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Reviews for Smell of Submission

By : dweek
  • From ANON - S pop103 on July 13, 2015
    Well I don't know if you will read this but to me this story has one of the best plots I've read I like the fact that Hermione is submissive I don't think I would have taken Hermione to be submissive but the way you put it makes sense. I don't know if you have anymore chapters in mind but if so please continue updating thanks. :-)
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  • From ANON - Hermione Pegger on June 22, 2015
    Shame this story hasn't been updated in a long while, I was enjoying reading it. Any more to come?
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  • From ANON - Kendal on May 29, 2015
    I want to read more of this. Will you update again soon?
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  • From ANON - SL on November 11, 2014
    I enjoy the story very much! It's quite an interesting plot, especially seeing different shades of gray in the characters presented. I very much hope a sequel will come soon: you can't leave us such a cliffhanger! How will Hermione's character progress?

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  • From ANON - subbykitten on October 26, 2014
    I want more, you evil wonderful writer.
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  • From IrisMiko on October 02, 2014
    This is a really good story. I liked the way you had Harry treat each girl differently. I also liked how you brought that dark doesn't mean evil and light doesn't mean good.
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  • From Drakonis on September 30, 2014
    Good story keep it up I am enjoying it
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  • From ANON - DB1 on September 26, 2014

    Loving this story. Update soon

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  • From Gandalfs-Beard on September 07, 2014
    Beautiful! You are an excellent writer, and I like the way your mind works. It's very rare when pervy material makes you think as well as yank.

    So many things come up for me as I read this - from the psychological to the political, but this particular forum isn't very conducive to discussion. Suffice it to say that I think you are exploring the power of the Dom/Sub dialectic as a form of social and psycho-analysis very well. I don't know how often you hear people tell you that in a fanfic forum... but you are hearing it today. Usually I blast right by most Harry/Harem sex-slave stories - maybe read a chapter for a wank, then move on to something better with a plot.

    One of the things I really like about your work, is the distinction being drawn between the way Harry and McClaggen treated Hermione. It illustrates the critical difference between a loving relationship and an abusive one - regardless of the B&D context.

    I know some people might moan because they thought Harry was manipulating Hermione and being "evil" too, but let's look at the difference. Harry used a little magic to make Hermione feel a little extra happy when he praised her, and to be truthful to him and herself, so that she would give herself to him willingly. McClaggen tried to use magic to take away any true feelings of happiness so that she might become a real slave - in every sense of the word.

    As I see it, the magical manipulations are a literary device to literalise what we really try to do to each other in relationships. As humans, we try to be honest to ourselves and each other and make happy those who we love, and we make miserable and deny the truth of those who we merely wish to possess and control.

    As an occasional writer of Potter-romance myself, it's also interesting to compare how the Magical Dom/Sub dialectic resolves some of the same personality/character interaction issues and goals which I explore with other magical literary devices and psychoanalytic models.

    Finally, in regards to my views re: Ron's persona, my views have hardened a lot since I first read Deathly Hallows 7 years ago. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, even though I knew that the conclusion of the Potter series was "incorrect" (though it is probably my all-time favourite book series next to Narnia and Middle-Earth). When Rowling finally admitted that she blundered, I was able to admit myself all of the terrible problems which I saw with the pairing from a psychological and a literary perspective.

    However, please take note, what I'm actually telling you is that I LIKE your version of Ron much better than Rowling's. Plus, you solved a hurdle for me by not pairing Hermione with Ron and forcing her to put up with his abuse. You killed two birds with one stone by "giving" Luna to Ron. He's not an asshole to Hermione in your fic, and Hermione is Harry's - the way it was supposed to be.

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  • From ANON - Chrryb on September 03, 2014
    This. This made me so happy
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  • From ANON - anon on September 02, 2014
    Your anonymous reviewer reads again! Now I'm glad that she broke through though I'm not sure how she did so. I think Snape made a massive mistake in not informing Harry of the details. Primarily because the necklace overrode everything and was pulling Hermione to follow Cormac. By all intents and purposes, she shouldn't have been able to break free. Even with Harry's help, she had to summon the will to give herself to him (which wouldn't have pleased Cormac). For the scenario, I'd have expected something a fair bit more violent (forcing Cormac to free her immediately) or even predatory (Harry taking Hermione with her barest consent). In lieu of either, I'd guess the next step would be a bit of smut. Not all is perfect in the world, but Hermione again serves by her own will. A bit of vanilla sex would probably be appropriate right about now.
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  • From ANON - Craven on September 01, 2014
    I'm not normally into s/m per se, yet your story is not only well written but moves at an amazing pace. The smut scenes go well with the plot and even though its light it is still done well. i think the battle between harry and hermione is my favorite part, the way she fights her desires and the build up for that. So thank you and can't i wait for the next update.

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  • From ANON - Magda on September 01, 2014
    It will be stupid question, but when you said 'the end', did you mean THE END? Like the end of story? Becous really - you can't do this to me, please (yes, I'm begging!)! I love this story, I need to know what will happen next.
    Please, please, please! Don't stop writing this story!

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  • From Matt01 on September 01, 2014
    After nearly a year, you leave us with an excellent cliffhanger...

    But in all honesty (and this is coming from the heart with no bs or joking around) you have done something that you as a writer, but more importantly as a person, you should be very proud of yourself. For you to stick with a book and writing it to the point is at, take a very special team. It shows that both of you have dedicated nearly a year of your own, blood, sweat, tears, time and every other emotion you can think of.

    If you wish to, your more then welcome to send me an email, at
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  • From ANON - justheretoread on August 31, 2014
    Frist time writing a review. I got to say, this is one of the best stories on here that combines smut, good story telling, a mastery of language and pacing, and characterization that make sense. I especially love how Ron wasn't turned into an asshole and Snape and Draco are still jerkish despite being on Harry's side. I can't wait for the sequel.
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