Embracing | By : 6phoenix6flame6 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 1641 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is the property of JK Rowling , I do not make antyhing |
AN: Sorry guys I had to delete the story and repost it. I did not do this to put my story at the beginning to get more of you to read it, I just needed to fix the warning codes.
So a little note that I forgot to put in before:
'sdjshdkjasd' is sign language.
ummm yep I think that's it. Enjoy :)
Chapter One:
Zoë slowly walked through the side entrance of her home. Her mind was miles away, well actually it was back a couple hours ago when she found something quite out of the ordinary in biology class, but nonetheless her mind was still occupied.
She walked into the kitchen where her mother was making cupcakes. She knocked on the counter top, sending vibrations down it, alerting her that there was someone here.
Her mother turned around and saw her unhappy face and walked over to the freezer rummaging through it for the mother daughter comfort food. Pulling out a tub of chocolate mint ice cream and grabbing two spoons, both mother and daughter sat at the kitchen island.
‘Tell me what’s wrong,’ Zoë’s mother signed, before taking a spoonful of the ice cream.
Zoë thought for a moment, trying to put her thoughts into words.
‘You remember our biology project? The one where we have to compare our DNA to that of our parents,’ Her mother nodded her head.
‘You found out that Hank is not your real father,’ Zoë nodded.
‘Hank and I were waiting until you were a little bit older before explaining this but now that you found out on your own. I might as well explain this to you,’ Signed her mother.
‘Almost sixteen years ago, I was walking home from the gym when I was attacked and kidnapped. When I came to, I was in a cell with another person. He was badly injured so I took care of his wounds the best I could. I think we were in there for a couple days before we saw anyone else. What I’m about to tell you is true and please do not freak,’
Zoë was confused as why her mother would not want her to freak. There was very little in this world that would make her ‘freak’.
‘Two masked men followed, I wouldn’t even know what to call that thing. It looked to be a human man crossed with a snake.’ Her mother shook her head to clear her thoughts. ‘The thing said it was time to have some fun. They dragged us from the cell and brought us to a room where there were about twenty other masked people. The thing motioned for one of them to step forward and administer some kind of concoction down my cellmate’s throat.’ Her mom stopped her for a moment trying to organize her thoughts.
‘Lets just say that, they were able to make the man rape me against his will. He apologized through it all. Crazy enough I did not blame him. He was a victim just like myself.’
‘Are you saying, I’m a product of a rape?’ Zoë dropped her head, a dual pain was easing it was into her chest. Her mother placed a hand under her chin and gently lifted her head.
‘Yes, but Hank and myself love you very much. You are our gift. Now please let me finish, for it this next part where I fear you will freak out.’ Now Zoë was more confused now. She was struggling with herself right now not to freak.
‘After you were born, you started showing signs of magic. Yes magic. Wizards kidnapped me and wizards rescued me. There was a whole war going on, apparently between the dark side and the light. After I was rescued, a man by the name of Albus Dumbledore explained everything to me. He told me that he could give me a potion that would stop any pregnancy that would happen from my rape. I refused it, and he told me that if my child should ever show signs of magic when it’s born then to contact him. And he gave me a magical journal that was connected to the one in his possession. When you show signs of magic, when you were four months, I contacted him and asked if he could place a blocking spell on your magic that he could remove when you were old enough. We were going to tell you and have the spell removed on your sixteenth birthday, but as this project has come up and informed you that Hank was not your father, I guess we have to remove it sooner.’
Zoë sat there not able to even string together a sentence. Her whole life was basically a lie, and now she had magical powers. She was only fourteen for cheesewhize sake.
‘I need to be alone for a bit.’ Zoë signed before she grabbed her bag and ran up to her room, leaving her distraught mother behind.
Once to her room, she locked her door, grabbed her ipod and flopped down on her canopy bed. Placing the headphones in her ears and blaring her music, she thought of how she would deal with this.
It was not until the next day that Zoë ventured out of her room. Her mind made up on what she would do.
Walking down the grand staircase and into the kitchen, Zoë sat down at one of the island’s stools. Her fat-, no, Hank was making breakfast, as it was the cook’s day off.
