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Reviews for The Gold Puppet

By : Nerys
  • From ANON - Anon on February 04, 2010
    This is coming along so nicely. I'm a fan of your stories, one of those silent few who add to your views but not your reviews. Mainly because a simple "I liked it!" doesn't seem like enough. Still... I liked it. If this ends up being half as good as your others, it'll still be one of the best on here. lol, not to imply it isn't top notch. Also enjoying The Apprentice. I love the way you write Voldemort. Very believable. Even those annoying teaser endings where "all is not what it seems" are spot on. I'm loving the self doubt and loyalty that LV is showing, because first and foremost I enjoy the high powered romance (the twisting plot and superb narrative style come a close second). I believe I've gushed enough, feel the love, and update soon. :)

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  • From TheLadyMiya on February 04, 2010
    It would appear I did not have to wait long at all. Nice :D I guess I have to give the kudos to Serpent in Red, because, Nerys, you write fantastic stories, but you are usually not that fast to update when you are alone ;) Or maybe you are just really quick together? In any case, I'm happy!
    Oh, warnings in the beginning! That is always a good sign!
    I love it when someone attractive have the hand at the small of my back. It's just so promising somehow! And now as well :D And I would imagine Tom to be an expert in dancing... hopefully the bedroom dance as well.
    Isn't it a bit risky on Tom's part to sit down by the table everyone knows belongs to Lord Voldemort? And to do it with such confidence? Or has he already starting to take control over his followers? No, somehow I doubt that..
    HAHA! Seth? Yes, that is a perfect cover name for Tom. I've used it in some stories as well. What a coincidence ^^
    "I've been too busy sticking my nose into books." - If a handsome man told me that, I'd jump in bed with him. OH, wait. Already have. So now Hermione should do it too.
    "a mocking smile, that went unnoticed by Hermione but not by their elderly waiter, appeared on his face
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  • From TheLadyMiya on February 03, 2010
    Nerys you little devil! Why didn't you tell me you had updated??? I must have missed it with all my moving around and being sick... baaah! Oh, well then I hope that this mean I don't have to wait so long for the next chapter? Right? Well, perhaps I should read this one first ^^
    Naaaw! Poor Harry :,( Now I'm all sad for him. Not so much for Hagrid's sake... I don't know, I just don't like him all that much... I mean, not that there is anything wrong with him.. I was just never able to like him in the books. Think it's because he doesn't like cats ;)
    And now Ron is drawing the wrong conclusions again. Oh, please, can't Voldemort kill him just a little?
    Yes, well if healer Lewis tells you it's because of stress, then whaaat can be wrooong? Tsk... Yes, Hermione, feel some doubt, maybe Ginny was right... No, no, Lewis is not right! No! He does have a reason to lie to you! HE IS NOT GENTLE AND GENEROUS! GAH! Stupid girl...
    Haha! That is right Tommy-boy, Hermione never shuts up! And not when she is a cup and doesn't have to sleep or anything (right?) she can speak all the time! And you know you love it!
    "Lord Voldemort did not need to be told how he should achieve his goals." - Yes, hun, if that makes you feel better, keep telling yourself that. (No, my Lord, I wasn't sarcastic. There is no need to point your wand at me, I was merely.. AAAAAAH!)
    "Perhaps my other self had known her and that
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  • From ANON - Elisa on February 02, 2010
    Hey! I've got no time (I swear, I shouldn't be reviewing right now, bad, bad me!), but you two DARED to leave the story with such a cliffie ( at least I think so, I'm delusional, so feel free not to believe). Oh my god, what is Tom planning? I think I can imagine.. hmm.. a thing or two. Read chapter 8 and the beginning of it reminded me a bit of Nerys' 'Bittersweet...', but afterwards... I'd say there was too much sex for me to consume (yeah, that definitely sounds strange) in one chapter. It could have been a bit more subtle. Heck, a lot more. Too soon too much. But still better than anything I've read these days (including my History textbooks, all 6 of them), so please do continue! And Nerys, could you one day or another subtly remind Serpie that her 'Colours' remain terribly unfinished! Such shame.
    Now it's time, it's time (Bella! Oh my...). I have a meeting with the Dark Lord. As the matter of fact, He's pretending to be my history book, but I know for sure it's just an act.
    Be happy, update soon^^
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  • From ANON - Elspethe on January 31, 2010
    God, I love this story...In a total creeptastic, non-con, slightly alcohol induced way. :-D Keep up the good work!
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  • From chays020 on January 31, 2010
    O.K. I take it back -- cup torture is awesome. I should say, "reverse" cup torture, because I don't think I've ever enjoyed a Hermione lecture more than her horcrux taking down Voldy. That was brilliant and, oddly enough, completely in character! Hermione could make anyone feel stupid; why not the most powerful, evil wizard ever? And I love that Ron's natural assholery is bringing Voldy closer to Hermione (in Tom's own special way, of course). Red-headed git should be good for something...
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  • From TheLadyMiya on January 26, 2010
    Hellu again... just stopping by. Checking in the story... humbidum... I just realised that I really want a new chapter but I guess you haven't had time to update yet? No? Oh, well... Does this mean I can no longer procrastinate my own story? Hm... It feels like I should be doing something outside the HP-world. What could that be? There is something lying next to me... a book? Hm. Project management? Noo, that doesn't sound like fun. What do you mean I have a paper to hand in next Thursday? It's ages until that!
    Still no chapter? No... sigh.
    Okay... I will finish my own story...
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  • From ANON - cosettex on January 26, 2010
    So at first I had no idea what was going on, it was so random I honestly thought you'd uploaded a chapter for another story lol. Of course as I read on to scene two, it was like ahhhh . . . so that's what that was about. In other words, it was great. I loved the different approach you took in this chappie, and I love that Tom is starting to feel conflicted. Great job, guys, keep it up!!!
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  • From TheLadyMiya on January 25, 2010
    Chapter 8

