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Reviews for Very Nearly Veela

By : Ms_Figg
  • From ANON - Amber on February 24, 2016
    I'm sorry if I'm wrong but I believe our very dear Ms_Figg has passed away. The last updated story of hers was Sept 14, 2013. There is a new York times obituary that matches her real name (can be found in her email address in her Bio)for Sept 27, 2013. Also her website is no loner active. I love her fanfics and wanted to pass this information on to everyone else.
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  • From TNBrat on December 12, 2014
    OMG! I can't believe you're posting again here. I've been reading your stories. Decided to start with the finished ones first. I haven't read this one yet, I'll get to it though. I've skipped around a bit & am currently reading "A New Beginning (DH -Compliant)". Stating in chapter 51 Hermione asks Snape to take a relationship test & I'm loving it! So out of the box! This is first time in all my FanFic reading that I've run across this particular idea. It just too fun! I'm sure it's been done, but I haven't seen it & I've been reading FanFic for years. I'm a little picky on what I read, so maybe the author's other stories didn't compel me to read more, therefore I didn't find something like this
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  • From ANON - pickles on December 11, 2014
    happy dance for many reasons but be careful i have this lovely cough..
    so happy i am up to date on the story
    so happy there is so many updates that i have now read and enjoyed
    by any chance with the next chapter be sooner>>>
    thank you so so much
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  • From ANON - hermioneSNAPEfan1983 on April 03, 2014
    since the Veela's didnt fuck her what did they REALLY do to her?? is hermione still a virgin after the Veele's fuck her?? is hermione pregnant?? i mean yes snape confermed she is avirgin but what if that her being a virgin is one of the Veela's illusions?? also in the last chapter (that chapter isnt consisten) hermione left they room not wanting to view severus memories but then all of a sudden it shows she never left the room and viewed his memories!!! why the differene!! .... also since all the Veela's are dying out and they NEED hermione to save them by empregnating (getting her pregnant) her, why dont they go after her?? yes she is anume to their charms but still couldnt they try something else to GET hermione to save them by empregnating (getting her pregnant) her!!! am confused!!!!! as i dont view my emails can you etc etc please reply to me via 00 357 99 83 32 68 (Cyprus mobile number)
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  • From ANON - Confused. on November 29, 2010
    I made it to chapter 9 and then became more interested in the reviews than the actual story. Though, Figg did say it would probably be chaos.
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  • From use2b2t2 on July 19, 2010
    I left it open ended hoping the author who does the next chapter would have Hermione reflecting on what she saw and and go into the memories in detail. As I said first collabrative fic. I only added to the story as I saw the long review that critcised and I was hoping that if everyone saw that I added a chapter after that then they would not be afraid to add as well.

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  • From ANON - Anna on July 17, 2010
    I was a little disappointed with chapter 29. I was hoping for more AU memories, rather than those that Snape originally gave Harry. There was a bit of difference concerning women Snape dealt with, but it could have been so much more creatively. Something new and different.
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  • From dragongirl on July 17, 2010
    This is a very intresting and reveling chapter...... Come to think about it, Hermione is in for a wonderful ride and the best part she is taking us along with her.
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  • From wizardrockfangirl on July 13, 2010
    I'm only on the seventh chapter, but I'm thoroughly enjoying this story! :)
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  • From missanimegrl on July 07, 2010
    Wonderful mixes of hilarity and drama! I'm afraid I wouldn't be good at contributing, really, but I wouldn't mind reading more! I do hope more chapters come soon.
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  • From Avivafae on July 03, 2010
    I love this story! I've been reading it from start to the last chapter all afternoon, nonstop!
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  • From ANON - anon on July 03, 2010
    while this chapter may be short and "open-ended" and intended to inspire readers, you failed miserably IMO

    the little plot and character development that occurs just puts future writers into a hole that's hard to dig themselves out of. they not only have to continue the story that's been occuring for 25 chapters, but they have to patch up the numerous plot holes created by this short chapter and have to explain why characters were so completely out of character

    was it just a dream? a hallucination? did they have simultanious mental breakdowns?

