current behaviour.
"Don't run from me," Harry rasped out suddenly, looking more hurt than angry.
"Not running," Draco promised, panting and clutching the vial that was still miraculously in his hand.
Struck with a sudden idea, Draco grinned, uncapping the Calming Draught and raising his hand in the air.
"Look what I have." Draco waved the vial in front of Harry's eyes, before tipping it and pouring the red liquid over his torso. He winced when the cold fluid hit his skin, but he made sure to form a neat trail from his abdomen to his neck. Harry licked his lips and, looking eager and very interested, edged away, making Draco realize he'd been happily rubbing his arse against Harry's denim covered cock for he now missed the lovely feeling. However, he forgot all about it when Harry latched onto the potion, licking and slurping as though he had been starving and Draco had served him the much desired meal.
Moaning at the feel of Harry's skilful tongue licking him clean, Draco vaguely wondered whether it would be possible to come just from the indecent, wet sounds Harry was making. By the time Harry reached his neck, Draco's torso was sticky from saliva and sweat, and as he writhed and panted beneath Harry's unrelenting assault, he concluded that it was possible to come just from this. Rubbing his cock against Harry's stomach muscles certainly helped matters.
Distractedly, Draco realized that a bit of Draught had spilled over his fingers and he wondered, as he rubbed the sticky liquid between his fingers, if this could be used as lube. As soon as he thought that, however, Draco's wrist was grabbed and his fingers were pulled into Harry's hot mouth.
"I had plans for that," Draco said weakly, not really complaining since the image of Harry slurping around Draco's fingers as he sucked enthusiastically, was far too pleasant of a sight. Harry's eyes were half-closed, and it seemed he was enjoying himself immensely. He swirled his tongue, licking messily, the red liquid escaping him at times and running over his chin, giving Draco a strong urge to lick it off.
Caught up as he was in the display, Draco almost didn't notice that one of Harry's hands had crept towards Draco's arse, fingertips circling and teasing, before two digits were rudely pushed inside Draco's unprepared hole.
Clenching his jaw, Draco was all set to scream his lungs out, but no pain was forthcoming. Instead, Harry's fingers moved in and out easily, clearly slicked with something, bringing Draco nothing but pleasure. Draco blinked, his gaze snapping back to Harry, who was still busy trying to capture all of Draco's fingers in his mouth. Harry looked as though he didn't even realize what his hand was doing. And that was the thing that made Draco feel overwhelmed with a sudden surge of emotions — the fact that Harry, even in this state, seemingly lost and unaware of everything except his own desires, still remembered Draco's needs. As though that was a part of him and he was simply unable to hurt him, to the point of breaking the laws of magic and performing a Lubrication Charm unawares.
Draco would have taken a moment to admire and enjoy this knowledge further but he became too busy arching his back and moaning his approval when the fingers brushed over his prostate, sending him to the brink of his orgasm.
The amazing feeling ceased when Harry's fingers were cruelly removed, but Draco forgave him when the same hand wrapped itself around Draco's straining cock. Harry's sudden stillness, prompted Draco to open his eyes and look at him.
Harry was biting his lips — red from the potion and puffy from excessive work he had put them through — and staring down at Draco with wide, dark eyes.
"I want to watch you come," Harry said in a low, scratchy voice.
Other than choking out a gasp, Draco hadn't managed to respond, because Harry moved his hand, stroking Draco's cock with fast, jerky moves, his grip so tight it was almost painful. Draco screamed, his balls tightening, the sudden pleasure taking him by surprise, as his orgasm was wrenched out of him by Harry's skilful hand.
Hot liquid hit Draco's torso in long spurts, and Draco imagined, no, could feel that Harry was still watching him intently, the mere thought of it enhancing his pleasure.
Listless and breathless, Draco felt Harry shift, grabbing Draco's calves, and bending him double, before the blunt tip of Harry's cock pressed at Draco's entrance, forcing its way inside. And then Harry was huge and hot within him, leaning forward until Draco felt warm breath on his chin. With supreme difficulty, Draco opened his eyes, panicking for just a moment as he felt trapped and helpless, bent like this with Harry's hands on either side of his head and Harry so close he blocked out everything else from Draco's sight. Or maybe Draco just wasn't able to look anywhere else.
And then Harry was kissing him, with hot, possessive kisses, tasting sweet from the potion and sweet from that special Harry-flavour that seemed strongest when he was aroused like this. Though, Draco's mind was probably too far gone at that point to think logically about Harry's kisses.
But eventually, Harry's kiss slowed down and then stopped altogether, before he raised his head and blinked. Draco immediately knew what had happened when green, terrified eyes looked down at him.