Hank was slightly startled when he turned from the stove and saw his younger daughter sitting at the island.
“I’m guessing after what was explained to you yesterday, you came to a conclusion of what our next step will be.” He raised one of his blond eyebrows walk placing a plate of bacon, an omelet and two pieces of toast with a glass of orange juice in from of the girl.
“Yes, I would like to know who my real father is, even if I’m a rape product, I would still like to know. Plus, magic? If I do have magical powers I’m sure I’ll have to learn how to use them properly. Maybe that Albus Dumbledore person can teach me,” Zoë stated before taking a sip of the juice. She didn’t trust her stomach to hold down the solid food yet.
“I shall inform your mother and we will contact Albus this afternoon. Are you going to eat anything?” Hank gave her a pointed look.
“I don’t trust myself to keep anything down. I’m going to see Mojo Jojo. You can find me in the guest house by the pond if need me.” With that Zoë took the glass of juice and a couple pieces of fruit and walked outside onto the back veranda from the kitchen.
Zoë walked down the stone path from the back veranda the wound through the rose garden and past the swimming pool before braking off before the small clumps of forest the separated the main estate from the guest house that was usually rented out to artists because it was surrounded by the forest and a pond that perfect for inspiration. Though right now they were using the guesthouse to house some of the animals that her sister did not want around the house.
Taking an old fashion pewter key out of her pj bottoms her unlocked the guesthouse. Stepping in she called out for the three animals that were living there.
“Mojo, Aki, Sakura, come out please.” There were nails scrapping on the wood flooring, signaling that two of the animals were racing to get to her. She just had enough time to place the juice glass and the fruit down before two large animals plowed her over.
“Aki, Sakura get off,” There were two yaps and quite a lot of face licking. Zoë struggled to push the two large beasts off of her. Getting them to sit back she was able to look the two over.
One of the beasts was a wolf pup that had been injured two months ago that she is nursing back to health, she named him Aki. So far he was way bigger then most male alpha wolves recorded. The other one was a pure black Husky with blue eyes. She was slightly smaller then the wolf, however, she is larger then most Huskies. Her mother was the one to give her the name Sakura. Zoë’s sister, Veronica, couldn’t stand anything besides her precious cat, Prada, and she made such the fuss that her parents had to send the two canines out to the guesthouse with Mojo.
“Where’s Mojo?” Zoë asked picking herself off the floor. All of a sudden she felt something jump onto her shoulder. She turned her head and saw a black and white spider monkey.
“Hey Mojo, how’s it hanging?” Zoë held out her hand and the monkey, Mojo, gave her a high five, with one hand and was nibbling on a piece of fruit, which she had brought, with the other.
Zoë spent the whole day relaxing at the guesthouse, basking in the silence that the three animals could give. It was roughly dinnertime when both her mom and Hank came a knocking.
As they all sat around on the two couches, Hank explained what was to happen next.
“We contacted Albus, and explain that you wish to meet your father and to learn about your magic. He’s sending something called a portkey that would take you to a friend of his to stay for part of the summer. He said that he would be sending two people to pick you of from his friend’s house half way through the summer to bring to Hogwarts; the school he’s headmaster of. There you will learn all about the wizarding world and how to control your magic. You have the option of spending the winter and Easter holidays there or you can come back home. We will be setting up an account at a wizarding bank so you have plenty of money to buy your school supplies and such.” Hank explained.
“Where is Hogwarts?” Zoë asked,
“Somewhere in Scotland. The portkey will send you to Surry England.”
Zoë stared at her parents. She would be all across the ocean away from them. She was sad about that, but slightly happy to be away from airhead Veronica.
“Can I bring Mojo?” She would love to bring all three of her animal friends but she knew that Aki has to go back to the wild soon and Sakura was her mother’s dog.
‘We asked the headmaster already about that, and he said no, they only allow cats, owls rats and frogs. We would like you to get an owl while you’re over there so you can write to us. That’s their mailing system. Owl post or something like that,’ Her mother signed.
“When will I be leaving?” Zoë asked, she was sad that she couldn’t bring Mojo.
“Two weeks, that should give you enough time to pack everything and finish school.”
