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Reviews for And They Didn\'t Live Happily Ever After

By : ElizabethStump
  • From ANON - Moyra on December 11, 2004
    Hi, Betz,
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  • From ANON - Polar Thestral on December 08, 2004
    Hmmm, how did I miss so many updates? I'm really glad Hermione didn't attack Severus at first sight and have some hot sex ;) Though I'm sure it would have been quite enjoyable. lol It would have painted a very hypocritical portrait of Hermione's character if she was so torn up by Ginny's infidelity but completely uncaring about her own. I'm really glad Ron apologized if for no other reason then it will put Hermione in an even more difficult position - feeling guilt for wanting Snape - and I can't wait to see what you do with it. You really are a master at acheiving the perfect levels with each of these emotional problems in Hermione's life. So that it's realistic instead of overdrawn.

    I'm wondering what Snape will say to Draco, if Ginny will go back to Draco or keep her word to stay away awhile. And how would Draco react to known Hermione had watched them together...'cause that would be kind of weird. I love how you made Snape unable to resist tormenting her even a little bit. She could have left the place with absolutely no guilt if he hadn't given her that suggestive little kiss before she left. Especially with the eye contact - mischievous bastard. I'm so happy not to be disappointed by his characterisation, because I thoroughly enjoy reading this story and it would be a shame.

    Still loving it and still wanting more. I'll have to check back faster if you update this fast. lol


    B xxx
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  • From ANON - Angie on December 06, 2004
    ROTFLMAO" ...if cat was the other white meat". That was an incredibly funny line. I am totally hooked on this fic. You're doing a fantastic job. The dialogue is tops.
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  • From ANON - Polar Thestral on November 28, 2004
    Wow, what a great story. My stomach is all tied up in knots from reading the complexity of the situation. This story is real, confusing truth that there is more than one side to every story. It also makes me realise that you sometimes cannot trust the people telling the story. It's horrible what happened to Snape and Malfoy - but I really don't think Harry is a malicious guy. There was probably a lot more chance for him to be sympathetic with the plight of Snape and Malfoy BEFORE they got married. Or even after they got married when Ginny had first seen Draco again. Had she approached him then he probably would have been nicer about it - but after carrying on with him for a year, he is more likely to act emotionally and say 'fuck draco'.

    It's horrible to blame Harry for wanting to be with Ginny, when she doesn't want him. There's nothing wrong with that. I can understand the delicacy of the situation, and my whole heart wants Ginny to be with Draco. whole heart believes harry doesn't deserve to be resented for causing Ginny pain when she could have said no. And as much as I am upset he is being lied to by his wife - Hermione's silence is really the greater betrayal. She had to choose between friendships - but I always considered Harry her best friend over Ginny. It's great how you blurred her life with Ron with Ginny's life with Harry - to build up that empathy between them. And as much as I find it hard to swallow that Harry would kill Draco (and that Hermione would believe that about his character even if it was true) - I can partially see why she wouldn't tell him. All that resentment about her own marriage....poor Harry, I wonder if their friendship will survive if she keeps Ginny's secret,

    Sure there was pressure on Ginny, but sometimes you have to own up to your mistakes without excusing them on the basis of peer pressure. She made a mistake like she said, and is paying for it. It really churned my insiders hearing her story, and her anguish at her current situation. There really is no right answer...hmm. She channels her frustration into anger for her spouse's shortcomings...poor guy. Poor Ginny. Poor Draco. it really is a hopeless situation, but anyway - aside from my babbling - the point of this long winded review was to say I LOVE how you have crafted a complex history behind the characters bringing them to this point in time. It's not black and white. It's a perfect combination of escapism, frustration and reality. I hope you update this again soon. I know Hermione is feeling similar frustrations with Ron, but after seeing the disastrous (and painful) consequences of Ginny listening to Lavendar, I can't wait to see how she is talked into giving a gigolo a try.

    Sorry about the long warbling...I found your fic really er...thought provoking. lol

    Please come back soon :)

    B xxxx
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  • From ANON - spaz141 on November 25, 2004
    I just feel so sorry for everyone...but Ron (he can rot in hell). *sigh* Thanks for the update.
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  • From ANON - June on November 25, 2004
    Ch 5 - why is she even wasting time, thinking of "a way to make kids and work mix" with Ron? And why bother thinking of a way to make Harry and Ginny's marriage work, when it shouldn't have happened anyway (since Draco was never dead)? Hmm, maybe Hermione can dump Ron and get a job with Lavendar!
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  • From ANON - Fury on November 21, 2004
    Well. Jeez. Talk about not a rosy ending. Magnificently played and Hermione's going through just the right amount of conflict. When does she realise, I wonder, that real life doesn't need to be like what she's living? How painful will the truth of setting herself free from her life with Ron be and how will she cope? Lovely, your writing is lovely and I can only bemoan the fact that there is so little of this story as of yet. I wonder whether you'll post this on Ashwinder ? Perhaps when Snape comes more into play...
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  • From ElizabethStump on November 08, 2004
    No...this is NOT a GW/SS fic, no she is not screwing him. I wasn't going to say anything and let the story unfold by itself, but it seems I'm getting some reviews from people who will not read this fic if Severus is screwing Ginny. So, no, Ginny and Severus is the sack is a situation that will just not happen in this fic.
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 08, 2004
    Oh dmn. Alll I ask is that this doesn't have SS/GW sex in it. The story seems good but, I'm almost afraid to read it because of that.
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  • From ANON - a nonny mouse on November 08, 2004
    "The department letterhead still carried the crest of the cat's exploded carcass to remind the employees of the seriousness of their task." ROTFLMAO! One of the best comedic lines that I've ever read in a fanfic. This is starting off nicely. Can't wait to see more.

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  • From ANON - June W on November 08, 2004
    Ch 2 - I must say that I have never seen this storyline anywhere! Harry asking Hermione to spy on Ginny - well, at least Hermione has a bit of excitement in her life now. Other bits of the story were even more unique - "the crest of the cat's exploded carcass " - LOL! The idea of Dolohov and Jugson cleaning the building she works in - eeks! (And who's enforcing their use of wand magic? Will the former Death Eaters appear elsewhere in the story?) Sex between Hermione and Ron - eww, squicky (and I sure hope she's using a contraceptive potion or charm)!

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  • From ANON - Jewel on November 08, 2004
    woot! you updated!
    wow.. poor hermoine..
    update again!
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