    Well, I know that books can make you feel like you have gone to another world but... ;)
    Ooh, she has been transformed into some... dominatix? Or... well... something naughty.
    Honey? HAHAHAHA! Ooh, Voldemort is really messing with her mind... It's that altering reality-potion, right? Not that I mind. Oh, not at all. Mehe.
    Of course it feels right, Hermy. You and Voldemort should be in bed together all the time! I like the way how Hermione knows that she wants to be on top but still enjoys what he does, but yet feel shy. It's quite realistic.
    ""And I know a lot of very ... creative methods to make you feel as I desire you to feel."" - Well, as Elvis ones sang; A little less conversation, a little more action, please.
    Okay, how can she remain pure and innocent if you believe that sex makes you unpure? Naaa, I don't buy it... has to be something else.
    The sex scene is hot in a dark twisted way in the fic. But it's one of those things that aren't hot in real life. So, thank the gods for fanfiction, right? ;)
    Haha and Hermione misses him afterward. Poor girl.
    He is torturing her with a dishwasher? HAHA! That is just hilarious! Okay, so I saw this one episode of Misomer Murder where a lady got killed by being pushed into a clothswashingmachine but still... hehe, it's just funny.
    Oh, boy, now Ron has seem them kiss... will he be clever enough to create a pensive or something to prove it to Harry? Why do I doubt that...
    Yes, why would Voldemort care who she fancied anyway? Mehe... and suddenly he sees more potential. Men... always thinking with their cock. And does he really want Hermione to be like everyone else? No, I don't think so ;)
    AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHAHAHAA! He came in his pants when Hermione took control? OOOH, I LOVE THAT! That is bloody fantastic! He sooo got a cruch on her. Yes, he does. In his own special way of course. OOOH AND HE FEELS HER HAIR FROM THE POTION AS WELL AS THE SAME THING SHE LIKE! I LOVE IT! Haha, I love it when he is shaken. He always do so stupid things then. Ooh, and Hermione is smelling something new too. How interesting :D
    And now her horcrux-self has finally come up with a better idea. Excellent. A snake-approach. Mehe, It will be very interesting to see what will happen. This is the best chapter yet! Love it!
    And now I really need sleep, my head is getting dizzy... Excellent story so far, girls! Take care!
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  • From TheLadyMiya on January 25, 2010
    Chapter 7

    Ooh, now I feel bad for Ginny again, being drugged and all :(
    ""I am not crazy."

    "By the time I am done with you, you will be,"" - Now, why don't I doubt that? Tsk... insanity isn't nice in this way. How come only politician can make mad decisions without being called mad? Is it the power-thing again? Yes, it's as they said in Srooge McDuck. Rich people aren't insane, they are original.
    Oh, it's going downward for Ginny, that's for sure...