And what two weeks it was. Zoë spent all her time organizing and repacking everything she thought she would need. She packed all the essentials, her ipod, her guitar, drawing stuff, and laptop. She packed the bare minimum of clothing, knowing she would probably go shopping for more while over in England.
The morning of her departure had her sitting on her window seat staring off into the distant gardens, her mind millions of miles away. If and when she meets her father, what would he be like? Was he kind and gentle? Was he bitter and malevolent, caused by the time when he was captured and forced to rape her mother? Would he even want her?
“Hey hun, you ready?” Her fa-Hank, asked after he gave a small knock on her opened door. Startled out of her thoughts and she looked to the clock and couldn’t believed how the time flew by.
“Yeah,” Zoë sighed before grabbing her bag and guitar. Together she carried her stuff downstairs to the den, where the portkey was waiting for her.
Zoë spent the first two days after arriving in Surry, England, getting to know the small neighborhood and its neighboring area. It wasn’t much to it, and it was very dull. Every house looked like the next, with neat little gardens, middle-class cars parked in the driveways; with some stay at home wives. It was something out of a fifties sitcom. It made her sick.
By the end of the week, she found herself spending most of her time sitting in the park until way past dark. Though, the old lady she was staying with didn’t really mind, just kept telling her just to keep an eye out for anything and everything.
While she was there, in the park, a boy her age often came and sat upon a swing and just stare at the ground. He was a little strange and looked as though he didn’t get enough sleep, as there were always dark circles under his eyes.
After three days of seeing him, she went up to him and introduced herself.
“Hey,” Zoë stood in front of the boy. The boy looked up startled. “I’m Zoë” She held out her hand and waited for him to shake it.
“Harry,” He mumbled before giving her hand a quick shake.
“You know if you shook my uncle’s hand like that he would say that it was pathetic and would have grabbed your hand in another shake but this time he would grinned your knuckles together. He always says you can judge a person on their hand shake.” Zoë grinned as the boy raised an eyebrow.
“Interesting,” Harry looked back down at the ground.
“Not really, anyway. I’m new here, what’s there to do around here in this fifties sitcom?” Zoë asked sitting on the swing next to Harry.
“Don’t know, only here in the summers,”
“Shut up, you’re talking to much,”
The boy looked at her startled.
“Sorry, you just don’t talk much, and when you do its not complete sentences.” Zoë grinned with a slight shrug. “Now, why are you here only for the summers?” She was bored out of her mind and plus she had her last box of strawberry poky that morning and so the sugar was still within her system.
“I’m away at school,” The boy gave her a weird look.
“Like in boarding school?” Harry nodded. “That’s so cool, that’s why I’m here. Is you’re school an all boy school or co-ed?”
“Er…. co-ed?” The boy looked slightly frightened now.
“Where is it?” Zoë asked calming down a bit.
“What’s the name of yours?” Harry was avoiding her question. She narrowed her eyes a bit at that.
“Well I think the name of my school is Hogs something or another,”
“Hogwarts? You’re a witch!?” He turned to her so quickly he fell of his swing backwards.
“Are you okay?” Zoë asked standing over him with a worried expression.
Harry shook his head to clear it, then stared up at the strangely dressed teen witch.
“Are you a wizard?” The strange girl, Zoë, asked holding out a hand for him. He hesitantly took her hand and he was surprised when she was yanked him to his feet.
“Yes, I am.” Harry watched as the girl grinned.
“Excellent. You can tell me all about Hogwarts, magic and the wizarding world in general.” Zoë sat back on the swing.
“What do you mean?” Harry was confused. This girl was a witch shouldn’t she know what’s going on, unless she was a muggleborn.
“Well I just found out I was a witch at the beginning of the summer and I don’t know anything about anything to do with magic.” Zoë shrugged.
“I had a blocking spell on me when I first showing signs of magic and my mother didn’t want me to know until I was old enough to handle it. I was suppose to find out when I turn sixteen, but because of a science project I found out that my dad was not my real dad and yeah….” Harry just stared at the girl. Her life was almost as fucked up as his. Almost.
“So you know nothing about anything?” Harry asked, and slightly startled that he was almost repeating Hagrid’s words on his eleventh birthday.