    hermione is suddenly not only highly violent but has no control of her emotions.
    severus somehow loses the ability to defend himself, becomes the biggest clutz in the world and then breaks down crying.
    the portraits are only vaguely interested in a sobbing semi-veela when throughout the story one key point has been that people (and portraits tend to act like the people they were), can't look away or stay away from veela (whether walking down the street or a full-out veela brawl)

    why the has the interest suddenly been lost? does that mean that hermione no longer needs a cure if portraits and people now only pay a little attention to her instead of clamouring to be near her?
    severus was a spy and fought in war, but can't defend himself against a charmed bird attack? and then his self-inflicted injury? that's not even believable if it's a mix of tonks and the weasley twins? we are still talking about the man who played spy and was tortoured regularly and still survived? why is he crying? because of his injuries? because of hermione? the woman he's shown little emotional attachment to? what exactly happened here to break through his all his barriers at once?

    I get that people couldn't add to this for awhile because that ability needed to be reset and that people were worried about the fic being abandones...but even if the story needed another chapter badly in order to get people writing for it, i don't think it needed this. frankly, it was not only uninspiring in terms of writing, it is in terms of reading too. a lot of round robins die. that's just a fact. so don't write something just to get it kick-started...that may be the chapter it ends on. and there's nothing worse then a good fic that's not only abandoned, but abandoned with a throwaway chapter at the end. in this case I went from wanting to know how the story ends to just being supremely annoyed. that unfortunately taints the story as a whole, so if it does end here, I won't remember it as a good fic that I wanted to know how it ended, I'll remember it as a fic I was reading that crashed and burned.

    I don't know what will happen writing wise, hopefully it will be rescued somehow

    and yes, I know this is a harsh review, but I'm hoping you and others get something constructive out of it--
    the next time you write a chapter for a round robin, think about the story that's happened so far and whether or not you're staying true to the characters in the story you're writing for. the thing with fanfic, is that you get hundreds if not thousands of versions of a character. it's like turning a kaleidoscope--the pieces only shift a little, but you get an entirely different picture. so don't start writing the version of the character you favour if the story has already established something else. this story didn't have a militant!hermione or emotional!hermione or vulnerable!severus and then they suddenly appeared in this chapter and the hermione and severus that had been in the story, the ones I cared about what happened to, they disappeared in a puff of smoke--which is why I stopped caring about the story and why I got annoyed. the characters I was attached to left in this last chapter, so my attachment left with them. you can't just keep using the names and some of the same plot and expect people to still care.

    while the characters might eventually reach feelings you want them to have that's not where their center is, at least it wasn't in this story. and without good writing and a good reason for a character to shift dramatically, you can't take characters so far away from their center that quickly. in the chapter you have you can start to lead them in a different direction, but you don't control it after that, it's a round robin and to take a story and characters and turn it upside down (intentionally or not) really isn't fair to the other people participating, the readers or the story

    I hope this helps the writer or the story or other writers
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  • From ANON - crinna on June 29, 2010
    pleas ignore my last review. reading it now i realise i was overly bitchy and should have kept my mouth shut. the chapter was a little abrupt but i realise it was intended to light a fire under the asses of those who could continue the fic and pull it out of its abandoned state. sorry for the bitchiness.
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  • From ANON - crinna on June 29, 2010
    over all the fic is enjoyable but chapter 26 is non congruent. it dose not follow the style of the whole of the work. its short and dose not expand on the story much. it didn't keep with the established personalities of the characters. well that the risk you take when you have a group fic.
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  • From Ms_Figg on June 23, 2010
    Non-Entity: I guess the story was reset when they changed the site. I fixed it and now you can add chapters. Can't wait to read it. :)
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