    Haha, I know I read a lot Hermione/Lucius, but I sure wouldn't mind some action between the two of them ^^ (What's that my Lord? No, I didn't mean that Lucius was in any way sexier or more charming than you... no, there is no need to... AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!)
    Er... okay. So, Lucius the evil Death Eater is getting his punishment, hey?
    Oh and how can Hermione and Ron still be together after all those fights? They aren't together, right? Bah...
    Haha, I like the way now Voldemort can just sit and do normal stuff like drinking coffee and reading the news papers as he tortures someone. Poor horocrux-Hermione... It just shows how twisted he is. Like in the godfather and the horse head :)
    "She'd pay for sending messages to herself and for ... for that." Haha! I knew he was feeling something. Mehe... and he is blaming Hermione. Of course.
    Oh, look like Harry just did the Malfoys a bear-favour. Not good... Now Voldemort will do something nasty toward Narcissa.
    Yes, that had to cause the end of Hermione and Ron's realsionship... naughty little Voldemort.
    Hm... I'm starting to wonder. Where does the Horocrux feel pain? I mean, she don't have a body... oh, well, I'm sure you have some clever explanation for it. And I'm soo tired. will I be able to read the next chapter before I fall asleep? Hmhm... we'll just have to see.

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  • From TheLadyMiya on January 25, 2010
    Chapter 6

    Ugh, please get rid of Ron quickly. I don't like him. And you will do as I say. The Dark Lord has already said that he doesn't like carrot head so he's on my side ^^ Get rid of him! Hehe, but I wonder if not Ron has met Tom-as-Hermione, if she don't know what he is ranting about... good Tom ^^ help Hermione get rid of the annoying prick.
    AAAH! Hermione, listen to yourself! He is baaad! The healer is baaad!
    Damn it, ladies, you are really making me live into the fic.
    "Why she suddenly felt the need to hit her head against the wall, she had no idea." Gaaah. yes, Hermione, you could really use a smack at the head. NOW she opens her eyes! Gaah!
    Oh, but falling right into Voldemort's arms.... okay, I like that.
    "Apparently, he was ... mistaken, much to his disgust." HAHA! I just love that sentence for some reason. At least he is admitting he did a mistake ^^ That is a step forward in the I'm-just-human realisation.
    Ooh, the good old "Mudbloods is just for sex" parade. Haven't seen that in a while. Oh, well, that can turn out nicely as well. Am I evil? Yes I am. Oooh, I like the biting part. Hermione is angry and humiliated and what does she do? Bite him, moahaha!
    "It excited him." MOAHAHAH! Hadn't counted on that, had you Hermy? Yes, Voldemort is just as twisted as you are :)
    So now she as spiked his interest in her. Noot good for her. But very interesting for us readers. Mohahaha. I'm sure she will have to remember that soon enough.
    Yes, Ron, you are always the idiot. Why do people even have to say it? Oh, and now they are rowing. Why and I not surprised.
    Haha, and it just figures that a busy E.R healer would take time away to heal Saint Potter's little ouch-ouch.
    Oh, and Voldemort got such a thing for drama. I wonder what kind of lesson he will teach. I guess I don't have to say that I'll move on to the next chapter? Haha
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  • From the0quiet0girl on January 25, 2010
    gorgeous, hilarious & as per your usual style, ladies - utterly divine writing :)
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  • From TheLadyMiya on January 25, 2010
    Chapter 5

    Okay, so I had to read more before I finish my own story. Sue me. I don't think it will be more than 10 pages now... the end is near!!!! And to answer your question in the reviewreply Nerys; I have no idea why my teacher thinks I would be a good teacher. I'm thinking it has something to do with how I don't mind explaining stuff to people and that I can talk for hours. Hehe... I'll probably be one of those stuffy professors who forces the students to stay hours more just discuss a problem and then writes and reads Voldy-porn on my spare time. Yes, that sounds like fun ^^
    Okay, now I will actually begin to read chapter five.
    Oh, and I have come to turns with my power-to-Ginny-impuls. She is in fact rather stupid to continue to tell everyone what she knows is true without evidence. If she had any brain, she would ask to use a pensive and just place her memory of her conversation with Hermione there and tada!
    NOW I will begin.
    Haha, what a suitable revenge on Slughorn. Tom is good at plotting people dead. And so are you it would appear ;) I wonder what Hermione would do if she ever found out... Naw, and both Hermione and Harry are sad about Hagrid but not wanting the other to find out. And Ginny is in a locked ward. Will we see more from her in the story? Hm... I wonder what Hermione will do about her when she finally realises that it's indeed Voldemort who is possessing her. Or will she be so far down evil lane she won't care? Hm... intriguing.
    OOOH! Horocrux-Hermione is getting control over herself! And liking Voldemort's touch a little? Mehe. OOh, this is intriguing, of course I have to jump to the next chapter immediately :) I can write more later ^^
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  • From TheLadyMiya on January 25, 2010
    chapter 4