“Clearly. I know absolutely nothing of magic and shit!” Harry was startled by her sudden change in her demeanor. She was glaring at the ground.
“Alright, I can get you my first year books, and I can help you with most subjects, except potions. I’m sodding awful at it.” Harry gave a small chuckle.
Zoë gave a little grin. “That would be great, though I think that if Potions anything like cooking, I could probably teach you it.” Her small grin turned into a larger one. Harry laughed at that.
“We can only hope, for our sake. The potion professor is a bit of an jerk.” Harry gave a small snort.
“Well who cares, now can you get those books for tonight and I can study and you can test me tomorrow,” She fluttered her eyelashes. Harry gave her a nod, and was pleased with her bright grin.
Zoë was studying one of the books Harry had lent her when Ms. Figg knocked on the door.
“Come in,” Zoë called out not looking up from the book. The door open and Ms. Figg walked in.
“Zoë, Headmaster Dumbledore sent someone to take you to Diagon Alley to get your school supplies.”
Zoë looked up and saw a tall dark redhead behind Ms. Figg, with the brightest blue eyes she has ever seen. The redhead had his long hair pulled back into a low ponytail at the base of his neck. There was a fang dangling from one of his ears. He had on form fitting dark blue jeans and a dark blue t-shirt.
She closed her book and got up from the bed.
“This is William Weasley. He will take you and the young boy down the street to get your school supplies.”
Zoë held out her hand to the young man.
“Call me Bill.” He took her hand and gave her a dazzling smile.
“Zoë,” She grinned back.
“Well gather what you’ll need and lets go pick Harry up,” Bill shot her one last grin before leaving the room.
Zoë stared for a moment longer before she shook herself out of her thoughts and grabbed her side bag. She bounded down the stairs. Bill was waiting by the front down. After she slipped on her shoes the two of them left the house and walked down the street to number four.
Harry was already waiting for the out front for them. As soon as he spotted them, he grinned and waved. Zoë and Bill waved back and Harry jogged towards them.
“Already Harry?” Bill asked. Harry gave a grin and nodded.
“Good, I parked the car just over there,” Bill Pointed to a black Mercedes SUV just a few houses past number four.
It didn’t take them long to reach London. They parked a block from the entrance of the leaky cauldron. As they got out of the car, Zoë turned to Bill.
“Do you think we can shop in muggle London once we’re done in Diagon Alley?” She asked and gave him her puppy face.
“I wouldn’t mind getting a few things too,” Harry added.
Bill sighed and gave a nod. “I suppose it couldn’t hurt.”
“Yay! You’re the best Bill. There are so many things that I’ll need,”
Harry and Bill shared a scared look. Girls were crazy when it came to shopping.
Bill led them down the street to the dingy looking pub. Zoë raised and eyebrow at it before following the two males inside.
The inside didn’t look much better then the outside but there were several of people in there. They were performing different magics from washing the floor to stirring a cup of tea.
Zoë couldn’t wait to start learning.
She followed the two through the pub and into the back where they stopped in front of a large brick wall.
“Ummm, are you lost?” Zoë asked.
Bill and Harry laughed a little before Bill took out his wand. He moved it down the wall and tapped it on a certain brick in the wall. The wall shook and slowly moved away to reveal the entrance to Diagon Alley.
Zoë walked through and stared, jaw slacked at all the wizards and witches hustling and bustling through the crowded streets to get everyday supplies and or shopping with their children getting ready for school.
“Yeah, its pretty amazing and I still find it shocking after nearly six years.” Harry walked up beside her and joined her in her staring.
“Come on ‘children’. We need to go to Gringotts to get money for shopping.” Bill ushered them along through the streets.
Harry pointed out all the different shops along the way and answered and of Zoë’s questions.
“Here we are,” Bill announced, cutting off Harry’s explanation of Quidditch.
Zoë stared up at the imposing white building in front of her. They walked up the front steps and passed through a set of golden double doors. Zoë’s steps almost faltered when she saw small creatures running around running the bank.
“Gringotts bank is run by goblins.” Bill explained at Zoë’s wondered look.
“Cool.” Zoë grinned.