"Took you long enough. Not the fastest thing in the world, that Calming Draught."
"What ..." Harry gasped, his eyes widening and clearing by the second. "Draco, are you all right?"
Draco smiled widely. As interesting and enticing as Harry was under the potion's influence, Draco was glad he had his Harry back. "Do I look distressed to you?" Draco cocked his head, waggling his eyebrows, trying to make Harry smile, displeased with the sudden stiffness of Harry's body.
Harry slowly took in the situation, their position, and the come splatter over Draco's torso. Clearly unable to find a good argument to the contrary, Harry relaxed a little though he still looked worried as his gaze raked over Draco's face searchingly. "I remember ... I was rough."
Draco smiled even more widely. "I think our definitions of rough differ severely."
Harry stuck out his bottom lip. "It was one of Ron's products again, wasn't it? I'll kill him," he threatened unconvincingly.
"Really? I was planning to thank him."
Harry gave him a tentative smile. "I do appreciate the position we're currently in." He rolled his hips for emphasise and Draco promptly moaned in response. Chewing on his bottom lip, a faint blush returning to his cheeks, Harry looked at Draco seriously. "Can I?" he whispered huskily.
Smiling fondly at the familiar question, Draco nodded. Immediately, Harry began to move, at first slowly, but then speeding up when Draco clenched his muscles, squeezing the hard cock inside of him. It was much too soon for Draco to become aroused again, but he still loved the feeling of being pounded in while staring at Harry's face. Harry's expression was one of deep concentration, eyelashes fluttering as he struggled to keep his eyes open, but he still ended up squeezing them shut, hot puffs of air passing his lips, still messy and red from the potion.
Draco moved with him, stroking his back, helping as much as he could in his position. And soon, Harry stiffened, the muscles in his neck straining and lips parting in a silent scream, as he thrust a few more times and came deep inside Draco.
For a moment, Harry remained still, supporting his weight on his hands and panting, and then, with post-orgasmic sobriety Draco had yet to encounter in someone else — not that he intended to look further — Harry carefully pulled out of Draco and collapsed on the bed beside him.
Stretching his numb legs and feeling pleased and sated, Draco asked thoughtfully, "So are we buying this new Weasley product?" He considered his statement further. "When I say buying I mean demanding that Weasley hands it over as a present."
Harry frowned at him, looking affronted. "I don't need a stimulant to ravage you."
"I shall require further proof of that."
"Give me five minutes," Harry proclaimed vainly.
Draco grinned, pleased with this promise, flipping himself on his stomach so he could look at Harry.
Ridiculously, now that he was no longer worried about Harry's wellbeing, he remembered Weasley's parting babble, when he had hinted that perhaps Harry should move out and, presumably, move in with Draco. But if Weasley thought so, then surely he knew something Draco didn't. Possibly Harry had told him something. Possibly that was why Weasley was trying so hard to make their lives complicated by constantly using Harry as a test house-elf just so Harry would move out. Meaning, either Weasley was a really mean friend who wanted Harry out of the flat, not caring about what Harry wanted, or he was ... a not so mean friend who was trying to hint at Draco that Harry really did want to move in with him.
Draco's first instinct would be to think that former was true, but he really wanted to believe that the latter thought had more merit. Clenching his fists and setting his jaw, he decided to take the plunge.
"You know, you always end up drugged or cursed or transfigured around here. As the marvellous boyfriend that I am, I feel obligated to rescue you," Draco said in an offhand voice.
"I was kidding about killing Ron, you are aware of that?" Harry put in seriously.
"Devastating though that is, I was actually thinking that," Draco coughed, "you could simply spend more time at my place."
Harry blinked, clearly surprised. "More time? You mean ... move in with you?"
Panicking at Harry's obvious disbelief, and cursing the blasted Weasley, Draco hurried on, "Well, no. It's too soon for that. Obviously. I just meant, you could spend your nights there — because, really, that's when you're most useful — and well, I suppose you should eat there — to avoid eating something dangerous here. It would be for your safety. And well, you could bring your stuff around too. I have enough space. Just for practicality sake, of course ... What?" Draco grumbled, annoyed with himself for babbling and annoyed with Harry who kept staring at him with a most peculiar expression. "What?" he repeated, put out by Harry's silence.
Harry's lips twitched as he edged closer, some of that predatory behaviour from earlier returning, but now it was mixed with something else. Something warmer that made Draco's insides ... flutter. In a distinctly masculine way. "Apparently," Harry mused, eyes dancing, "I don't really need those five minutes." Harry grinned widely, pouncing on Draco in an instant, and pinning him to the bed with enthusiastic kisses.
Smartly, Draco concluded that that had meant yes.
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