    Naw, poor Hagrid :( So Voldemort is on a mission to kill everyone who knew him back in the days? Well, that includes Harry so ;) And I just realised that I wrote a mistake in my story. Minerva is indeed only one year older than Tom. Hm...
    Nooo, Now Ginny is getting the blame for what Tom did through Hermione. Boo, I really hate that. BOOO! Okay, I may take it a little personal because I know what it's like when everyone just pat your head and says that "It's not real, you are just mad", so I really feel for Ginny. Now I'm kind of hoping she will kill Tom. That's a first. Otherwise I usually just thinks she is annoying... hm... Okay, one with the show. Or maybe not... looks like I have to leave go! Night, night. Maybe. We'll see.
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  • From TheLadyMiya on January 25, 2010
    Chapter 3

    Oh, so it was the Horocrux part that sent Hermione the nightmare and helped her fight off Tom in the room. And it's through the horcrux that he has control over her. I see. Very interesting. And a very good foundation for the story to stand on.
    And Tom's there-is-only-power-thought is actually exactly what I came up with on my bachelor-thesis. One war propaganda's main goals is too make the opponent appear so evil so you can speak of nothing in their favour. Then you won't feel bad for killing the opponents soldiers. Disney, led by US government during WW2, made the nazis appear like the ultimate evil by mixing Christian symbols when they described US vs. germany. So Hitler became the devil and all soldiers looked the same. And this picture of every-nazi-is-evil-and-nothing-but was only increased when they found out what nasty things they had done with the holocaust and everything. And vola! USA have saved us all from the devil. They got the power and no one spoke well of the nazis.
    Of course, now there has started forming a lot of groups very much like the nazis, but against muslins instead of jews. The collective memory is short... But oh, well, there is a lot of space for people like Tommy to gain power. And yes, I speak too much of my own reaserch. My teacher may be right when she says I should become a teacher as well. Hm... I think I would scare the kids. Oh, and Serpant-In-Red, who hasn't been stalked by me as Nerys has, FYI, I study History ;) And I include ridiculously long side-notes of my own life when I review. Hope you don't mine too much. I just start thinking when I read and then I have to tell someone and since you two got me thinking in the first place, I'm just throwing it all at you ^^
    Oooh... and by the way if you two read my next story which I will start to write when I'm finished with Atlantis, I really hope you won't think I'm plagiarising you with this how Tom can be alive... I too have thought up a clever little think with the chamber of secrets and how all Tom's other parts has come together there again. But in my story it's Salazar who does all the work... er... I'm just getting a little scared when I read this. Because it feels like I've been taking this from your brain, but I really thought it up months ago!
    GAH! really guys! How come I've got the same idea as you???? *seriously rethinking her next story*
    Haha, Tom is such a bigot. Or should I call him Voldemort? Anyway, this is the most bigoty I've ever read him in a fanfic. It will be interesting to see what happens once he start to know here better. Will he still think she isn't worth the air she is breathing? Hm... Not that I think you'll turn him into a fluffy little bunny who sings ladidadida all day long, but I'm sure they will have sex, but how will he manage that if he thinks she is something a cat coughed up? Ah, well, men are weird when it comes to sex....
    Oh, I got the feeling Ginny will realise something is going on with Hermione before she herself does. Yes, of course she will... Haha. And everyone don't want to believe Ginny because admitting it would mean problem. Just how the Ministry reasoned.
    Oh, Hermione can be so stupid sometimes. It wouldn't hurt her to be a little more paranoid. Damn naive chit.... playing Tom right into his hands. I'm a little annoyed by her at the moment. Hope it eases up in the next chapter. Toodles.
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