“Harry why don’t you go to one of the tellers while I take Zoë to get everything organize with her account?” Bill suggested. Harry nodded and left the two to go up to a different goblin.
Zoë nervously stepped up to a goblin. Bill cleared his throat and the goblin looked down at them over the edge of his glasses.
“Yes?” It narrowed its eyes at them.
“Miss D’Amore has a vault that was just set up by her parents. Dumbledore was over seeing everything. We have come to collect her key and to withdrawal some money.” Bill explained.
The goblin stared at them a little longer before he slid down from his chair. “Follow me please,” The goblin gestured for the two to follow him behind a set of doors off to the side.
“I will take you to Hiptonk, the goblin in charge of you vault.” The goblin explained.
He led them down a narrow hallway and stopped at the end in front of a door with the name Hiptonk etched into the glass. The goblin left them there and Billed knocked on the door.
“Enter,” A stern voice called from within.
Bill opened the door and lead Zoë in. Behind the desk was a stern looking goblin. It gestured to the seats in front of its desk, not looking up from his paper work. The two waited until the goblin finished.
“Now what do you want?” It asked setting down its quill finally looking at then.
“We are here regarding Miss D’Amore’s account that her parents set up for her,”
The goblin nodded once and took out a sheet of paper from his desk. “Your parents filled out all the other necessary forms, all that’s left is for you to sign this and provide a drop of blood.” The goblin explained.
“Drop of blood?” Zoë asked a little unsure as she reached for the sheet of paper. She read over the piece of paper before she signed it.
“Blood does not lie or mask anything,” The goblin explained offering her his quill.
Zoë gave a nod before signing her name elegantly at the bottom of the page. The goblin held out a dagger for her to prick her finger on. A single drop of blood fell onto the sheet. It glowed golden before the paper absorbed the blood. A platinum key appeared on the paper.
“That key is to your vault. Once a month you will get a overall assessment of your vault, informing you of all transactions and of the two investments that your parents set up for you.” The Goblin explained as he got back to work.
Zoë grabbed her key and was lead out of the office by Bill. Once out, the goblin that had brought them there was back waiting for them.
“Follow me and I will bring you to your vault.”
The two followed him through a set of door down another hallway to what looked to be a mining cart and tracks.
“Hop in,”
Zoë shot Bill an uncertain look.
“Its okay, this is the only, and fastest way to get to your vault.” Bill explained as he hopped into the cart. He lifted Zoë down into the cart. She settled down beside him on the seat as the goblin got into the front.
The cart shot off much like a rollercoaster. Soon Zoë was laughing at all the twist and turns. It was moments later that they came to a stop in front of a large iron door. The goblin and Bill got out first. Zoë with the helping hand of Bill climbed out. It took her a moment before she was able to get her bearings from such a exhilarating ride.
“That was amazing.” Zoë grinned. Bill gave a smile.
“Key please,” The goblin held out a hand. Taking the key from the side of her bag she handed it over.
She watched in fascination as the goblin went up to the door and ran a finger along the surface. The iron rippled before a keyhole appeared. The goblin placed the key in the hole and turned it. The door gave a groan and it slowly opened. Once it was fully opened Zoë was able to properly see what was in the vault.
To her surprise it was filled with piles of gold, silver and bronze coins. Turning to Bill she asked,
“How much should I take out?”
Bill thought for a moment. “Well take out about 250 galleons to pay for your school supplies then take whatever you want to get converted into muggle money.” Bill explained.
“Hmmm,” Zoë thought and took out exactly 500 golden coins as well a handful of silver as well.
“Alright, I believe all that’s left if to transfer some, galleons was it? Over and go shopping,” Zoë gave squeal of excitement as she left her vault. Bill gave a shudder.
The goblin handed back her key before they boarded the cart back up to the lobby of the bank. From the lobby Zoë transferred some galleons over to English pounds, roughly about a thousand pounds worth. She knew she won’t spend it all today, but it would come in handy for emergencies.
They met Harry soon after, who was waiting by the entrance, while looking a little uncomfortable from all the stares and whispers pointed at him.
“So where to next?” Zoë asked bouncing around in excitement.
Harry and Bill exchanged look again before Bill answered.
“We’re going to go to Olivander’s to get your wand.”
“Even if you don’t know any spells it’s safer to carry it,” Harry input.
Zoë worried her bottom lip.
“I still have a binding spell on my magic. I can’t access it,”
“What?” Bill turned to her stopping in the middle of Diagon Alley. Witches and Wizards were starting to stop and stare at them.
“Would you keep it down,” Zoë hissed before turning to those watching. “There is nothing to see here so mind your own damn businesses,” She snarled. They gave her dirty looks before going on their ways.
“Why do you have a binding spell on your magic?” Harry asked looking confused.
“Dumbledore placed it on me when I was a baby,” She waved him off before turning her full attention onto Bill.
“Will this affect me getting a wand?” She asked intently.
“It shouldn’t,” Bill said thoughtfully.
“Oh good,” Zoë brightened.
Bill shook his head and lead them into a dimly lit store filled with boxes and boxes of wands.
“Ah Mr. Weasley and Mr. Potter how good of you to stop by,” A voice called from somewhere in the back.
A second later an older man with very strange eyes appeared from behind a stack of boxes to Harry’s right.
“And who is this?” He asked.
“Zoë D’Amore,” Zoë held out her hand. The man grasped it.
“Olivander. And you seem to have a powerful blocking spell on you.” The man, Olivander, stated knowingly and snapped his fingers. A measuring tape came flying out of nowhere.
“Now I’m guessing you are in need of a wand, correct?” Zoë nodded, “Hold out your dominating hand please,”
Zoë held out both of her hands.
“That is most curious Ms. D’Amore,” He stated as the measuring take zoomed around her.
Olivander moved to the back of the shop grabbing several boxes. He took one out and held it out to her. “Yew eleven inches with unicorn hair.”
As soon as she touched it he yanked it back and shoved another wand at her. He too took that one back intently as her fingers touched it. This went on for more then and hour.
“This is getting ridiculous,” Zoë exclaimed frustratedly. “The stupid binding spell is screwing everything up. We’ve tried ever wand.” Zoë plopped herself down in a chair pouting.
“The spell is not causing any problems. The magical properties of the each wand can penetrate the spell and read your magical core. They have decided that they would not suit your magic. We haven’t tried all the wand.” Olivander explained going into the back where he kept a safe, getting out five wands.
He laid them out on the front counter. The first one was an earthy green colour with white Celtic symbols etched into the wood. The second was pitch black with what looked to be silver and green snakes forming different runes. The third was also black with red and gold runes. The four and fifth were pure white; one had blue and bronze runes swirling around the wood while the other had black and yellow runes forming plant vines.
“Now hold each one in your hand and it will let you know if it has chosen you,”
Zoë nodded and picked up the earthy green wand. It felt warm and tingly. Suddenly flashes of images passed across her eyes. As quickly as it started it stopped. Zoë put it down quickly.
“Ummm, who use to own those wands?” Zoë asked wearily eyeing the other four wands.
“Merlin and the four founders,” Olivander stated calmly.
“What?” Bill and Harry looked down at the wands in wonder and awe.
Zoë reached out and cautiously picked up the white wand with the yellow and black runes. Again images flashed before her eyes, but this wand was not for her. This happened again with two others until there was just the white wand with the blue and bronze runes left.
“What if this one doesn’t choose me?” Zoë asked looking scared, “What if I don’t have a wand?”
“Then I’ll make one for you?” Olivander stated gently.
Zoë bit her lip, and hesitantly picked up the last wand. A gush of wind swept through the shop, followed by a bright light. Images flashed again but this time at a slower and clearer rate.
“It seems like you found your wand,” Olivander gave a knowing smile. Zoë squealed and hugged her wand.
Harry stared down at the remaining four. One was calling to him. He struggled with himself not to reach down and snatch it up.
Bill and Olivander stared at Harry while Zoë was still gushing over how pretty her wand was and thanking it for picking her.
“Harry,” Bill called softly.
Harry looked up blushing and saw Bill giving him a worried look and Olivander smiling.
“Why don’t you pick it up Nr. Potter?” Olivander suggested.
Harry hesitated for a moment before picking it up. Instantly, he felt as if his magic was finally complete. Then flashes of the previous owner’s life passed in front of his eyes and knowledge flooded his brain. As quickly as he gained the knowledge he forgot it.
“That was a rush,” Harry stated as energy rushed through his system.
“It appears that you’ve now gained another wand Mr. Potter,”
“Who’s the founder that had blue and bronze as their colours?” Zoë asked, staring at her wand, unintentionally breaking the awekwardness that was forming around Harry.
“Rowana Ravenclaw,” Bill stated still staring at Harry.
“That’s Merlin’s wand,” Bill pointed out. Harry rubbed at the back of his neck.
“Cool,” Zoë grinned.
Olivander cleared his throat. “Each wand comes to 10 galleons and 8 sickles.”
Once they paid for their wands, they left to head to Flourish and Blots to get their books.
“Since this is your first year at Hogwarts we’ll need to get you books starting from first year up until sixth.” Bill stated as he ushered the two into the next shop.
“But I’ve read most of Harry’s books,” Zoë stated.
“Be that may, what if you need a references from one of those book, and you’re in a different house from Harry. What then?” Bill argued.
Zoë sighed, “I see your point.”
“Good, now I’ll find your books from first to fifth year, while you and Harry get the ones for this year.” Bill handed then both lists.
Harry and Zoë nodded and headed off in one direction while Bill went in the opposite.
“How about I look for our astronomy and DADA books and you look for Potions and herbology. They are most likely in the same section.” Harry suggested.
“Sure, see you in ten?”
Harry grinned and went down a random aisle.
Zoë looked up to see if there were any signs telling her what section she was in, and there was one.
“Ooo, potions. Perfect” Zoë turned down the first aisle of that section.
She paused for a second. There was another person at the other end. He was tall with platinum blond hair falling just short of the tops of his ears. (think Draco third movie) He wore black robes over a button down silk green shirt and tailored black slacks.
Zoë eyed him one last time before she began to search the shelves for the one o her list. She found it on the fourth shelf. After taking two she ran her eyes back over the different books to read over the summer and school year.
She randomly picked one out and read the little blog in the front cover. It was just about the author. Someone called Gilgoroy Lockheart.
“You don’t want that one,” A voice to the right of Zoë startled her.
She turned slightly and saw that it was the older teen looking up from a book and looking her way.
“Oh?” Zoë asked with a raised eyebrow. The teen gave a smile and made his way over.
“Yeah, the guys a complete fraud. I had his for a professor in my second year. He was quite a joke really.” The teen stopped beside her and reached up to the top shelf. He pulled down a thick book.
“Here this one is much better. The author is a little blunt and harsh at times, but he is quite knowledgeable.” He handed her the book.
“Thanks,” She flashed him a smile. “I’m Zoë,” She held out her free hand.
“Draco,” He grasped her hand gently in his and flashed her a charming smile.
Zoë heard Harry calling her name. She turned and saw her caller turning down her aisle.
“Hiya,” She greeted and turned back around to Draco but he was gone.
Feeling a little disappointed she turned back to Harry.
“I only got the potion books,” Zoë rubbed the back of her neck.
“That’s okay we can get the rest together,” Harry took the books from her and they set off to find the rest of their books.
Soon they met up with Bill and paid for their supplies.
On their way out the door a paper lotus flower fluttered down in front of Zoë. Instinct she held out her hand. The flower landed softly in her hand, and then unfolded itself into a note.
‘I look forward to seeing you again at Hogwarts,’ The note was not signed but she had a feeling she knew who it was from.
The note turned back into a flower. She smiled softly before rushing out to catch up to Harry and Bill.
Since getting the flower/note Zoë had not stopped smiling through out the rest of their shopping in Diagon Alley. They had gotten robes, Harry had to get new ones since he finally got a growth spurt. The Apothecary was pretty cool with all the weird ingredients. And they went to the Magical Menagerie, where Zoë got a black Owl which she names Loki.
After writing a quick letter to her parents over lunch at the Leaky Cauldron and sending it off with Loki, Harry, Bill, and Zoë ventured into muggle London
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